Compare gross trade to value added trade
conventional measure of trade show total global exports and imports of USD 210
Only USD 110 of value-added has been generated
Example: China assembles iPhone for USA firms who provide components —> trade deficit for US
BUT: China only adds small share of domestic value-added to iPhone (assembly work) —> upstream input supplier not considered
What is a global value chain?
A global value chain breaks up the production process across countries. Firms specialize in a specific task and do not produce the whole product.
Series of stages in the production of a product or service for sale to consumers
Each stage adds value, and at least two stages are in different countries
A firm participates in a GVC if it engages in (at least) one stage
How to measure GVC? What are the limitations?
Customs data only provide information on where the transacted good or service was produced, not how it was produced, so which countries contributed value to it
Tracing value-added trade flows with global input-ouput tables:
Combination of customs data and national input-output data
Limitations of Global input-Output tables
Rely on aggregated IO-data
Researches are forced to impose strong assumptions to back out some bilateral intermediate input trade flows that cannot be read from customs data or national input-output data
Name two types of GVC trade
Backward GVC Participation:
A country’s exports embody value added from previously imported
Forward GVC Participation:
A country’s exports are not full absorbed in the importing country and instead are embodied in the importing country’s exports to third countries.
Based on which criteria are types of GVC participation classified? What are the types of GVC participation?
Four types of GVC Participation, classified on:
The goods and services exported
The extent of GVC participation (measured as Backward Integration of manufacturing)
Measures of Innovation
Innovative activities
Advanced manufacturing and services
limited manufacturing
Explain the GVC partcipation type Commodities
Manufacturing share of total domestic value added in exports is less than 60% and
o Small countries: Backward Manufacturing is less 20%
o Medium Countries: Backward Manufacturing is less 10%
o Large Countries: Backward Manufacturing is less 7.5%
Explain the GVC partcipation type Innovative activities
Measured with Intellectual property (IP)
Research and Development (R&D)
Explain the GVC partcipation type Advanced manufacturing and services
Share of manufacturing and business services in total domestic value added in exports is equal to or greater than 80 percent and
o Small countries: Backward Manufacturing is 30%
o Medium Countries: Backward Manufacturing is 20%
o Large Countries: Backward Manufacturing is 15%
Explain the GVC partcipation type limited manufacturing
Rest of sample
What is the smile curve?
empirical regularity
How is the (global) value chain organized?
How did Covid-19 affect GVCs?
Shuttered factories in China hit other nations via “supply-chain contagion”
As Chinas economy got rolling again, the fast spread of covid in America and Germany created reverse supply chain contagion
International coordination may reduce chances that multiple waves of supply chain contagion hobbles global manufacturing
Illustrating trade-linked contagion:
On the demand side, a drop in one nation’s income will reduce its imports from its trading partners.
On the supply side, a supply disruption in one nation’s production shows up as a reduction in its exports to its trade partners.
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