What is the difference between the wind turbine industry in Denmark and in the US and what is especially interesting for the authors in the paper?
Denmark: Bricolage –> old farms have one or two wind turbines (old and new), imporvised construction
USA: Breakthrough –> big wind turbine parks next to the highways, constructed by the state
Nevertheless the wind turbine industry is more succesfull in Denmark than in the US
Why is wind turbine industry in Denmark more succesful than in the US?
Denmark: feed-back loop, learn from each other, producing electriciy by wind turbines is subsidized by the state
USA: big state funded research, no interaction with people, building wind turbine parks is subsidized by the state
What does the term bricolage in this context mean?
Def.: build something using what is avavailable at place
Feed-back loop, social interaction with the performance of the technology
Incremental development, not a everything-at-once approach
What is the relation between society and tehnology adressed in this paper?
How can you support or hinder technological innovation
What is the central argument of the paper?
Starting point is not the individual innovator, but the people who use the technology
What are examples of bricolage or breakthrough in AI
Bricolage: Open source code, depends on licences and quality of open source
Breakthrough: ChatGPT, set online by OpenAI without iterative approach (reinforcement learning and updates according to user experience)
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