What are the levels of biological organisation and ecology subdisciplines?
Ecophysiology (aut-ecology): individual organisms
Population Ecology: population(s) within species
Community Ecology: biological communities = interacting species at a location
Biogeochemistry: the entire earth as ecosystem incl. marine chemistry, geology, sedimentology
What are the costs and benefits of sexual vs. asexual reproduction?
By the way of asexual reproduction every individual can produce offspring whilst through sexual reproduction only females can produce eggs and produce offspring (aka twofold cost of sex).
What are typical population structures? What is the general population structure?
Age distribution: individuals of age x are called cohort e.g. in age distribution of cod
Size distribution: individuals of a certain size make up a sizegroup
—> additional population structure by maturity or sex
General observation: many small/young ones, few large/old individuals
Why do young/small individuals dominate?
Mortality accumulates with age/size class;
often mortality rates are highest at young age (e.g. sea turtle and humboldt squid (—> live fast die young).
What is the difference between r (reproduction) or K (capacity) selected species? Give marine examples.
Refers to major life-history trade off: either population growth rate (r) or standing biomass (K) can be maximized.
High r, low K: diatoms
low r, high K: kelp
What are Iteroparity and Semelparity?
Iteroparity: several reproductive events throughout the livetime of the species (majority of invertebrates, macroalgae, marine vertebrates).
Semelparity: only one reproductive event, then death, terminal investment (some salmon, cephalopods, often >20% weight gains (—> relevant for matter fluxes to the deep ocean).
What is the darwinian demon?
Impossible to maximize fecundity, longevity, growth, survival.
There are always trade offs that constrain allocation to either function.
Resource aquisition —> total resources to organism —> fecundity / growth / maintenance / longevity / defence.
Darwinian demon is hypothetical organism that embodies the ultimate in evolutionary fitness => should illustrate trade-offs and constraints that real organisms face in evolution
What are the three major reproductive strategies of fish? Give examples.
Periodic: Low parental care, many offspring, mature late (yellow surgeonfish)
Equilibrium: High parental care, few offspring, mature late (sleeper shark)
Opportunistic: Low parental care, few offspring, mature early (Jewett’s dwarfgoby)
What are the traits of marine metapopulations?
Network of local populations that are interconected by migration or propagule transport (resulting in gene flow).
(Extreme result of metapopulations: deep sea vents, e.g. Bathymodiolus spp.).
What are vectors that enhance dispersal of marine species?
ballast water of ships
aquaria trade
How does community assembly work and what are the filters that are involved?
What arethe differences between the fundamental niche and the realized niche?
fundamental niche: environmental factors that an organism can tolerate -> grpwth/survival determined by abiotic factors
realized niche: including biotic factors like competition and predation -> growth survival determined by abiotic factors and biological interactions
What is the difference between exponential growth and logistic growth of a population curve?
Logistic growth introduces a capacity term (K) that resembles the carrying capacity of the target population in the particular environment
What is a biological community?
Concept of biocoenosis -> co-occurring species at a location (habitat), which are interacting with one another
-> focus of studies in community ecology is mostly structure/composition and species interactions
-> ecosystem ecology -> energy and matter fluxes
What are the different species interaction types? Give marine examples.
competition (mythilus and limpets)
predation (sharks and seals)
mutualism (clown fish and anemone,coral polyp and endosymbiontic dinoflagellates)
parsitism (crustaceans living in fish gills/on the skin/Cyanophages infecting synechococcus)
commensalism (barnacles living on crabs/pilot fish and reef sharks)
What are the most common objects of competition in marine habitats?
-> resources:
nutrients (plants)
food (animals)
settlement space (benthic)
What is a keystone species? Give an example.
A keystone species is a predatory species that keeps an herbivor from decimating dominating plant species.
e.g. seastars in rocky intertidals
What is the gleaner/opportunist trade off?
opportunists can reach higher growth rates than gleaners at the same resource concentrations
gleaners reach R* quicker than opportunists (R* = resource concentartion level above which net growth is possible)
-> trade off: either reach high maximal growth rates or live in low resource environments
What is the paradox of the richness?
Which kind of competition is more intense, intra- or interspecific?
Intraspecific interactions, as individuals of the same species have very similar resource demands
-> sticklebacks with different feeding behavior have different gill rakers, when species with different gill rakers are living together length divides into two extremes (long and short), when in in solitude gill rakers are roughly the same for all
What is the modern concept of the ecological niche?
n-dimensional hyperspace with as many dimensions n as there are factors/resources
What is the paradox of the plankton?
Many different species live and coexist in a uniform environment
What is the difference between interference competition and apparent competition
interference competition: direct fighting over resources/territory
apparent competition: indirect competition as two species serve as prey for a predator
What is the effect of biological/physical disturbance on competition in an ecosystem?
Competition is alleviated
What charcterizes foundational species/ecosystem engineers?
The most abundant (primary) producer in an ecosystem e.g. kelp, seagrass, corals, oyster
Give an example for a trophic cascade
kelp s eaten by sea urchin
sea urchin is eaten by sea otter
sea otter is eaten by orca (an human)
-> when sea otter population declined due to intense predation sea urchin population grew and decimated kelp (foundational species)
-> hunting ban on sea otter
-> didn’t help because humans intensified cod fishing thereby taking important food source from orca
-> orca intensified predation on sea otter
-> sea otter population declined
-> sea urchin population increased
-> kelp decimated
How is increasing atmospheric CO2 affecting the carbonate chemistry parameters, and why?
TA: no effect, CO2 is not a proton donor/acceptor
DIC: increase as pCO2 is part of DIC
pCO2: increase
pH: decrease, CO2 + H2O -> HCO3- + H+
[HCO3-]: increase (for now)
[CO32-]: decrease, CO2 + H2O + CO32- -> 2HCO3-
How is photosynthesis/respiration affecting the carbonate chemistry parameters, and why?
TA: slight increase, formation of POM
DIC: slight decrease, CO2 is taken up
pCO2: slight decrease, CO2 is taken up
pH: slight increase, CO2 is taken up
[HCO3-]: slight decrease, HCO3- is taken up
[CO32-]: slight increase, pH shifts due to uptake of CO2
(for resoiration it is the exact opposite)
important reactions:
CO2 + H2O -> CH2O + O2
HCO3- + H2O -> CH2O + OH- + O2
CH2O + O2 -> CO2 + H2O
H+ + NO3- + H2O -> NH3 + 2O2
NH4+ -> NH3 + H+
How is calcification/CaCO3 dissolution affecting the carbon chemistry parameters, and why?
