Define cognition
the process involved in knowing
-> includes perception and judgement…
=> all processes of conscionsness by which knowledge is acumulated
-> i.e. percieving, recognizing, conceiving, reasoning
=> experience of knowing (rather than feeling or willing)
-> refers to brain as well as to mind
gesamtheit aler prozesse die mit dem wahrnehmen und erkennen zusammenhöngen
Define system
regularly interacting or independent group of items forming a unified whole
Provide examples of systems
gorup of interacting bodies under the influence of related forces
group of body organs that together perfrm one or more vital functions
body considered as a functional unit
gorup of devices or artifiical objects or an organization forming a network especially for distributing sometihing or serving a common purpose
What is the purpose of cognition to a system?
enables system to operate in a meaningful way beyond its original pre-programmed behavior and specificatoin
=> cognition as a mechanism of active, self-reliant and autonomous behavior…
=> sum of all mechanisms that enable a system to deal with the uncertainty and change within real-world environments
What is cognitino w.r..t. a systems autonomy?
cognition is an essential prerequisite for a systems autonomy!
How can a system maintain a well-defined system state in face of hostile conditions? How does cognition relate to that?
fixed goals and intentions that guide the decisions and actions of the system in a purposeful way
-> allows the system to maintain well-defined state even in hostile conditions
=> percieve current conditions and come up with plan that corresponds to goals…
enables interactoin with other cognitive agents by anticipating and respecting their individual goals
Based on what do technical systems operate?
technical systems based on and operate according to exact formal descriptions, rules and specifications
Is it easy to come up with the implementaiotn of formal descriptions for technical systems?
no -> one of the main research questions that the software engineering deals with…
Can simple real-world tasks usually be described with formal methods?
no! -> there is no “formal” specification of the world
=> solving such tasks with tradtitional methods requires a priori knowledge!
i.e. application-specific constrains that allow for a formal description of a constrained sub-problem
-> i.e.
real-world task: go to supermarket
a priori knowledge:
which supermarket
when to go
rules for choice of path
What is a problem of using formal descriptions for technical systems?
as soon as the asumptions the formal description bases upon are violated
-> system fails since its world model is no longer aligned with reality!
What is the robotics paradox?
robots excel at well-defined repeatable tasks
-> where they can evenoutperform the most skilled human workers
no robot built up to now can operate in dynamic real-world environments and carry out simple everyday tasks such as walking, shopping, etc…
Why are every-day tasks usually ill-defined? Provide an example and comparison with a well-defined factory task
factory well defined i.e. spot welding
can be precisely described w.r.t. end-effector positions and durations
complete environmetn of the robot is known and usually secured by a cage…
robot behaves fully deterministicaly
environment behaves fully deterministially
shopping task ill-defined
writing shopping list depends on external factors
e.g. appetite, special offers, menu, availability…
going to the shop is different every time
e.g. time of day, traffic…
position of the items in the shop might change wihtout notice
availabliiy of items has direct influence on the menu, which in turn affects shopping list
Define a cognitive system
autonomous system
that can percieve its environment
learn from experience
anticipate the outcome of events
act to pursue goals
and adapt to changing circumstances
Is cognition a simple process in systems=
no -> global process at the system level that integrates many different processing modalities
What is meant when we talk about the constituents and synergies of a congnitive system?
special cognitive skills such as
Are cognitive systems a discipline on their own?
no -> cognitive systems theory provides conceptual framework that accomodates many other disciplines
artificial intelligence
machine learning
computer vision
control theory
=> highly interdsciplinary field of research (ranging from neuro science to computer science and robotics…)
How do we refer to the individual aspecs of a cognitive system
cognitive functions
cognitive skills
Which components make up a cognitive system? How do they interact?
brain handles cognitive tasks
-> is embedded in a body
body is in an environment
environment is made up of other things and other agents we can interact with
environment shows set of constraints restricting our actions
What is the cycle of cognitive processing?££
perception (sensing stuff)
cognition -> gaining knowledge about the perceived stuff
action -> act based upon our goals and what we gained on knowledge from our perception
-> action influences our state requiring new perction…
cognition divided into anticipation, assimilation and adaption
What is anticipation, assimilation and adaption w.r.t. to the cycle of cognitive processing?
make up the cognition task
try to make prediciton based on what we percieved
making new information (which we anticipate) fit in with existing understanding of the world (soll vs ist)
adjust and learn based on the new information we gained… (assimilate to the new knowledge…)
What are some exemplary applications that require cognition?
autonomous driving
natural language processing
human-robot interaction
physical interaction (e.g. walking, sports)
collaborative work with multiple agents
In what three overarching categories do cognitive capabilities fall?
perception and action
What is meant with self-reliance w.r.t. cognitive capabilitites?
cognitive system must be able to
act in and interact with its environment
self-reliantly, purposefully and independnetly
What sub-capabilities fall under self-reliance?
take on goals
formulate predictie strategies to achieve them
put those strategies into effect
operate with varying degrees of autonomy
interact - cooperate, collaborate, communicate - with other agents
What is meant with perception and action w.r.t. cognitive capabilitites?
percieve its environment
make sense of its perceptions
and predict future events
What sub-capabilities fall under perception and action?
read the intention of other agents ant anticipate their actions
sense and interpret expected and unexpected events
anticipate the need for actions and predit the outcome of its own actions and those of others
select a course of action, carry it out, and then assess the outcome
What is meant with adaption w.r.t. cognitive capabilitites?
adapt to changes
of itself
of others
within the environment
What sub-capabilities fall under adaption?
adapt to changing circumstances, in real-time, by adjusting current and anticipated actions
learn from experiene: adjust the way actions are selectee and performed in the future
anomaly detection:
notice when performance is degrading, identify the reason for the degradation, and take corrective action
What is one of the most famous tests that deals with the question wether a computer can think?
turing test
How does the turing test work?
based on an imitation game
an interrogator can cuminicate with a player A (a man) and a player B (a woman) through written notes
interrogator tries to determine whether player A or player B is the woman
in the test, player A is replaced by a computer that tries to make the interrogator believe that it is the woman
compter passes the test when it manages to deceive the interrogator as often as the man
-> computer is as good as man in “misleading” interrogator…
in more common standard interpretation:
computer imitates human
interrogater has to tell human and computer apart…
What is the chinese room argument w.r.t. the turing test?
says that computer cannot think even if it passes the turing test
How does the argumentaiton of the chinese room argument work?
thoutht experiment
-> a person without any knowledge of the chinese langugage is sitting in a room
room contains an archive with rules that map chinese characters to appropriate chinese responsees
room contains a slot through which the preson receives questions from chinese speaker
like a computer program -> person uses rule archie to generate answers to the questions by performing operations on strings
-> even if person produces the perfect answers, he/she still does not understand the meanings of the characters…
What is an argument against the chinese room argument?
rule archive would have to be infinitive to be really able to react to all possible inputs
-> not really possible…
What is the uncanny valley?
phenomenon that states
that steady incrase in “human-likeness” of a robot does not yield a steady increase of familiarity to humans
What are some ethical and legal aspects w.r.t. cognitive systems one has to think about?
what about the liablity?
-> e.g. autonomous car?
=> how can an artificial cognitive system decide which persons life to save in an unaviodable accident?
can an artificial cognitive system be conscious?
does an artificial cognitive systme that acts like a humab person posess personhood?
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