All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Hard: 5 | Dealer: Any
Hit | Player Hard 5,6,7 vs Dealer Any : Hit
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Hard: 6 | Dealer: Any
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Hard: 7 | Dealer: Any
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Hard: 8 | Dealer: 2
Hit | Player 8 vs Dealer 2,3,4: Hit
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Hard: 8 | Dealer: 3
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Hard: 8 | Dealer: 4
Decks(4,2),Stand Soft 17 | Player Hard: 8 | Dealer: 5
Hit | Player 8 vs Dealer 5,6: Hit in Multiple and Double Decks| Double in Single Deck
Decks(1),Stand Soft 17 | Player Hard: 8 | Dealer: 5
Hit (Double)| Player 8 vs Dealer 5,6: Hit (Double) in Single Deck (Hit in Multiple, Double Deck)
Decks(4,2),Stand Soft 17 | Player Hard: 8 | Dealer: 6
Decks(1),Stand Soft 17 | Player Hard: 8 | Dealer: 6
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Hard: 8 | Dealer: 7
Hit | Player 8 vs Dealer 7,8,9,10,A: Hit
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Hard: 8 | Dealer: 8
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Hard: 8 | Dealer: 9
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Hard: 8 | Dealer: 10
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Hard: 8 | Dealer: A
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Hard: 9 | Dealer: 2
Hit on Multiple Decks, Double in Single & Double Decks | Player 9 vs Dealer 2: Hit (Double) | Hit in Multiple
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Hard: 9 | Dealer: 3
Hit (Double) | Player 9 vs Dealer 3,4,5,6 : Hit (Double)
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Hard: 9 | Dealer: 4
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Hard: 9 | Dealer: 5
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Hard: 9 | Dealer: 6
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Hard: 9 | Dealer: 7
Hit | Player 9 vs Dealer 7,8,9, 10 A : Hit
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Hard: 9 | Dealer: 8
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Hard: 9 | Dealer: 9
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Hard: 9 | Dealer: 10
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Hard: 9 | Dealer: A
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Hard: 10 | Dealer: 2
Hit (Double) | Player 10 vs Dealer 2,3,4,5,6,7,9 : Hit (Double), Hit when Dealer is 10, A
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Hard: 10 | Dealer: 3
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Hard: 10 | Dealer: 4
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Hard: 10 | Dealer: 5
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Hard: 10 | Dealer: 6
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Hard: 10 | Dealer: 7
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Hard: 10 | Dealer: 8
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Hard: 10 | Dealer: 9
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Hard: 10 | Dealer: 10
Hit | Player 10 vs Dealer 10, A : Hit, Hit (Double) on everything else
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Hard: 10 | Dealer: A
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Hard: 11 | Dealer: 2
Hit (Double) | Player 11 vs Dealer 2,3,4,5,6,7,9, 10 : Hit (Double), Hit when Dealer is A in Multiple Decks
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Hard: 11 | Dealer: 3
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Hard: 11 | Dealer: 4
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Hard: 11 | Dealer: 5
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Hard: 11 | Dealer: 6
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Hard: 11 | Dealer: 7
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Hard: 11 | Dealer: 8
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Hard: 11 | Dealer: 9
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Hard: 11 | Dealer: 10
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Hard: 11 | Dealer: A
Hit (Double) | Player 11 vs Dealer A : Hit (Double), Hit when Dealer A is Multiple Decks and Stand on Soft 17
All,Hits Soft 17 | Player Hard: 11 | Dealer: A
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Hard: 12 | Dealer: 2
Hit | Player 12 vs Dealer 2,3 : Hit
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Hard: 12 | Dealer: 3
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Hard: 12 | Dealer: 4
Stand | Player 12 vs Dealer 4,5 : Stand
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Hard: 12 | Dealer: 5
Decks(4),Stand Soft 17 | Player Hard: 12 | Dealer: 6
Stand | Player 12 vs Dealer 6: Stand in Multiple Decks else Hit in single,doubles
Decks(1),Stand Soft 17 | Player Hard: 12 | Dealer: 6
Hit | Player 12 vs Dealer 6: Stand in Multiple Decks else Hit in single,doubles
Decks(2),Stand Soft 17 | Player Hard: 12 | Dealer: 6
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Hard: 12 | Dealer: 7
Hit | Player 12 vs Dealer 7,8,9,10,A : Hit
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Hard: 12 | Dealer: 8
