Name examples of trade policy related issues
o Trade war US – China (placing tariffs on exports)
o NAFTA renegotiation
o Brexit
o Sanctions related to Russia – Ukraine war
Describe definition, users and effects of tariffs
example for large countries:
Ukraine & Russia amount for 53% of global sunflower oil and seeds trade (and high shares of other agrifood goods)
With start of the war, global prices of these goods increased significantly
Describe gains and losses form tariffs for small countries
+ general assumptions
Net loss because Demanders & suppliers behave as if the good’s value were PW+t when in fact the country can buy or sell for PW
Perfect competition (all buyers, sellers are too small to have an individual effect on prices)
Partial equilibrium (markets don’t affect each other)
Homogeneous products (imported good = perfect substitute for domestically produced good)
Describe gains and losses form tariffs for large countries. How are possible gains called?
world price falls
—> possibility of gain is called:
“terms of trade” effect of a tariff
“monopoly” effect of a tariff
“optimal tariff”
Describe the “terms of trade” effect
Definition: price of exports relative to imports:
If TOT rises, “terms of trade improves”
Tariff by large country drives down world price of its imports —> improves TOT
Describe the “monopoly” effect
monopoly firm increases its profits by
selling less —> increasing prices
Large country can increase its welfare by
buying less from market (via tariff) —> lowering price it pays
(Large countries can also gain by restricting exports)
What are the effects of large-country tariffs on the world?
Harms other countries (or rest of the world)
Lowers world welfare; world loses more than tariff-levying country gains
Other coutries may retaliate with own tariffs —> both lose
Define non-tariff barriers
Any institutional or policy arrangement that interferes w/ trade, other than tariffs
Also: policies that artificially expand trade (e.g., export subsidies)
Sometimes “Nontariff Measures)
Main types:
Quotas: Effects equivalent to tariffs
Other NTBs
Tariff-Rate Quotas
Voluntary Export Restarints (VERs)
Gov’t Procurement Regulations
Customs Procedures
What are quotas? where are they used?
an import quota is a direct restriction on the quantity of an import
Until Jan-1, 2005 elaborate quotas on many textile and apparel products from developing countries in US & EU
Still quotas on many agricultural products, e.g., sugar, cheddar cheese, dried milk, …
What are the general effects of a quota?
(if quota quantity < imports in free trade): Creates scarcity —> raises prices above world price
Example: US quota on sugar:
Rent seeking:
=use ressources to get rent
Faster (=more costly) transport to win first come, first serve
Inefficient production to get quota allocation based on market share
Quality upgrading
Limited quantity —> foreign expoerts seek higher value by improving quality
Effect of a quota: small country
Suppliers +a
Demanders -(a+b+c+d)
Someone: +c
c= “quota rents” profits from buying at world price & selling at domestic price
—> who gets quota rents?
first come, first served: whoever gets there first
auction import licenses: gov’t gets rent as revenue from license sale
give away licenses to domestic or foreign firms/persons: those people
most common: give licenses to foreigners in proportion to their historical exports
Effect of a quota: large country (if rent is given to foreigners)
Compare the effects of a quota to the effects of tariffs
Effects on price and quantity are the same
Like tariffs quota may induce foreign firms to produce here
Effect on welfare is different
For large country: same, but if quota rent is lost or goes to foreigners, importing country cannot gain
unlike tariff, quota becomes more restrictive if foreign supply increases or world price drops
Effects of a change in world price (on quotas)
Fall in world price:
Rise in world price:
if small: reverse of fall
If large enough (PW>=PQ):
quota ceases to be binding
tariff equivalent of quota becomes 0
domestic price = world price
Explain voluntary export restraints
Works like import quota, but imposed by exporting country
Usually requested by importing country
Profits are earned by foreign gov’ts or producers (sell restricted quantity at increased price)
what are subsidies and what types are there? Where are they used?
= gov’t assistance to producers
Export subsidy: paid only for exports
Domestic subsidy: paid for all production
US, EU, Japan have large subsidies on agricultural products
hurt producers in developing countries
E.g.: EU-subsidies hurt:
Corn - Mexico
Sugar - Carribean
Cotton - certain african countries
What are the effects of subsidies on the subsidizing country?
In competitive industries: country loses
Subsidies are usually intended to benefit producers
In non-competitive industries result might be different
Effects of a subsidy on foreign countries
large country: reduce world price of exported goods
Effect on other countries:
importer gains
exporter loses
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