What were the impacts of the great oxygen event (GOE)?
Mass extinction of anaerobic organisms like bacteria and archaea
Diversification of aerobic life forms including eucaryotes and mutocellular organismsdue to higher O2 content in the atmosphere and in shallow water habitats as well as surface open ocean
Evolutiion of complex life: increased O2 in tthe atmosphere allowed the development of more energy-demandiing and metabolically active organisms
Ozone layer formation: blocking large quanities of the harmful UV-light from the sun allowing life on land
Name all dominant terminal electron acceptors for chemosynthesis in deep sea
Oxygen -> respiration as the mos efficient energy pathway
Nirate -> denirification in O2 depleted water
Sulfae -> prevalent in deep sea sediment baceria urning SO4 into H2S
CO2 -> through anaerobic oxidation of methane in O2 and SO4 deprived environments
Why do mixotrophic predatory algae eat?
Mixotrophic predatory algae have the ability to gain energy from sunlight which is why they often inhabit low nutrient environments. they consume organic matter iin order to:
supplement nutrients in low nutrient environmentts and in times of nutrient fluctuations
acquire energy in low light environments
to have a competiittive advantage
What are the core functions of the microbiome?
Digestion and nutrient metabolism
Immune system regulation
Metabolism and energy homeostasis
Protection against pathogenes
Development and function of the central nervous system
Regulatioin of inflammation
Drug metabolism
Check question number 5
Which changes in seawater carbonate chemistry is caused by ocean acidification?
OA decreases seawater alkalinity
OA and respiration have the same effect on seawater carbonate chemistry
OA increases the CO2 partial pressure in seawater
OA decreases the carbonate ion concentration in seawater
What are the most important vectors for the introduction of non-indigenous species into aquatic environments?
Shipping and marine activities (e.g. ballast tanks)
Aquaculture and Live food trade
Canal and waterway connection
Recreational activities (e.g. aquaristic)
Natural dispersal (storms, floods, wildlife movement)
What is the expected turn-over time of semi-labile DOM?
Check question number 9 (DOM)
Rank assisted evolution approaches from 1 to 4 according their intensity of interventions.
a. Selective breeding
b. Symbiodinium evolution
c. Induced acclimatization
d. Microbial community modification
From least to most intensity:
Selective breeding: controlled matinng to develope desired traits
Induced acclimatization: stimulating adaptive responses due to controlled environmental conditions
Symbiodinium evolution: specific selection of microbial symbiotic dinoflagelates that are used in corals
Microbial community modification: intentional alterations of the microbial communities of plants, animals and ecosystems
What are the differennces between simbiosis and holobiont?
Symbiosis: close long term interaction between two or more species with mutually benefitial, neutral or detrimental consequences.
Holobiont: term to describe a host organisms and all of its associatied symbiotic organsims
Symbioses describes the interaction while a holobiont is the host and the symbionts
Symbiosis can include different constellations of dependence and independence while within the holobiont a complex interdependance is found
Symbiosis happens at species level while the holobiont is a higher level unit of organisation
Look up question number 12
Species extinction rates are high. Please name the four most important drivers for marine species extinctions according to the IPBES Assessment report 2019
Overfishing and unsustainable fishing practices
Habitat loss and degradation
Climate change
Pollution and marine debris
Look up question number 14
Look up question number 15 and 16
What is the upper critical temperature in a thermal performance curve?
Which environmenal factors commonly exert stress on organisms in he SW Baltic?
Salinity (Desiccation?)
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