TA: decrease
DIC: decrease
pCO2: slight increase
pH: slight decrease
[HCO3-]: slight decrease
[CO32-]: slight decrease
(for CaCO3 it is the exact opposite)
Ca2+ + 2HCO3- -> CaCO3 + CO2 + H2O
CaCO3 + CO2 + H2O -> Ca2+ + 2HCO3-
Whiich carbon species are used in calcfication?
What is the Redfield-Ketchum-Richards-Model?
106CO2 + 16NO3- + HPO42- + 18H+ + 122H2O
(CH2O)106 + (NH3)16 + H3PO4+ 138O2
Primary production ->
Respiration <-
What are DOM and POM
DOM = all OM that passes through a GF/F filter (pore size: 0.7/0.45/0.2µm)
POM = all OM that stays on such a filter
-> DOM combines DOC, DON and DOP
Which pool is bigger, DOC or POC?
What are lability categories of DOC?
labile (LDOC): minutes - days
semi-labile (SLDOC): weeks - months
semi-refractory (SRDOC): years - centuries
refractory (RDOC): centures - millenia
What are the sources and sinks of DOM?
direct exudation (uptake of excess C)
viral lysis
POM degradation
bacterial consumption/degradation
What is TEP and what is it’s most important effect?
TEP = transparent exopolymer particles
increases the stickiness of particles
What is DOC?
all organic C which passes through a GF/F filter with 0.7µm
90% of DOM is chemically uncharactericed
DOC is the primary source in the microbial loop
most of the DOM is old (>100 years) and refractory
Surface ocean DOC concentrations can vary (70-100 µmol/L), deep ocean conc. are rather stable (40-50 µmol/L)
What is the predator:prey size ratio range iin the ocean?
1:1 up to 15:1
What are the conditions of the Hardy-Weinberg-Equilibrium? What leads to departures from it?
Diploid organisms
Sexual Reproduction
Random Mating with respect to genotype
Random union of gametes
Discrete, non-overlapping generations
Very large populations
No migration
No population structure
No natural selection
Two alleles
Identical allele frequences in both sexes
HWE is disturbed by:
Assortative mating
Natural selection
Population structure
What is the inbreeding coefficient (Fis)? What are typiical values for F_is?
Fixation Index (F):
proportion by which heterozygosity is reduced or increasedrelative to the heterozygosity of a population at HW-equilibrium wiith the same allele frequencies
Typical values are around zero (a little bit higher)
What is a locus in the genetic sense?
Any location in the genome: gene, single base pair, microsatelite
What is an Allele?
The variants at a locus (polymorphic when more than one)
What is a genotype?
Set of alleles possessed by an indvidual (at one locus or several loci)
What is a phenotype?
an organisms observable attribute (morphological, developmental, biochemical, physiological, behavioral)
How is the Genotype frequency calculated?
N_AA: 3
N_aa: 2
N_Aa: 4
f_AA = 3/9 = 0.33
f_aa = 2/9 = 0.22
f_Aa= 4/9 = 0.44
f_Genotype = N_Genotype/N_All
How is the Allele Frequency calculated?
f_A = p = 2N_AA + NAa / 2N = fAA + f_Aa / 2
f_a = q = 1-p
f_A = 0.33 + 0.44 / 2 = 0.55
f_a = 0.22 + 0.44 /2 = 0.44
What influences F_is?
Mating strategies
Self fertilization
Mate choice
How does the Wright-Fisher Model work?
It describes the dynamics of genetic variation within a population over time
It makes several assumptions:
Finite population size
Non-overlapping generations
Random mating
Equal fitness
No mutation
helps to understand how genetic diversity changes in anpopulation under different conditions e.g. population size, migration and selection
What is the effective populatioin size (N_e)? What can influence it?
The number of individuals that would produce the same amount of drift as the observed population
In contrast to the census size
Influenced by:
change in population size
Variance in reproductive success (common in marine species)
Uneven breeding sex ratios (the less frequent sex can be seen as an allelic bottle neck)
If drift causes all alleles to eventually be fixed or lost, why do we have diversity?
-> Mutation
Drift decreases variability
Mutation increases variability
What is the chance for Mutation in eucrayotes?
Typically 10^-7 - 10^-9
What is F_st?
Most common way to measure population subdivision
The degree to which random mating (HW) xpectatioins for the frequencies of heterozygotes are not met
values closer to 0 point towards low levels of subdivision ehile values vloser to 1 point towards higher levels of subdivision
What is the biggest problem of population structure?
Populations aren’t real, species are commonly continuously distributed
What is linkage disequilibrium in population genetics?
The non-random association of alleles at two or more loci
Two homologous chromosomes in diploids(except in the gamets which are haploid)
Each chromosome has two dentical sister chromatides
Chromosomes exchange short segments
happens in the germline during meiosis
Breaks down with physical distance
What is the effect of maintanance costs on biomass production?
20% of maintanance cost reductioin can lead to 100% biomass increase after 10 years
What is the role of uncoupling proteins in the mitochondrial cell wall?
Release protons into the mitochondrial matrix without ATP production (induced proton leak)
to generate heat (brown adipose tissue)
to avoid accumulation of oxygen radicals that harm molecules in the cell
Proton leaks are costly -> substrate is oxidized but no ATP is produced
Why is energy necessary to keep a resting cell alive?
Fight agains entropy!
Creating an ordered environment through integuments and epithelia
However, membranes are not 100% tight, there always is some leakage and transport proteins have to restore order
How do marine organisms deal physiologically with changing environmental conditions (e.g. salinity)?
In order to sustain and regulate crucial parameters in blood or cytosol marine organisms use feedback loops
e.g. body temperature
Why is a constant pH in cells so important? How is it maintained?
Enzymatic reactions are often very sensitive to pH changes (e.g. phosphofructokinase duriing glycolysis)
to keep homeostasis in changing salinity you need to use ATP
Sodium proton exchange (uses Na gradient provided by Na-K-ATPase)
Sodium Potassium ATPase (uses ATP)
Why are dynamic energy budgets usefull concepts?
Tools to better understand energy fluxes within organisms
incorporated energy loss during trophic transfer and their variation related to assimilation efficiency (10-80%), physical activity, as well as somatic and reproductive maintainance costs
What is somatic and reproduction maintenance?
Energy needed to keep organisms/gonad tissue alive
How do sharks regulate their ion concentrations?
