Do the electrons travel from:
anode to cathode
cathode to anode
Filament is at the cathode or anode?
It consists out of?
Which effect happens there?
Where’s the focal spot?
What happens there?
Which 2 radiations do we achieve?
answer first
How is “Bremsstrahlung” caused?
How is characteristic radiation caused?
Name 4 exposure parameters.
How is it defined?
Are high or low-energy X-rays preferentially absorbed?
Why is it beneficial to filter out the low-energy x-rays?
What’s penumbra and how does it occur?
Smaller or bigger focal spot reduces penumbra? How does it change the sharpness?
Rayleigh scatter
What happens to the incoming x-ray?
Does it lead or not lead to excitation/ionization?
What happens to the image quality?
Mainly occurs for low- or high-energy x-ray photons?
Energy from X-ray … transferred to …, which is released.
Atom gets ionized or not?
The shape and area-under-curve of an X-ray spectrum is determined by? (5)
Compton Scatter
Which effect does it have at diagnostic x-ray energies?
It leads to which electrons?
Photon ends up at an angle to?
Total attenuation
In medical radiography, only a small fraction of the x-rays reaches the detector. Which %?
Does the x-ray get darker or brighter the more x-rays are hitting the receptor?
Darker/Brighter - Which one causes lower, which one higher attenuation?
Name 5 image quality parameters.
Spatial resolution
Determined by? (2)
Characterized as? (2 Abbreviations)
Contrast resolution
What is it? In which unit/value is it presented?
Contrast between tissues on a radiograph is the result of differences in …
What are artefacts?
Geometric accuracy is the ability of the image to …
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