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Hard: 12 | Dealer: 9
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Hard: 12 | Dealer: 10
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Hard: 12 | Dealer: A
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Hard: 13 | Dealer: 2
Stand | Player Hard 13,14,15,16 vs Dealer 2,3,4,5,6 : Stand
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Hard: 13 | Dealer: 3
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Hard: 13 | Dealer: 4
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Hard: 13 | Dealer: 5
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Hard: 13 | Dealer: 6
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Hard: 13 | Dealer: 7
Hit | Player Hard 13,14,15,16 vs Dealer 7,8,9,10, A : Hit
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Hard: 13 | Dealer: 8
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Hard: 13 | Dealer: 9
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Hard: 13 | Dealer: 10
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Hard: 13 | Dealer: A
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Hard: 14 | Dealer: 2
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Hard: 14 | Dealer: 3
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Hard: 14 | Dealer: 4
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Hard: 14 | Dealer: 5
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Hard: 14 | Dealer: 6
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Hard: 14 | Dealer: 7
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Hard: 14 | Dealer: 8
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Hard: 14 | Dealer: 9
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Hard: 14 | Dealer: 10
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Hard: 14 | Dealer: A
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Hard: 15 | Dealer: 2
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Hard: 15 | Dealer: 3
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Hard: 15 | Dealer: 4
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Hard: 15 | Dealer: 5
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Hard: 15 | Dealer: 6
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Hard: 15 | Dealer: 7
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Hard: 15 | Dealer: 8
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Hard: 15 | Dealer: 9
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Hard: 15 | Dealer: 10
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Hard: 15 | Dealer: A
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Hard: 16 | Dealer: 2
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Hard: 16 | Dealer: 3
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Hard: 16 | Dealer: 4
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Hard: 16 | Dealer: 5
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Hard: 16 | Dealer: 6
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Hard: 16 | Dealer: 7
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Hard: 16 | Dealer: 8
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Hard: 16 | Dealer: 9
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Hard: 16 | Dealer: 10
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Hard: 16 | Dealer: A
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Hard: 17 | Dealer: 2
Stand | Player Hard 17,18 & All 19,20,21 vs Dealer Any: Stand (Double-Stand on Player Soft 19 vs Dealer 6)
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Hard: 17 | Dealer: 3
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Hard: 17 | Dealer: 4
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Hard: 17 | Dealer: 5
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Hard: 17 | Dealer: 6
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Hard: 17 | Dealer: 7
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Hard: 17 | Dealer: 8
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Hard: 17 | Dealer: 9
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Hard: 17 | Dealer: 10
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Hard: 17 | Dealer: A
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Hard: 18 | Dealer: 2
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Hard: 18 | Dealer: 3
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Hard: 18 | Dealer: 4
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Hard: 18 | Dealer: 5
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Hard: 18 | Dealer: 6
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Hard: 18 | Dealer: 7
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Hard: 18 | Dealer: 8
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Hard: 18 | Dealer: 9
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Hard: 18 | Dealer: 10
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Hard: 18 | Dealer: A
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Hard: 19 | Dealer: 2
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Hard: 19 | Dealer: 3
