Radiographic film: Which 2 components?
Emulsion contains which type of grains?
Base contains?
Radiographic film: During exposure:
X-ray photons cause silver halide crystals to release?
—- answer first ——
The electrons reach then? What happens to them?
What does the negative charge do?
What’s the end result of this process?
Intensifying screens are not used in which type of radiography?
Film development
The processing happens in which 5 steps?
What’s the function of the developer?
What’s the function of the fixer?
2D digital image consists of a rectangular array (matrix) of?
3D image consists of?
Digital image receptors: PSP
Energy due to exposure to x-rays causes electrons to move from valence band to?
How does the chemical formula look like then?
Number of trapped electrons in F center is proportionate to?
In digital radiography, each pixel is assigned to …
Digital image characteristics
In case of under- or over-exposure, grey values can be rescaled in order to achieve …
Image quality is determined by? (2 Über- und jeweils 3 Unterpunkte)
For what can you use image filters?
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