What means the term Transcendentalism?
What was Transcendentalism and which role played Emerson?
What was the American Renaissance?
Why was the term American Renaissance not used in the 19th century?
What is Romantic writing?
What is art and expression in the Age of Emerson and Whitman?
What means the term “Renaissance?
What can you tell me about Nathaniel Hawthorne?
What can you tell about the Minister’s Black Veil? genre etc.
What can you tell about the content in Minister’s Black Veil?
What is the minister’s self-veiling symbolic of?/
What is the historical background in Minikster’s black veil?
Why is the text on the reading list (minister’s black veil)?
To which texts can you connect the Minister’s black veil?
Summary of the notes content (Minister’s black Veil)
Conclusion of the Minister’s black veil
What is the impact of his sermons?
What can you tell me about Emily Dickinson?
How can you analyze “the Brain is wider than the sky”?
Where can you see repetition / surprising comparison and paradox in “the brain is wider than the sky?
What can you tell me about the stanzas in “the brain is wider than the sky”?
Can you see comparison in “the brain is wider than the sky”?
What can you tell me about the final line in “the brain is wider than the sky”? How do they differ?
What about the conclusion and the message in the brain is wider than the sky?
What about the style in “the name of it is autum”?
What can you tell m e about the content in “the name of it is autumn?
What about the historical background in the name of it is autumn?
What are further asscociations of the name of it is autumn?
Why are the poems on the reading list?
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