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Hard: 19 | Dealer: 4
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Hard: 19 | Dealer: 5
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Hard: 19 | Dealer: 6
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Hard: 19 | Dealer: 7
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Hard: 19 | Dealer: 8
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Hard: 19 | Dealer: 9
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Hard: 19 | Dealer: 10
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Hard: 19 | Dealer: A
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Hard: 20 | Dealer: 2
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Hard: 20 | Dealer: 3
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Hard: 20 | Dealer: 4
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Hard: 20 | Dealer: 5
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Hard: 20 | Dealer: 6
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Hard: 20 | Dealer: 7
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Hard: 20 | Dealer: 8
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Hard: 20 | Dealer: 9
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Hard: 20 | Dealer: 10
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Hard: 20 | Dealer: A
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Hard: 21 | Dealer: 2
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Hard: 21 | Dealer: 3
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Hard: 21 | Dealer: 4
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Hard: 21 | Dealer: 5
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Hard: 21 | Dealer: 6
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Hard: 21 | Dealer: 7
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Hard: 21 | Dealer: 8
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Hard: 21 | Dealer: 9
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Hard: 21 | Dealer: 10
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Hard: 21 | Dealer: A
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Pair: 10,10 | Dealer: 2
Stand | Player Pair 10,10 vs Dealer Any | Stand
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Pair: 10,10 | Dealer: 3
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Pair: 10,10 | Dealer: 4
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Pair: 10,10 | Dealer: 5
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Pair: 10,10 | Dealer: 6
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Pair: 10,10 | Dealer: 7
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Pair: 10,10 | Dealer: 8
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Pair: 10,10 | Dealer: 9
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Pair: 10,10 | Dealer: 10
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Pair: 10,10 | Dealer: A
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Pair: 2,2 | Dealer: 2
Split | Player Pair 2,2 vs Dealyer Any: Split
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Pair: 2,2 | Dealer: 3
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Pair: 2,2 | Dealer: 4
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Pair: 2,2 | Dealer: 5
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Pair: 2,2 | Dealer: 6
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Pair: 2,2 | Dealer: 7
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Pair: 2,2 | Dealer: 8
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Pair: 2,2 | Dealer: 9
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Pair: 2,2 | Dealer: 10
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Pair: 2,2 | Dealer: A
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Pair: 3,3 | Dealer: 2
Split | Player Pair 3,3 vs Dealer 2,3,4,5,6,7 : Split
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Pair: 3,3 | Dealer: 3
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Pair: 3,3 | Dealer: 4
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Pair: 3,3 | Dealer: 5
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Pair: 3,3 | Dealer: 6
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Pair: 3,3 | Dealer: 7
Decks(2,4),Stand Soft 17 | Player Pair: 3,3 | Dealer: 8
Hit | Player Pair 3,3 vs Dealer 8 in Multiple and Double Decks (Split in Single Deck)
Decks(1),Stand Soft 17 | Player Pair: 3,3 | Dealer: 8
Split | Player Pair 3,3 vs Dealer 8 Split in Single Decks (Hit in Multiple and Double Decks)
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Pair: 3,3 | Dealer: 9
Hit | Player Pair 3,3 vs Dealer 9, 10, A : Hit
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Pair: 3,3 | Dealer: 10
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Pair: 3,3 | Dealer: A
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Pair: 4,4 | Dealer: 2
Hit | Player Pair 4,4 vs Dealer 2,3: Hit
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Pair: 4,4 | Dealer: 3
Decks(2,4),Stand Soft 17 | Player Pair: 4,4 | Dealer: 4
