Which growth strategies do exists as an alternative ownership strategy and please explain them?
Forms one economic unit from 2 ore more units
Joint Venture
Combinaton of assets by at least 2 entities for specific purpose and time limitaion
Other fomrs of collab
What are the other forms of collaborations and explain them a little bit?
Supplier Networt
Long term cooperative relationship
Informal Business relation
A Stake, but no control
Contract for the use of Name
What are the methods for Mergers and explain them
Tender offer
Takeover via direct offer to target firm
Pooling of interest
Combines financial statements of firms
Which shrinkage strategies do exists as an alternative ownership strategy and explain them?
Sale of a segment of a company to a third party for cash/securites
Equity carve-out
Parent-frim offers shares of the daughter for cash without loss of control
Shares of the daughter are distributed to the shareholder of the parents company- A new public company is created
Describe the Shareholder Propotion in a Spin-Off
It has the same propotional Equity ownership as the parent company
What are the theory of mergers?
Total Value increase
Buyers overpay the target firm
Ageny problems
Managers make value decreasing mergers to increase size of the company. Merger does not have to increase shareholder value
Eyplain the total value increase
Efficiency increases
operating and financial synergies
Information asymmetries
What are the financial synergies and information asymmetires?
Financial Synergies
Lower costs of internal financing
Debt capacity can be greater and uses of tax shield
Economies of scale in flotation and transaction costs
Information asymmetries (new infos are created, even if transaction is not completed
Sitting on a goldmine
kick in the pants
Exlpain the phrase “sitting on a goldmine” in terms of information asymmetries
Ne infos about target firm are revealed and shows that the firm is undervalued
Following revaluation is permanent
Explain the phrase “kick-in-the-pants”
Tender offer inspires firms management to implement a more efficient business strategy.
Please describe the following graphic. Fimr A acquired Firm B
Investors receive immediate higher earnings, but lower future growth. Managers try to convince the manager that the increase are for real growth.
When is a merger also an economic gain? What is the Formula for the Net Present Value?
If both firms together are worth more than apart.
How can the Announcment of an merger affect the NPV of an acquiring firm?
The Anncouncement of a merger would increase the market value from the target firm, therfore the value at this moment is overestimated. The Value Gain for the target firm are addiotional costs for the acquiring firm
How are the costs of merger affected if the acquisition firm is paying with stocks?
If the stock price of the firm is increasing, the costs of paying with stocks will also increase
Explain the participation of Gains and losses for Stock and Cash financed mergers
In Gains the acquisitior will participates loss because his costs are higher than an cash payments and for losses he will gain because he payed a lower price. For the target firm it is the opposite
Only the acquisitor will participate on gain or losses
How is the percentage of the target firm on the market value of the mergerd firm after acquistion? And how can we calculate how many shares should be issued?
Costs of acquistionts/new market value
How would a optimistic and a pessimistic Manager finance an acquisiton and why is infromation asymmetry an explanation for it?
The Manager has a better overview of his firm than outsiders, therefore he knows if his firm is over or undervalued.
A Pessimsitic investor would finance an acquisistion with stocks, because he thinks his firm is overvalued
He would finance the ackquisition with cash, so the wealth would not be swapped to the mergerd firm
What are the commonly used event windows for the announcment period of abnormal returns?
3 Days around the merger announcement. Day 0 is the announcment day
A longer window with several day prior and after the announcement
Intepret the follwong table for Abnormal Returns during the announcement period
Immediate or longer observation, both observate positive returns
Immediate or longer observation, both observate positive returns. Longer Observation has higher returns
Immediate or longer observation, both observate negative returns. Longer Observation has even higher losses
How is the overall picture the anncouncement period for abnormal returns (Mergers)? What are the reasons for the results?
Overall value is increasing, but gains are mostly only on the target firm side
Mangers of acquiring firm are overestimating target firm and are willing to pay too much
Manager are followong their own interest, therfore they dont care if shareholder are loosing value as long the company size is increasing
Because the acquiring firm is much larger than the target firm but the money gain are equal for both, the relativ gain is for the acquiring firm much lower
What is the Statement of Jensen and Ruback (1983) for the difference between tender offer and mergers
Gains for target shareholder a higher in a tender offer than in mergers, because friendly mergers are often arranged at a lower price than an unfriendly offer
Is the negative announcement period return for the biding firm in both cases, stock and cash offer?
It is limited to mergers with stocks
From a firms perspective, how is the transaction of stock financing acquisitions viewed?
A Merger
Stock Issue
What is the traditionell view of the literature towards the announcement period return?
The reaction fully reflects the information of the merger
How are the abnormal returns of a merger peforming in a long term and what are the problems for the measurement?
On a long term, studies report negative abnormal returns
But we studies have difficulties to measure long-term abnormal returns. (Bad Model Problem)
Joint hypothesis for market efficiency and market equilibrium
Describe the study of Loughran and Vijh (1997).
They measure 5 Years abnormal buy and hold returns of acquiring firms, based on Size and Book-to-market ratio
Acquiring firm is performing poorly, but the method of payment is relevant for the distribution
What is the New Issue Puzzle? Loughran and Vijh (1997)
Stocks Merger are like issuing new stocks. Ther Study approves that stock Mergers were poor as firms issue stocks for other reasons
Describe Market Timing from Martin (1996) in the context of acquisition
The likelihood to finance the merger with stocks increases, if the target firm has growth potential
What are the results from Andrade, Mitchell and Stafford (2001)?