Through the gills:
V-H+-ATPase (proton pump)
Enzyme is located in vesicles that can be transferred into plasma membrane
soluble adenylyl cyclase (sAC) produces intracellular messenger cAMP (using ATP) -> is induced by HCO3-
CO2 is transported from the blood into the cell adn converted intoHCO3- by carbonic anhydrase
The higher the [HCO3-] the higher the sAC activity
What processes other than active transport contribute to cellular maintenance?
disffusion. most dissolved substances diffuse at speeds of 50µm/s
typical eukaryotic cells are about 10-20µm in diameter
compartimentalization of substances
bufferiing of ATP concnetratioins vi phospagen systems
What are the cellular processes of marine animals with the highest energy demand?
Proteinbiosynthesis and ion regulation (exceed 50-60% of total energy demand
What does it mean when you say that protein synthesis costs have a maintenence component?
Not all protein synthesized is retained as growth. The recycling and replacement of damged/ poor quality proteins relative to the amount of protein synthesized gives you the efficiency of protein retention
-> cephalopods: up to 90%
-> teleosts: up to 40%
That also leads to different energy expanditure of protein synthesis
-> cephalopods: 35-51%
-> teleosts: 24-42%
What factors can change cellular energy allocation processes?
Abiotic stress e.g. increased pCO2
most energy used in protein synthesis and ion transport
protein turnover rate increases with higher stress, body protein content stays the same
What is Q10, what are its typical values and what is it used for?
Change in rate of function. (e.g. enzyme activiity, metabolic rate) over 10°C increase in temperature
typical values. are between 2 and 3 (e.g. 2-3 times higher metabolic rate)
used as a rough proxy for responses to temperature (makes things comparable)
How do rates of enzymes and biological rates on organismic levels behave relatiive to temperature?
-> Arrhenius equation (exponental increase)
Define these terms:
Phenotypic plastcity
Acclimatization: natural, multi-factorial: light, temperature, biotic factors
Acclimation: artficial: one fcator, i.e. temperature)
Phenotypic plasticity (physiological features of a given genotype can be flexible, can be regulated in response to outside stimul such as abiotic stress)
Adaptatioin (different genotypes can evolve, e.g. with mutatioins in DNA that produce a fitness advantage)
How fast can animals acclimate and what are the mechanisms?
-> within a day! (diel thermal cycles)
expression of different genes
high mobility group proteins help stabilize other proteins during heat stress (chaperone function)
What are the effects of temperature on membranes?
Membranes need to be in fluid state
low temperature amkes membranes stiff, high ttemp. more fluid
membrane disruption may be a major cause of heat death
normal fluidity is enabled by homeoviscous adaptation
a higher degree of unsaturation makes membranes more fluid
enzymes that catalyze changes in fatty acid composition = desaturases
very important: delta^9-desaturase incorporates first double bond into stearic/ palmitic acid
What are the processes that are affected during seasonal thermal acclimation
gene expression and protein biosynthesis
enzyme activities (enzymes can be turned on/off)
ultrastructural modificatioins: membranes, mitochondria, muscle fibres
heart and metabolic rates
What is assisted evolution?
The acceleration of naturally occuring evolutionary processes to enhance certain traits (climate resilience related)
-> domestication of animals and plants
-> Crisper/Cas genome editing
How do mutations change a population?
mutatoins that happen by chance -> evolutoin
change in nucleotide sequence that potentially bring advantage
if advantageous it will increase its frequency in a population
What is natural selection?
survival of the fittest; bring about local adaptatioin
fittest in the sense: the best adapted to teh current environmental pressures
fittest meaning the one producing the most offspring
or select ourself
so in respect to AE - we want to take advantage of sites that already select for higher coral resilience e.g. in terms of thermal tolerance
conflicting selection pressures
What is gene flow?
the movement of alleles from one population to another
source of genetic diversity
it matters - in assisted migration, if you want to migrate within their natural range
so in respect to AE - we ideally want to make sure to have populations conected to spread novel adapted genotypes between populations
What is genetic drift?
stochastic event
cause random fluctuations in allele frequencies
leads to the loss of genetic diversity e.g. bottleneck effect
can overwhelm natural selection, in particular in small populations
we can hardly infere and only overcome by a large population size
What is the founder effect?
ttype of genetic drift
when a few individuals are geographically isolated and establish a new population
can result in low genetic or genotypic diversity
often captive populatioins or nurseries come from a limiited number of founding individuals
also relevant for AE
What is inbreeding?
increases homzygosity
when homozygosity increases lethal alleles may be expressed
reach a dip in fertility/biological fitness = inbreeding depression
however, e.g. highly inbred plants often do not show inbreeding depressioin n a later life stage
not known for corals, if it has inbreeding depressioin, even if we see high inbreeding values and we do not know whether it has a fertility effect
What is outbreeding?
can be within (very distant population) or between species
more fit: hybrid vigor
less fit: outbreeding depression - you bring genes together that do not work well; often observed in the second or third generations
no indication in corals, but hard to test
Order these approaches for assisted evolution fro least to most intense:
Induce acclimatization
Modification of microbial symbiont communities
Selective breeding
Evolution of Symbiodinium
Pre-condition > generations of natural stocks to various environmental conditions
Inoculate early coral life stages with stress tolerant microbial symbionts
Select stocks using ambient environment, genetic markers or species ID; Cross Stocks
Mutagenesis and selection through experimental evolution; inoculate coral early life stages
How do Silicification and Calcificatioin work?
Building material: Silicium Si4+, iin water as silicic acid, Si(OH)4
Product: Opal, amorphus silica, biogenic siilica (BSi), SiO2*nH2O
Reaction: Si(OH)4 + Si(OH)4 <—> (OH)3Si-O-Si(OH)3 + H2O
Bulding material: Calcium, Ca2+ and carbonate, CO32-
Product: Calcium carbonate, CaCO3, aragonite, calcite, high-Mg calcite
Reactions: Ca2+ + CO32- <—> CaCO3
Ca2+ + 2HCO3- <—> CaCO3 + H2O + CO2
How are Si and Ca suplied to the ocean?
By weathering of carbonates and silicates:
CO2 + H2O + CaCO3 -> Ca2+ + 2HCO3
2CO2 + 3H2O + MgSiO3 -> Mg2+ + 2HCO3 + H4SiO4
What are the rates of global Silicificatioin and Si-export? Who contributes the most?
