Timeline in Modernism
T.S. Eliot
born and raised in America
studied at Harvard University
In 1927 he became a British citizen
In 1948 he was awarded a Nobel prize
Belongs to both, the english and American literary canon (both Norton anthologies)
He held political views that were conservative and became even more around 1930
“The hollow men” offers a very pessimistic view of modern life
Modernism is very paradox, many modernist writers sometimes sound as if they hated modern civilization
The hollow men - structure and layout
consists of five parts
There are no classic stanzas, but within the five parts we see subdivisions: lines are grouped together
Poem is written in free verse
There are a few end rhymes + a few internal rhymes, but there is no rhyme pattern
At the beginning there are two mottos
-> we ignore the footnotes, because in 1925 there werde no footnotes
The layout is interesting because in part 5 there are passages in italics (Kursivdruck)
Some passages in italics are aligned to the right
-> For Thine is the kingdom
-> life is very long
The hollow men - subject matter and leitmotifs
in the first two lines there is a thesis statement -> we are the hollow men, we are the stuffed men
Seams important because the title is also “the hollow men”
In line 17-18 this is repeated: as the hollow men, the stuffed men
The idea of hollowness is repeated in l. 55 (hollow valley), l. 67 empty men
Poem sounds gloomy
-> our dry voices are meaningless, the sound of these voices remind him of rats feet over broken glass
-> rats are again mentioned later, the idea of dryness too -> this is the dead land / the cactus land
What is Modernism?
What is high modernism?
What is the process of modernization?
Why did so many modernists decide to lived abroad?
What can you tell me about the hollow men?
What are the two mottos in “the hollow men”?
Why is the holloe men on our reading list
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