Define the factor proportions model
Countries have comparative advantage in, and therefore export, goods that use relatively intensively their relatively abundant factors.
What determines comparative advantage (Heckscher-Ohlin)
What are the assumptions of Heckscher-Ohlin?
2 goods
2 countries
2 Production factors: Capital and labor
Prod. factors are fully emplooyed, freely mobile across sectors and immobile across countries
Constant returns to scale
goods markets and factor markets are perfectly competitive
Identical and homothetic preferences of consumer
trade is balanced
All labor is paid the same wage
What are the trade effects implied in the factor proportions model?
What are implications for factor prices in the factor proportion model?
Factor price equalization: Trade causes prices of factors in different countries to move together, becoming equal across countries
Stolper-Samuelson Theorem: Real price (wage in terms of goods it can buy) of a country’s abundant factor rises due to trade; Real price (wage) of its scarce factor falls
—> losers from trade are the owners of a country’s scarce factor
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