Global ocean silicification:
240 x 10^12mol Si/yr = 240 Tmol/yr
Global ocean export:
120 x 10^12 mol Si/yr = 120 Tmol/yr
95% are made up by diatoms
Who are the major silcifiers in the ocean?
Silico flagellates
Silicifying sponges
What does the diatom life cycle look like?
A parent cell divides and passes down its hypo- and epitheca
for each a new hypotheca is formed
thus one doughter cell has the same size of the parent cell while the other one is smaller
at a certain size limit the smaller cell goes into sexual reproduction
How are diatoms build?
Hypotheca (smaller) and Epitheca (larger)
How is silicic acid distributed in the worlds oceans (surface and deep ocean)?
Most of the ocean has small amounts (0-15µmol)
Higher concentratoins in Arctic (20-40µmol) and Southern Ocean (up to 75µmol)
Deep Ocean
increase with the THC (Ocean conveyor belt)
Low in North Atlantic, high in North Pacific
Why do the vertical profiles of SiO2 and PO43-/NO3 differ from each other?
Dissoluton of biogenic silica is slow compared to remineralization of organic matter -> SiO2 shows more curvature
Where do you find high opal export?
Opal export is high in areas of high surface layer silicic acid concentrations -> Southern Ocean
Where do you find opal rich sediments?
Opal accumulatioin in sedments is a functoin of export fluxes and dissolution
Atlantc: low to moderate fluxes, high dissolutioin rates due to low deep water Si(OH)4
Pacific: Low to high fluxes, lower dissolution rates due to high deep water (Si(OH)4
Southern Ocean: high fluxes, high deep water Si(OH)4 allow for opal preservation
Name different Measurements of diversity
Species richness (number of species, abundance is not taken into account)
Diversity indices
Simpson/Shannon-Wiener Index (Combination of species richness and contribution of species)
Pielou’s Evenness (Disttributioin of species)
What are the strengths and weaknesses of the Simpsons and the shannon-Wener Index?
Robust for small sample szes
Less sensittive to species richness
Heavily weighted towards the most abundant species iin the sample
Shannon -Wiener:
Sensitve to small sample sizes and speciies richness
What is the difference between regional and local diversity?
Local diversity: Alpha diversity
Regional diversity: Gamma diversity
Differenc ebetween local patches: Beta diversity
-> alpha + beta = gamma
What are the mechanisms that are regulating regional and local diversity?
Regional diversity:
Species sorting/ Speciation
Local diversity:
Random extinction
Local species interactions
Dispersal from Regional diversity
What is the effect of immigration and extinction on resident species richness (S)?
S increases with increasing extinction rates and decreases with increasing immigration rates
What is R* in ecology?
The point of resource availability where you start having net growth
When two species compete the one wiith the lower R* usually wins
Coexistance is only possible through resource partitioining (species having lowest R*for different resources)
How can it work that in nature more species coexist than resources are available?
Dispersal can mediate competive exclusioin and enhance diversity as local habitats are not closed but connected by dispersal
Four perspectives of species coexistance through dispersal
species sorting: species coexist regionally along environmental gradients
mass effects: soecies coexist locally by source-sink dynamics
patch dynamics: species coexist via a competition-colonization trade-off (better competitors are inferior colonizers and vice versa) -> also relates to the intermediate disturbance hypothesis (max. diversity at medium disturbance)
neutral perspective: species are assumed being ecologically similar and coexist by pure stochasticity
What are the biggest drivers of extinctions?
Land/sea use change
Direct exploitation
Climate change
Invasive alien species
(mostly in this order of magnitude from most to least intense)
What are the consequences of a diversity loss for ecosystem functions?
Ecosystem functions: resource capture, biomass production, decomposition, nutrient recycling)
-> increases with biological diversity (variation in genes, species, functional traits)
What is the complementarity effect/selection effect?
Complementary effect:
Species are limited by different resources -> stable coexistance
Niche partitioning because each species has lowest R* for a different resource
Complementarity in resource use
Selection effect:
Species are limited by the same resource -> Best competitor (with lowest R*) regulates ecosystem functioning
Competitive exclusion
How important is diversity compared to environmental factors?
Above the threshhold of 40% species lost, diversity is equally important than environmental factors for the functioning of ecosystems
Ultimately it is the given set of coexisting species and traits that process. the available resources into the realized productivity which, among others, we consider as ecosystem functioning
Describe the Symbiosis-Concept
-> the lving together of differently named organisms (de Bary, 1879)
————> Infectivity
At least one partner benefits from the other
The partners share physical space, no evidence for benefit or detriment
One partner benefits to the detriment of the other
Coexistence <————-
Where do you find “oases of life “ in an oligotrophic ocean?
deep sea hydrothermal vents
coral reefs
How can animal metabolism benefit from bacterial metabolism?
Anaerobic respiration
-> can enhance/complement the aerobic respiration and fermentation of animalm metabolism
Give examples for symbiosis as a driver of innovation
Trophosome tissue in Riftia pachyptila at hydrothermal vents (16% of animals net weight is bacteria, 10^10-10^11/g cell density)
Extensive digestive tubules of sea slugs
Gland of Deshayes in wood-boring bivalves
Greatly expanded extracellular matrix of high microbial abundance sponges (microbes contribute up to one third of the animals biomass)
How does phototrophic coral symbiosis work?
Corals and Zooxanthellae (Sybiodinium sp.)
Symbionts provide CO2 to the coral host
Whatta re the functions of sponge symbionts?
Nitrogen-assimilation (recycling of ammonia)
Carbon-assimilation (“symbiotic heterotrophy”)
Chemical defenses
Defense against foreign DNA
What is a microorganismß
BNacteria & Archeae ~ prokaryotes; no nucleus, no organelle
Eukaryotes: have nucleus and cell organelles (mitochondrium, chloroplast)
comprise the three domains of life: bacteria. archeae, eukarya
What characterizes the deep ocean?
absence of light
high pressures. ~1atm/10m
toxic chemistry (e.g. hydrogen sulfide)
temperature extremes (0-400°C)
high inorganic nutrient concentrations
energy limitation (photo vs. chemosynthetic)
~75% of prokaryotic biomass
How is the oceanic environment divided in terms of depth?
Epipelagic: surface - 200m
Mesopelagic: 200-1000m (dim light); water-mass residence times ~ decades
Bathypelagic: 1000-4000m; water-mass residence times ~ centuries
Abyssopelagic > 4000m
How does the microbial carbon pump work?
DOM from Plankton
Bacteria and Archeae break it down into rDOM
Viruses kill microbes and thereby release DOM (viral shunt)
What is the role of the microbial loop in the enigmatic persistance of DOM in the ocean?