Hit | Player Pair 4,4 vs Dealer 4: Hit in Multiple and Double Decks (Split in Single Deck)
Decks(1),Stand Soft 17 | Player Pair: 4,4 | Dealer: 4
Split | Player Pair 4,4 vs Dealer 4: Split in Single Deck (Hit in Multiple and Double Decks)
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Pair: 4,4 | Dealer: 5
Split | Player Pair 4,4 vs Dealer 5,6 : Split
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Pair: 4,4 | Dealer: 6
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Pair: 4,4 | Dealer: 7
Hit | Player Pair 4,4 vs Dealer 7,8,9,10,A : Hit
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Pair: 4,4 | Dealer: 8
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Pair: 4,4 | Dealer: 9
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Pair: 4,4 | Dealer: 10
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Pair: 4,4 | Dealer: A
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Pair: 5,5 | Dealer: 2
Hit (Double) | Player Pair 5,5 vs Dealer 2-9: Hit (Double) (Hit when Dealer 10,A)
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Pair: 5,5 | Dealer: 3
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Pair: 5,5 | Dealer: 4
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Pair: 5,5 | Dealer: 5
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Pair: 5,5 | Dealer: 6
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Pair: 5,5 | Dealer: 7
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Pair: 5,5 | Dealer: 8
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Pair: 5,5 | Dealer: 9
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Pair: 5,5 | Dealer: 10
Hit | Player Pair 5,5 vs Dealer 10,A : Hit (Hit-Double when Dealer 2-9)
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Pair: 5,5 | Dealer: A
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Pair: 6,6 | Dealer: 2
Split | Player Pair 6,6 & 7,7 vs Dealer 2,3,4,5,6: Split
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Pair: 6,6 | Dealer: 3
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Pair: 6,6 | Dealer: 4
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Pair: 6,6 | Dealer: 5
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Pair: 6,6 | Dealer: 6
Decks(1,2),Stand Soft 17 | Player Pair: 6,6 | Dealer: 7
Split | Player Pair 6,6 vs Dealer 7: Split in 1,2 Decks (Split when Dealer less than 7, Hit when Dealer greater than 7)
Decks(4),Stand Soft 17 | Player Pair: 6,6 | Dealer: 7
Hit | Player Pair 6,6 vs Dealer 7: Hit in Multiple Decks (Split when Dealer 7 in 1&2 Decks) (Split when Dealer less than 7, Hit when Dealer is greater than 7)
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Pair: 6,6 | Dealer: 8
Hit | Player Pair 6,6 vs Dealer 8,9,10,A (Split when Dealer 1-6, Hit (7 Multiple)/Split (7 1/2), Hit Greater 7)
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Pair: 6,6 | Dealer: 9
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Pair: 6,6 | Dealer: 10
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Pair: 6,6 | Dealer: A
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Pair: 7,7 | Dealer: 2
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Pair: 7,7 | Dealer: 3
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Pair: 7,7 | Dealer: 4
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Pair: 7,7 | Dealer: 5
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Pair: 7,7 | Dealer: 6
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Pair: 7,7 | Dealer: 7
Split | Player Pair 7,7 vs Dealer 2,3,4,5,6,7: Split
Decks(1,2),Stand Soft 17 | Player Pair: 7,7 | Dealer: 8
Split | Player Pair 7,7 vs Dealer 8: Split in 1,2 Decks (Split when Dealer less than 8)
Decks(4),Stand Soft 17 | Player Pair: 7,7 | Dealer: 8
Hit | Player Pair 7,7 vs Dealer 8: Hit in Multiple Decks (Split when Dealer 8 in 1&2 Decks) (Split when Dealer less than 8)
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Pair: 7,7 | Dealer: 9
Hit | Player Pair 7,7 vs Dealer 9: Hit
Decks(4,2),Stand Soft 17 | Player Pair: 7,7 | Dealer: 10
Hit | Player Pair 7,7 vs Dealer 10: Hit in Multiple and Double Decks (Stand in Single Deck)
Decks(1),Stand Soft 17 | Player Pair: 7,7 | Dealer: 10
Stand | Player Pair 7,7 vs Dealer 10: Stand in Single Deck (Hit in Multiple and Double Decks)
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Pair: 7,7 | Dealer: A
Hit | Player Pair 7,7 vs Dealer A: Hit
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Pair: 8,8 | Dealer: 2
Split | Player Pair 8,8 & A,A vs Dealer Any : Split
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Pair: 8,8 | Dealer: 3
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Pair: 8,8 | Dealer: 4
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Pair: 8,8 | Dealer: 5
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Pair: 8,8 | Dealer: 6
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Pair: 8,8 | Dealer: 7
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Pair: 8,8 | Dealer: 8
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Pair: 8,8 | Dealer: 9
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Pair: 8,8 | Dealer: 10
