Define: Multinational Firm
Enterprise that controls and manages production establishments (plants) located in at least two countries
Define: FDI flows
Equity capital + reinvested earnings + other capital associated w/ intercompany debt transaction (10% equity stake requirement)
—> might not be a good proxy for MNE activity
Define: FDI
Investment made to acquire interest in enterprises operating outside of the investor’s economy
Investor seeks to gain effective voice in management of the enterprise (10% equity as threshold for FDI)
Define: Flows and Stocks
Flows: Inward & outward yearly FDIs
Stocks: Total assets owned by direct foreign investors
Explain the four types of FDI:
WHat are MNE firm and industry charcterisitcs?
high R&D to sales ratio
high white collar workers ratio
high value of intangible assets
older & established
associated with technically complex & new products
associated with product differentiation variables
negatively associated with plant-level scale of economics
size threshold important to become MNE, above unimportant
Name and explain three necessary conditions for firms to be willing to undertake invesments abroad:
1) Ownership advantage: firm must have product or production process such that it has market power advantage in foreign markets
2) Location advantage: firm must have reason to want to locate production abroad rather than concentrate it in home country (esp. if there are scale economies at plant level)
3) Internalization advantage: firm must have reason to want to exploit its ownership advantage internally rather than license or sell product/process to foreign firm
Determinants of MNEs // Why firms become MNEs? Explain the two families:
Market seeking (horizontal): Choice: exporting to vs. producing in foreign country
Cost saving (vertical): Choice: integrated production at home vs. fragmented production abroad
—> Define costs and benefits of producing abroad vs. at home —> understanding the trade-offs
What are the costs of geographical dispersion?
Economies of Scale foregone
Firm level economies of scale
Plant level economies of scale
increasing cost of operating with many plants
Economies of Integration foregone
Technical inefficiencies in breaking up value added chains
Trade costs (freight, time, trade barriers)
What are the benefits of geographical spread?
Factor cost reduction:
access to cheaper inputs
Primary Inputs
quality, not just price
Factor endowments of host countries vs. factor content of stages of production
Name Costs and Benefits to the firm of horizontal and vertical FDI:
Returns to scale foregone
Disintegration costs
Market access:
o Saving trade costs
o Strategic advantage
Factor cost saving
Explain the differnce between MNE and NE costs and its assumptions (not mathematically)
+ assumptions
Firm has no market power:
Prices are given
Minimizing cost = maximizing profits
Final output constant and equal 1
Problem of the firm:
Choose location in order to minimize costs of production
Explain the mathematical differnce between MNE and NE costs
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