>1mg of DOM per litre of seawater
DOM pool also contains nitrogen, phosphorus, rion
observable DOM lifetime of 16.000 yrs
Microbial loopconverts up to 40 Pg C/yr
small fraction escapes immediate utilization - decomposes slowly and is transported by currentsacross the globe for 1000s of years
DOM is diversified through enzymatic reactions
freshly produced DOM is composed of polysaccharides, proteins, lipids, metabolic intermediates and DNA
deep-sea DOM has high level of molecular diversity, universal structural composition around the globe, low molecular mass (<1000Da)
minor fraction of DOM compounds is known
<20.000 molecular farmulae have been identified with FTICR-MS
What does the distribution of prokaryotic abundance in the dark water column look like?
mesopelagic ~ 25%
bathypelagic ~ 7%
of the mean prokaryotic abundance of the epipelagic zone
mesopelagic ~ 18%
bathypelagic ~ 2%
of the mean prokaryotic productivity of the epipelagic zone
-> abundance and productiivity decrease with depth
What are the dominant microbial metabolic processes along the depth gradient?
What are the different microbial lifestyles?
aerobic anoxygenic phototrophs
What are Piezophiles?
optimal growth rates > 10 MPa (Tolerate pressures as high as 100 MPa
likely originated from psychrophiles
mostly bacteria (5 genera)
first example of piezophiles archaeon in 2009
What are the differences between the two microbial lfestyles particle-attached (PA) and free living (FL)?
taxonomically & functionally diistinct from FA
higher uptake and exoenzyme production rates
copiotrophic lifestyle
motility genes
oxygenic, and aerobic anoxygenic photosynthesis, nitrogen fixation, proteorhodopsin based photoheterotrophy, heterotrophy,…
seasonality in microbial community composition
free enzyme strategy
temperature & depth drive community composition
oligotrophs dominate FA community
heterotrophy, mixotrophy, chemoautotrophy
attached enzyme strategy
important players in microbial loop
Explain how microbial lifestyles are named
chemo litho auto trophs
energy source
electron donor
carbon source
chemo = chemical reaction
litho = inorganic chemicals
auto = inorganic carbon
photo = electromagnetic radiation
organo = organic chemicals
hetero = organic carbon
What are the most relevant microbial pathways in the deep ocean? Are they from PA or FL?
inorganic carbon fixation
Calvin cycle, RuBisCo
nitrogen metabolism
methane/ammonia-monooxygenase A (FL)
sulfur metabolism
methane metabolism
hydrogen metabolism (PA)
Co-oxidation (cox) (FL)
What does the cell organisation of archeae look like?
no nucleus
no complex endomembrane system
circular genomes
highly diverse with respect to morphology
typical size 0.7-4µm
max. 100µm
min. 100-300µm
How do archeal envelopes differ from bacterial?
mydrophobic anschor associated with the lipid membrane
linked to pseudomurein or methanochondroitin (peptidogycan-like polymere)
What are the three superphyla of archeae? How many of the phyla have cultured representatives?
Six out of 27 proposed archaeal phyla have cultured representatives
What are the metabolic potentials of the three different archaeal superphyla?
closest to eukaryotes
conatin eukaryotic sgnature proteins
protein and cellulose degradation
CO2 fixation
limited genomic and molecular capabilities -> rely on interactions
What does the distribution of the main groups of planktonic archaea look like?
There is a mutualistic microbial interaction mediating nitrification. How does it work?
Ammonia oxidizing archeae can use cyanate/urea/NH3 and convert them into NO2- (40% of nitrificaton)
Nitrite oxidizing bacteria use the NO2- and convert it in to NO3- (1% of nitrification and high mortality rate)
efficient nitrite oxidizers have
Where is nitrification most prominent in the ocean? How do you get oxygen deficient zones?
Nitrification is a prominent biogeochemical process in the dark mesopelagic ocean
You get ODZs when anaerobic metabolc processes dominate; anamox and denitrification
How do you get OMZs? What does the nitrogen situatioin look like there?
poor ventilation
high export of OM from productive surface waters -> oxygen consumption through respiratiion
loss of fixed nitrogen due to denitrification and anammox
What is dark oxygen production?
Oxygen accumulates as a net balance of simultaneous oxygen production and oxygen consumption by ammonia oxidation
How does the biological carbon pump work? What are the impacts?
uptake of CO2 via photosynthesis
export of resulting organic C to the deep sea
consists of:
Mixing pump
Aggregate POC (Gravitational pump)
Fecal pellet POC (Gravitational pump)
Migrant pump
A) global climate dynamics
B) food security
C) all deep sea life
What is the overall relevance of the BCP export?
10.2 Pg C/yr export (25% of human CO2 emssions)
-> we have no idea how much of this is further exported by the BCP
atmospheric pCO2 would be 230ppm higher without the BCP
BCP sets the DIC gradient
BCP has an effect on the oceans oxygen content
-> 6% change in BCP could explain the oceanic O2 loss
What is the relevance of the biological gravitational pump?
Single dead phytoplankton cells sink very slowly and contribute little to passive flux
Marine snow formation via aggregation is a crucial component in flux generation
Animals contribute to passive flux mainly via fecal pellet fomration, but also as carcasses and via discarded exuviae and feeding structures. These sink “fast” but are more rare then aggregates
How does diel vertical migration work?
avoidance of optically oriented predators vs. food availability
organisms target a certain isolumen (depth of a certain light level)
physiological constraints also important (e.g. hypoxia tolerance)
About 30% od Meso-, Macrozooplankton and Nekton are migrating
The migrating planktonic biomass is 5x the biomass of the human
What is the relevance of the mesopelagic migrant pump?
Migrations into the mesopelagic (Zooplankton, Nekton) result in the export of carbon and other elements, ontogenetic seasonal migratioins also contribute
studies estimate that DVM flux is about 1/6 to 1/7 of the gravitational flux
Local studies find ratios between 0 an 1/1
What is flux attenuation? What are the drivers? What is its relevance?
Attenuation is the reduction of the passive gravitational flux through several processes:
microbial activity
zooplankton organisms “mining” particles
flux feeding
particle fragmentatioin (leads to lower sinking speeds)
What does a typical passive flux profile look like?
What are mesoscale features? What are the impacts?
