Give a brief history of the WTO
After WWII, 44 country-representatives met to discuss rebuilding of Europe & issues w/ high trade barriers & unstable exchange rates
Outcome: agreement outlining intl. economic system of convertible currencies, fixed exchange rates
Proposal: International Trade Organization (ITO) to promote free trade
—> strong opposition, esp. in US, never established
1949: General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) incl. 23 countries
Periodic meetings to negotiate lower trade barriers
At Uruguay round (in Uruguay), WTO was established
WTO greatly expanded GATT by adding rules for global interactions through binding agreements
Most recent round: Doha round (began Nov. 2001)
What are the main agreements the WTO was founded on?
GATT: general agreement on tariffs and trade: covers trade in goods
GATS: general agreement on tariffs and services: covers trade in services
TRIMs: trade related investment measures: covers foreign investment
TRIPs: trade related intellectual property: covers international property rights
Explain the WTO’s negotioation principles
non-discrimination ((reductions in) tariffs must apply to all members)
elimination of NTOs
Dispute settlement procedure: formal procedure to resolve trade disputes through ruling by WTO panel. Countries not adhering to decision may be punished through trade restrictions
Exception: temporary tariff raise for certain products: safeguard provision / escape clause (Article XIX); if domestic producers are suffering due to import competition
Exception: regional trade agreements: permitted under XXIV of GATT
Explain the difference between customs unions and free trade areas
Customs union:
free trade between members, identical tariffs to rest of world (EU)
difficult to negotiate, but reduce trade barriers more than FTA
Free trade are:
free trade between members, each member sets own tariffs against rest of world
Origin of good must be documented at border
Explain the effects of preferential trade agreements
PTAs increase national welfare when new trade is created, but not when existing trade from outside world is diverted to trade w/ member countries
Trade creation: when high cost domestic production is replaced by low cost imports from other members
Trade diversion: when low cost imports from non-members are diverted to high cost imports from members
Explain trade creation and trade diversion
3 countries, home, partner 1 & 2
trading homogeneous good
home = small country, taking prices as given, partner 1 & 2 large countries
home could satisfy entire demand through imports
w/o PTA: home applies same tariff to both partners —> gets all imports from most efficient country
Trade creation:
gains & losses:
consumer +(a+b+c+d)
Producer: -a
Gov’t: -c
Net effect: +(b+d)
Trade diversion:
Gains & losses:
consumer: +(a+b+c+d)
producers: -a
diversion: -e (trade diverted away from Partner 1; home suffers efficiency loss)
Net effect: +(b+d)-e —> gain or loss depending on size of e, b, d. usually net loss
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