Define PE and VC and distinguish them
Temporary provision of equity capital which is not traded public.
PE is the overall term while VC is a subset.
Name and Explain the Market participants of PE and VC. What are their Goals?
Company founders
Innovative, private companies with high growth and default potential
Goal: Successful implementation / expansion of Business Idea
Banks, insurance companies, pensions funds (institution inverstors
Private individuals
Goal: Realization of Capital Gains
Which Problems could arise in financing young and innovative companies?
High default risk
Steep Asymmetries in Information
No provision of collateral
Finaning design
Conflict of interest
Lack of mgmt experience
How can adverse selection and moral hazard show up in financing young companies?
Asymmetric information
Estimation of founder Know-How is difficult (adverse selection)
Early developement is hard to control (moral hazard)
Why could the financing desing be a problem in financing young and innovative companies?
Investors are intersted in short-term investments
Product developement requires long-term financing
Why is there an conflict of interst in financing young and innovative companies?
VC providers are interestet in realization of capital gains
Foundes are more intersted in results of research
What are the characteristics of PE financing? Which role does the investor take?
Temporary provision of equity in private firms
3-10 Years and stage financing
No Provison of Collateral
Stage Financing
Realization of Capital Gains
No liquidity withdraw
Realization is when the Shares are sold
Advisory role of affiliate company to managment
Support via know-how transfer and involvement in decision making
Why is credit financing unsuitable for VC?
fixed interst and payments increases pressure on liquidity
In a high risk enviroment, credit finance leads to negative mgmt. incentive
With fix payments, no profit participation if outcoume is successful
No Participation for the long-run, therefore creditors dont have the incentive for consulting and control
Explain the Early Stage Financing
Seed financing
Product development
Business Plan
Start up financing
Market Introduction
Product Marketing
Start of production
Company formation
Explain the later stage financing and name their forms
It is the expansion and bridge financing fpr medium sized companies
Expansion financing
Bridge financing
Turnaround financing
Replacement Capital
Explain the expansion financing
Expanding and diversification of production range
Development of new market
Explain bridge financing
Preperation for an IPO with improving the equity ratio
Bridgin of financing constrains in case of IPO delay
Explain turnaround financing
Medium term correction of decline earnings from environmental situation. (Restructuring or repair of a company)
Explaing replacement capital
Finance a company share for the case a shareholder will retire
Explain Buy-Outs state their forms
Takeover of the Company through Mgmt and PE Investor
MBO (Mgmt Buy-Out)
MBI (Mgmt Buy-In)
LBO (Leveraged Buy-Out)
Spin Off
Explain the MBO
Takeover of the majority of shares thorugh the Management with the support of PE Investor
Explain MBI
Takeover of Shares thorugh external Management with the Support of PE Investors
Succession planing and missmanagement
Explain the LBO
Debt financed acquisition of shares
Future Cash-Flow of target to finance interest and principal payments
Explain Mezzanine financing
When is it used?
Hybrid Instrument with equity and debt
Running interest rate with additional performance based components
Uses in Expansion, Buy-Outs and acquisitions
Explain the Spin-off
Outsorucing business units from parent company
Finance MBO through sales of business unit
State some financial instruments for debt
Customer Prepayments
Supplier Credits
State some financial instruments for equity
Private Equity
Retained Earnings
State some financial instruments for Mezzanine financing
Convertiable or warrant bonds
Shareholder loans
Subordinated loans
Silent participation
What are advantages of Mezzanine Financing?
Flexible design
Higher level of debt possible
Improvement of Balance Sheet Structure
Independent of the legal form
No dilution of shares
What are disadvantages of Mezzanine Financing?
High Cost of Capital
Stable Cash-Flows required
conversion to equity can cause dilution of shares
How is the Risk returns relationship in mezzanine instruments?
The instruments what are more debtlike have lower risk than instruments with more equity like
What is the goal of divestments and name the Exit-Options
Conversion of tied funds into cash
Exit Options
Trade Sale
Buy Back
Secondary purchase
Explain the characteristics of an IPO
First time of emission in capital market
Most attractive exit-option
Ensures the independence of a Company
Strengthening of equity base and competitiveness
Reduction of Borrowing costs
Extension of Investment Group
Explain the characteristics of a Trade Sale
Resale to strategic investor
Process is faster than IPO
Merger with industrial investor leads to loss of independence
Explain the characteristics of a Buy-Back
Repurchase of affiliated shares through former owners
Perserving the company independece
Sector specific and technical know-how of former owners
Explain the characteristics of secondary purchase
Resale to financial investor
Unscheduled development of company
Explain the characteristics of liquidation
Liquidation of Assets. Used when the company fails.
How is the participation in the PE Market?
Direct Investment in non listed companies
Through PE Funds
Through PE Funds of Funds
Describe the Structure of a VC
finance packages in tranches and are payed if defined milestones are achieved
More control and involvement for affiliated companies
Advisory Role of the affiliated company
incentive contracts for founder
Major stake and high profit participation
Which Valuation Method for Venture Capital exists?
Real Option approach
How is the NPV-Method calculated?
How is IRR calculated?
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