Phenomena that are larger than individual weather systems or ocean eddies but smakler than global or regional scale
result from instabilities of the large scale circulation (eddies, filaments
(Sub)Mesoscale impacts on the biological pump?
productivity (PP to fish)
export associated with mesoscale features
Eddies and the paradox of the plankton
What are eddies?
Swirling rotating currents that occur in fluids such as the atmosphere and oceans. They are characterized by circular oor elliptical motion. They form spontaneously through the interactioin of different water masses or the interaction of currents with irregular coastlines or seafloor topography.
Cyclonic eddies:
anticklockwise rotation on northern hemisphere, clockwise on southern
sea-level depression and uplifting of isopycnals
Anticyclonic eddies:
clockwise rotation on northern hemisphere, anticlockwise on southern
sea-level rise and downward displacement of isopycnals
-> eddies forming at the eastern boundaries often migrate west (earth moves underneath them)
-> both types can be >2 years old
-> eddies are largest closer to the equator, but “no” eddies between 5°N and 5°S
-> eddies can also form in the wake of islands
What are filaments (Mesoscale features)?
extended streaks of water with different properties compared to surrounding water
upwelling filaments often form at capes
can lead to downwelling of upwelled nutrients
What are the impacts of eddies?
Nutrient supply and primary productivity also depend on mesoscale dynamics
mixing at eddy edges and other fronts
uplifting of pycnocline/nutricline in cyclones
Cyclones are generally more productive, anticyclones less productiive
Zooplankton and fish might aggregate at fronts
How does the frontal subduction pump work?
Frontal subduction at eddy edges and other frontal features can lead to rapid export
Frontal-subductiion pump could contribute 10% to the Biological Carbon Pump
Anticyclonic modewater eddies are formed as instabilities of subsurface currents
They are generally very productive
Different eddies can host different communities, that might even affect their biogeochemistry
What is the paradox of the plankton? How can it be explained?
Competetive exclusion principle -> number of species </=. number of resources
But, many different phytoplankton species co-exist on large scale
Two species competing for one resource, in a 2d model
Resource partitioning (in space and time -> different needs)
Temporal availability (fluctuations)
Predation and grazing (selective grazing pressures)
Interactions with physical environment (mixing, currents, turbulence -> heterogenous habitats
Wild fishery yields are stagnating. What does that mean for the wild fish stocks?
stagnation ≠ stability
wild fish stocks are continuously being exploited
What does fishing should look like if it was meant to be sustainable?
Fishing mortality (F) must be sustainable (F<F_MSY)
Stocks (B) have to be of sufficient size (B>B_MSY)
-> Catching more than what grows back = fishing mortality F too high
-> Stocks are too small (Spawning stock bomass B)
What is the shifting baselines problem? What does fishing down the food web mean?
Fish stocks as well as Fish used to be bigger:
A catch from 70 years ago was very different
Fishing down the food web means to first exploit the largest fish until yields are not lucerative anymore and then move further down to smaller species
Is aquaculture a sustainable alternative to wild capture fisheries?
Only 4.7 out of 82 Mio t of aquaculture production are real marine fish
fish feed is amde from wild capture fish
Why is it so relevant to understand marne food webs when talking about aquaculture?
There are many more trophic levels in the ocean:
small fish
large fish (this alone can include 2-4 trophic levels)
-> energy loss per trophic level is <90%
-> desired aquaculture fish need to be fed with smaller fish
-> efficient aquacultures have a fish-in/fish-out ratio of 3-5/1
-> omnivorous fish can be fed with entirely plant based protein (e.g. pangasius, carp)
Does aquaculture decrease pressure on wild fish populatioins?
Wild fish stocks need to be heavily overfished for aquaculture to become profitable
larvae/juvenile fish need to be taken from the wild
How can we save wild fish stocks?
farming other marine organisms like mussels and algae
Possible MSY catch from healthy stock can be much higher than todays yields -> but the populatioins need to recover first (e.g. herring after 1977)
Marine protected areas work
Regulatoin of amateur fishermen take out
What is the temporal mismatch hypothesis that was found in herring?
ideally, fish larvae hatch in synchrony wiith their food (phyto-/zooplankton blooms)
due to warmer winters, spawning happens earlier, leading to mismatch (phytoplankton is more light than temperature dependent)
high mortality in herrinng larvae as tehre is no food
What are the consequences of the overfishing of herring?
less cod
less harbour porpoise
less seals
less seabirds
more flatfish/sprat
What is the difference between non-indigenous-species (NIS) and invasive species?
NIS, non-native, alien or exotic species:
-> species that do not necessary cause any impact
Invasive species:
-> NIS which cause significant ecological, economical or health impact
What are the impacts of non-indigenous species?
disrupt ecosystems
alter biological diversity
change key pathways in important biogeochemical cycles
deteroratiion of ecosystem health
threatening jobs and industries due to increased maintenence cost
reduced efficiency/yield
Transmission of pathogens
What is the “good side” of NIS?
Possiibiilty for ecological and evolutionary studies:
high number of natural experiemnts across space and taxa
What does the conceptual model of invasion look like?
Stage 0: Source Region
Propagule pressure
Stage 1: Transportation
Physio-chemical tolerance
Biological interactiions
Stage 2: Introduction
Physico-chemical tolerance
Biological interactions
Stage 3: Establishment
What are the propagule and colonization pressures in the conceptual model of invasion?
Propagule pressures:
number of individuals of one speciies (population level)
number of individuals of more species (community level)
Colonization pressure
number of species (community level)
What are the different pathways and vectors of NIS?
Pathway: route between the source region of a NIS and its location of release (the route)
Vector: the manner in which species are carried along the pathway (the ship)
food and games
garden ornamentation
planes, ships, trains, trucks
Speed of vectors has increased dramatically (e.g. planes, modern ships)
Number of vectors and pathways increased greatly
What are the primary vectors of of introductions. to aquatic systems?
Ship ballast
deliberate release
unauthorized introduction
range extensioin
ship fouling
natural dispersal
recreational boating
What are the characteristic features of the microbial loop?
phytoplankton <20µm is responsible for the majority of primary production in the ocean
phytoplankton exude organic carbon (PER: 5-75%)
bacteria preferentially utilize released organic carbon
bacteria are grazed by nanoflagellates (HNF)
HNF are grazed by microzooplankton
Microzooplankton enters the food chain
What is the functioin of the microbial Loop-Link/Sink?
Active biomass, 40-70% of living carbon reservoir
Production of living biomass from dead biomass (DOM & detritus)
Diverting biomass to higher trophic level
Bacteria are responsible for most of the respiration (organic C into inorganic C)
Natural major source of CO2
What characterizes food chains?