What is the assumotion for the pre and post-merger profitability?
If mergers create value for shareholder, gains should show up in cash flows.
What are the finding from Healy, Palepu, and Ruback (1992) for Pre- and post-merger profitability and asset productivity?
Merged firms experience asset productivity improvements. This leads to a higher operating cashflow relative to the industry.
How is the follwong table interpeted?
There is an intercept of 1%, therefore the post merger operating performance is 1% better. The b slope gives us, how much the post merger would be affected if we pre merger perfomce will change by one unit
What are the benefits of diversification?
Combining uncorrelated CF debt-equity ratio of merged firm is increased to offset the decreased volaitilty of return (Lewellen, 1971) (overall decresed risk/volatility)
Internal capital reduce underinvestment problem, because external financing is not needed (Westen, 1970; Williamson, 1975)
Internal Capital Market reduces underinvestment problem
What are the costs of diversification?
investing to much in poor segments (Scharfstein and Stein, 2000; Rajan et al. 2000)
Ageny problem due to the misuse of cash (Jensen, 1986)
Information asymmetry between central management and divisonal management. Valuation of diversication is better related segments than unrelated segments
What are so called conglomerate and explain the conglomerate discount
Conglomerates are firms that are largely diversified in their invesments. The Discount is that the market value of the conglomerate is below, if the subsidary frims are evaluated single
How are imputed values calculated?
With which factors is the conglomerate discount associated with?
Relatedness of firms segment (discount is smaller for related segments)
overinvestment (diversified firms invest more than single line firms)
Inefficient internal capital market
What is the main cause of refocussing programms?
They want to enhance the shareholder value
What are the mepirical results from refocussing programms?
Relatedness of business segments reduces probability of refocussing, while unprofitable and high overhead costs increase probability of refocussing
abnormal return for refocussing annuncement nad positive relationship between abnormal returns and conglomerte discount
What are possible corporate resturcturing methods?
Organisation Restructuring
Ownership Restructuring
Name Public transactions for Corporate restructuring and divestiture
New Shareholders (Carve-OUT) existing Shareholder (Spin-off)
Split off
Shareholders of parent company are offered shares of the daughter in exchange for the sahres od the parent company
Name private transactions for Corporate restructuring and divestiture
Trade Sale
What are the motives for Divestiture?
Market for corporate control
Unlocking hidden value
Improving Management Incentive
Reduction of ageny costs, tax factors and bondholder wealth appropriation
Explain Market for corporate control as a motive for divestitiure.
Assets are more valuable for alternative management team
Buyers might be willing to pay to much
Divison no longer has a strategic fit
Explain unlocking hidden value as a motive for divestitiure.
Segment or firm can acquire firm it self after a divestiture
Creation of “Pure PLay”, investors can value mor easily
Explain improving management inventive as a motive for divestitiure.
Undiversified companies are easier to run
Reduction in decision making authority
Performance measurement of the management and use of equity based compensation
What are the empirical results of a spin-off? Go into the abnormal return on an announcement date, long run return and discuss information asymmetries and industrial focus.
Announcement of Spin-Offs creates high abnormal returns
Announcement effect is higher for firms that are increasing their focus by divesting a divison and frims with high information asymmetries
Long Run suprior performance of spun-off firms and their parents company
What are the results for the long-run peformance of spin-off firms announcements. Veld and Veld-Merkoulova (2004)
Because the returns are not significant, we could assume that the market reacted efficient on the announcements
Explain equity carve out.
It is a partial IPO where the parent firms sells a minority percentage of its daughter to the public stock market.
Recevies Cash
But also retains the control
What are the motives of an equity carve out?
Combines restructuring and financing transactions
Open question if it should increase efficiency or generate cash
What are the empirial results for an Equity Carve-Out announcement returns, the operative performance and the cash reserves of the parent firm?
Announcement returns are mosty positiv, but not significant
At the time of carve out, the operating performance of the daughter is better than comparable firms, but it will decrease to the indusrty norm again
But negative relationship between percentage of shares sold and operating performance and cash reserves of parent firm
How is the relationship of sold shares and liquidity in an equity carve out?
There is a negative relationship.
Name Corporate Charter defensive tactis for a merger and explain them
High percentage of shares is needed (80%)
Staggered Board
Board is divided in groups and only one group is elected each year
Waiting Period
Unwelcomed merger have to wait some years to complete merger
Fair price
Price is calculated and merger has to pay this price
What are repurchase stand still agreements and please explain them
Targeted repurchase
Firsm buys back its own stock from bidder with a premium
Standstill agreement
Bidding firm agrees to limits its holding to other firms
Exclusionary self-tender
A firms makes a tender offer for its own stock, but excludes targeted shareholders
Going private
Stock is bought by a priavte group (mostly from an established management)
How is the going private strategy financed?
Going Private transactionsa are often leveraged financed
Debt provides tax -> increase firm value
LBO turns managers into owners
Debt increases incentive because manager have to earn more than debt to obtain profit
What are other jargon of takeover and explain them?
Golden parachute
Target firm provides top management an extensive compensation, if a takeover occurs. Manager could ne now less concered about the self and act in the interest of shareholder, or they enrich themselfs by the expenses of the shareholder
Crown jewels
Firm sells major assets, when its faced with a takover bid
Poison pill
Shareholder of target firm has the right to purchase shares of merged firm for a lower price. But it dilutes the shares so there is an wealth transfer from bidder to target
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