3-4 levels in vascular plant based systems on average
5 levels in pelagic, plankton based, much higher max chain length (better food source)
Size classes
trrestrial system sspan fewer size classes -> shorter food chains
in terrestrial systems, herbivores can be much smaller tha their food
What makes marine food webs complex?
Microbial loop:
return DIC to grazing chain, system more closed nature
mixotrophs: same species at different TL simutaneously, hugher number of possible interactions at base of food web
Jelly food-chain:
span large size and food range -> complexity
More interactions than predator-prey:
Influence food web
Phycosphere (exsudates)
Saprotrophy -> external digestive enzymes -> affect nutrient availability
Mixotrophy: species can serve as 1ary producers or as herbivores
Hterotrophic nanoflagellates:
food web in food web
has been underestimated
can consist of 5 trophic levels themselves
predator-prey-size-ratio lower than often assumed -> affects energy transfere between trophic levels
Why is the length of trophic chains limited?
Assumption: predator-prey-size-ratio: 100:1 to 10:1
-> studies show that smaller size ratio can fit more trophic interactions into size range of prevelant species -> longer chains
What is the effect of omnivory on food chains?
species feed on different trophic levels/along trophic chains of different lengths -> assumed to stabilize the system (prey switching)
Why is omnivory ≠ generalist feeding?
Generalists can also only feed on 1 trophic level
Herbivores for instance (physiologically constrained to trophic level 1 as food source)
herbivores often exactly trophic level 1
What is intraguild predation?
Assumption: supresses intermediate consumers -> are excluded from system -> 1 predominant chain prevails -> discrete trophic levels, short chains, omnivory supressed
Predator feeds on 2 trophic levels, negatively affects intermediate predator by competition as well as predation
However: only temporary supression of omnivory in real systems
What do biomass and productiion look like in marine food chains?
Plankton ecosystem:
Pyramid of production (90% loss along trophic level)
because: turnover rate ~ body size(/TL) -> high PP
Annual mean bodymass: XXXXXXX: XXX: XXXXXXX (TL 1-3)
What does nekton production look like compared to primary production in different systems?
Nekton P = 0.000306 PP^1.653
Highly productive systems: high PP, high total NP
Nekton at TL3: high overall efficiency (only 3TL spanned in food web)
Low ecological efficiency between individual levels
Available energy is sufficient, no high efficiency needed
Oligotrophic systems: low PP, low NP
Nekton at TL4
Low overall efficiency, higher efficiency between levels (necessary to maintain higher TL at all)
Total available energy limited
Energy has to pass more TL before reaching nekton (becuase microbial loop dominates)
What are the different ways to quantify trophic levels?
longest chain, shortest chain
flow based (relative importance of food sources, most informative)
What are the methods used for the quantification of an organisms diet?
Gut content analysis
stable isotopes (need to know signature of prey)
qPCR (not biased by differential digestion)
ususally: more easy seperable prey at higher TL
Explain the Energy constraint hypothesis by Pimm 1982 and the ecosystem size and the productivity space hayptheses by Schoener 1989
Energy constraint hypothesis
Discarded, longer food chains in oligotrophic systems (paradox of richness)
Ecosystem size hypothesis
Large ecosystems sustai long trophic chains, higher TL-max
Large systems can sustain large predators, which roam larger volumes to meet their energetic requirements
Productivity space hypothesis
Large product of size and productivity -> long chains
What does a trophic structure look like?
Initial assumption: 15N-enrichment constant along TL
However, narrowing with increasing TL -> can fit more TL in same range of delta-15N-values -> long time underestimation of number of TL determined by stable isotopes
What does the chemical and energetic efficiency of terrestrial and pelagic food webs look like?
Terrestrial systems:
primary producers driven by light, water and nutrient competition (shade competitors, extend root system) -> supporting tissues required
-> polymers recalcitrant for animals, void of nutrients
-> shorter chains
Pelagic systems:
Dilute medium, diffusive nutrient transport
-> small organisms
less nutrient limitation _> less competition/protection, more nutritious tissue
longer chains
What are the most important principles when it comes to food chain length and trophic levels?
Should be highest in oligotrophic systems, contradicting energy constraint hypothesis
Prevalence of weak links reduces maximal food chain legth
Ecological efficiency should be higher than 10% to explain fish production (because more TL than previously assumed)
How do marine bacteria take up substrate from the water column?
Break polymeres into smaller subunity (has to be smaller than 500Da to be taken up by cell)
-> 1Da = 1/12 of the mass of a free 12C isotope
Hydrolytic extracellular enzymes cleave large organic molecules outside the cell to make them smaller
Ectoenzyme: Any enzyme found outside or on the outer surface of a cell
Exoenzyme: Any enzyme secreted by a cell into the extracellular medium
How do Michaelis-Menten-Kinetics work?
E + [S] <—> [ES] -> E + [P]
Affinity Reaction Velocity
V = Rate of substrate conversion -> Vmax x [S] / Km + [S]
What is the relevance of OM degradation for biogeochemical cycling/dissolution of BSi?
Acceleratted dissolution of silica from diatom frustules after bacterial degradation of organic surface (proteases)
Bacteria mediated silicon regeneration my thus critically control diatom productivity and the cycling and fate of silicon and carbon in the ocean
What is the role of the microbial food web for nutrient recycling?
-> Uptake and regeneration of nutrients in the photic zone
Marine bacteria:
consume both organic (e.g. AA) and inorganic (e.g. NH4+) nitrogen
regenerate ammonium
compete with autotrophs for nutrients
can synthesisze amino acids from both inorganic nitrogen (de novo) and combined amino acids
Ammonium is released during the process of ammonification (=the catabolic breakdown of amino acids); fuels regenerated primary production
whether ammonium is taken up or released depends on the C:N ratio of organic matter (C:Ns) and the bacterial growth efficiency
How do phytoplankton and bacteria compete?
The addition of labile carbon (glucose) reduced phytoplankton biomass as a result of stimulated bacterial competition for mineral nutrients
-> Marine bacteria recycle nitrogen but can also be strong competitors for inorganic nutrients
What are the different size classes of organic matter?
Marine organic matter
Dissolved OM (DOM) -> <0.7µm
High molecular weight -> >1kDa
Low molecular weight -> <1kDa
Particulate OM (POM) -> >0.7µm
What does the DOM composition in the ocean look like?
Sugars and amino acids are the major known components of marine OM
~90% of DOM are chemically uncharacterized
Deep-Sea OM contains less known biochemicals than surface OM
High-molecular Weight (HMW) compounds contain more known biochemicals than Low-Molecular-Weight (LMW) compounds
Where do we find old/young DOM? Which one one is preferrably used by bacteria?
Fresh DOC is on average younger than deep water DOC
Deep water DOC is largely very old
Fresh DOC does not reach the Deep-Sea to a significant degree
BUT: DOC from glaciers is old and bioavailable -> preservation of labile DOC in ice
Bacteria prefere young DOC, but not exclusively
What C-source do bacteria need to grow?
Bacterial growth increased with the addition of freshly produced organic matter, glucose and DFAA(=dissolved free amino acids)
What are the turnover times of the different types of DOM?
Labile DOC - minutes to days
Semilabile DOC - weeks to months
Semi-Refractory DOC - years to centuries
Refractory DOC - centuries to millennia
What are the facts about labile DOC (LDOC) in the ocean?
Global ocean inventory: <0.2 GtC
Labile compunds are present in nM concentrations; e.g. free amino acids, simple surgars
Although concentrations are low, high fluxes of labile DOM can support a large portion of bacterial growth
Labile DOC does not accumulate in seawater owing to rapid bacterial tturnover
Absence/low availability of labile DOC often limits bacterial growth
What is the situation of Semilabile DOC in the surface ocean?
Seasonally accumulated surface DOC resistant to surface bacterioplankton
Removed on timescales of weeks once exported to the mesopelagic
Dissolved combined neutral sugars (DCNS) enriched in SLDOC
Which one is more aundant, SDOC or LDOC, and why?
SDOC is more abundant than LDOC (SDOC accumulates)
SDOC can be related to total DOC concentration
How can SLDOC be used to determine microbial activity?
Uronic acids (URA) were identified as a major component of combined carbohydrates (CCHOO) (20-40%) -> biomarker
What are the facts about Semilable DOC (SLDOC) in the ocean?
Global ocea inventroy: 6 Gt C
Resists rapid bacterial degradation
Observable in the euphotic zone as the seasonal variability in DOC concentrations
Largely exported to the upper mesopelagic zone (<500m), where it supports the microbial loop
Enriched in components of HMW; mainly polysaccharides and polypeptides
What are the facts about refractory DOC (RDOC) in the ocean?
Global ocean inventory: 630 Gt C
~40µM refractory DOC in the Ocean
Important in carbon sequestration
Radiocarbon ages of 10^2-10^4 years
chemical composition largely unknown
Production & removal processes largely unknown
What is the connection between size and biological reactivity of OM
Microbial utilization leads to the diagenetic transformation of OM
Labile components are continuously removed
Larger molecules are enzymatically degraded
What are the different adaptation strategies for MPA desig?
A) Increase resilience
-> protect critical habitat areas
-> maintain connectivity/ecosystem functioning
-> Reduce artificial stressors (e.g. fishing)
-> use of ecosystem based management
B) Protect climate refugia (slower changing areas)
-> Climate velocity - speed and direction a species has to move to remain within climate niche
-> Timing of stress - e.g. warming vs. cold water upwelling for coral reefs
-> Current range and present exposure
C) Protect future habitat
-> prioritizing habitats that currently exist and are expected to continue to exist in the future
D) Increase connnectivity (within an MPA network)
-> changes in connectivity are expected (e.g. alterration of circulation and stratification)
-> Both ecological and physical asppects should be taken into account (species transport, movement across life stages)
E) Increase heterogenity
-> protect areas across the full range of climate change impacts, including climate refugia, areas with high climate variability and high exposure areas
F) Reduce other stressors
-> minimize cumulative impacts
G) Other methods
-> dynamic MPAs that can move in space and time
What is the spillover effect of MPAs?
MPAs enhance adjacent fisheries mainly in two ways:
through increased export of eggs and larvae that eventually augment populations of target species
through increases in biomass of animals near MPA borders that move into fished areas and are caught as spillover
Where do we find the most seagrass globally?
Is the amount of seagrass in the baltic increasing or decreasing?
It is deacreasing
25-40km2 until 2066 if nothing is being done
What are the biotic chellenges for newly planted seagrass?
Mussle larval recruitment leading to plant stress and mortality
Arenicola mounds cause transplant mortality
What are the co-benefits of seagrass planting?
reduction of harmful bacteria
What are the abiotic challenges for seagrass?
thermal sensitivity (80% mortality at 27°C -> heat waves are increasing)
Breeding of heat tolerant types might be an option
What are omics?
Analysis of a large amount of data representing an entire set of some kind,especially the entire set of molecules, such as proteins, lipids or metabolites in a cell, organ, tissue or organism.
genomics (genes)
mRNA (transcriptomics)
proteins (proteomics)
metabolites (metabolomics)
What is the difference between omes and omics?
omics refers to a field of study (genomics/proteomics)
omes adress the objects of study (genome/proteome)
How do transcriptomics work?
Goal is the identification and characterization of a mix of mRNA that is present in a specific sample
The principle is that the abundance of specific mRNA transcripts in a biological sample is a reflection of the expression levels of the corresponding genes
It is used to associate differences in mRNA mixtures originatiing from different groups of individuals
In contrast to the genome, the transcriptome is highly variable over time, between cell types and environmental changes
How do proteomics work?
Proteomics provides insight into the role of proteins in a biological system
A proteome consists of all proteins present in a specific cell type or tissue
it is highly variable overr time and in between cell types
it changes in response to changes n the environment
-> expressed proteins and their abundance inform about the function of the cells
What are the tools and major focuses of proteomics?
Mass spectrometry
Protein microarrays using capturing agents such as antibodies
Major focuses:
Identification of proteins and proteins interacting in protein complexes
Quantification of protein abundances. The abundance of a specific protein is related to its role in cell function
What are the limitations of proteomics?
post translational modfications and environmental interactions impede to predict functions from gene analysis alone
coverage of the organism depends on the representatiion of that organism in an environmental sample
abundance of the protein in the cell
methodological factors
The metaproteome informs about the proteins synthesized by a microbial community at the time of sampling
What are the most dominant energy pathways in the dark ocean?
Calvin-Cycle (Carbon-metabolism) -> represented by RuBisCo-gene (48%)
very low archaeal representation (surprising considerng the amount of archeae expected in the dark ocean)
H2-oxidation in O2 deprived areas
CO-oxidation is an important supplement for heterotrophic MOs in the deep ocean
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