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Pair: 8,8 | Dealer: A
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Pair: 9,9 | Dealer: 2
Split | Player Pair 9,9 vs Dealer 2-6 & 8,9 : Split (Stand when Dealer 7, 10)
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Pair: 9,9 | Dealer: 3
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Pair: 9,9 | Dealer: 4
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Pair: 9,9 | Dealer: 5
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Pair: 9,9 | Dealer: 6
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Pair: 9,9 | Dealer: 7
Stand | Player Pair 9,9 vs Dealer 7,10: Stand (Split when Dealer 2-6, 8, 9)
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Pair: 9,9 | Dealer: 8
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Pair: 9,9 | Dealer: 9
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Pair: 9,9 | Dealer: 10
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Pair: 9,9 | Dealer: A
Stand | Player Pair 9,9 vs Dealer A: Stand when Stand Soft 17 / Split when Hit on 17 Single Deck
Decks(1),Hit Soft 17 | Player Pair: 9,9 | Dealer: A
Split | Player Pair 9,9 vs Dealer A: Split when Hit on 17 Single Deck / Stand when Stand on Soft 17
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Pair: A,A | Dealer: 2
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Pair: A,A | Dealer: 3
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Pair: A,A | Dealer: 4
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Pair: A,A | Dealer: 5
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Pair: A,A | Dealer: 6
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Pair: A,A | Dealer: 7
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Pair: A,A | Dealer: 8
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Pair: A,A | Dealer: 9
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Pair: A,A | Dealer: 10
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Pair: A,A | Dealer: A
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Soft: 13 | Dealer: 2
Hit | Player Soft 13 vs Dealer 2,3: Hit
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Soft: 13 | Dealer: 3
Decks(4,2),Stand Soft 17 | Player Soft: 13 | Dealer: 4
Hit | Player Soft 13 vs Dealer 4: Hit in Multiple and Double Decks (Double in Single Deck)
Decks(1),Stand Soft 17 | Player Soft: 13 | Dealer: 4
Hit (Double) | Player Soft 13 vs Dealer 4: Double in Single Deck (Hit in Multiple and Double Decks)
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Soft: 13 | Dealer: 5
Hit (Double)| Player Soft 13,14,15,16, 17 vs Dealer 5,6: Hit (Double)
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Soft: 13 | Dealer: 6
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Soft: 13 | Dealer: 7
Hit | Player Soft 13,14,15,17,17 vs Dealer 7,8: Hit
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Soft: 13 | Dealer: 8
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Soft: 13 | Dealer: 9
Hit | Player Soft 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 vs Dealer 9, 10: Hit
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Soft: 13 | Dealer: 10
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Soft: 13 | Dealer: A
Hit | Player Soft 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 vs Dealer A: Hit (Stand when Player Soft 18 in Single Deck)
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Soft: 14 | Dealer: 5
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Soft: 14 | Dealer: 6
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Soft: 14 | Dealer: 7
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Soft: 14 | Dealer: 8
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Soft: 14 | Dealer: 9
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Soft: 14 | Dealer: 10
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Soft: 14 | Dealer: A
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Soft: 15 | Dealer: 5
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Soft: 15 | Dealer: 6
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Soft: 15 | Dealer: 7
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Soft: 15 | Dealer: 8
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Soft: 15 | Dealer: 9
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Soft: 15 | Dealer: 10
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Soft: 15 | Dealer: A
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Soft: 16 | Dealer: 5
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Soft: 16 | Dealer: 6
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Soft: 16 | Dealer: 7
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Soft: 16 | Dealer: 8
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Soft: 16 | Dealer: 9
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Soft: 16 | Dealer: 10
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Soft: 16 | Dealer: A
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Soft: 17 | Dealer: 5
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Soft: 17 | Dealer: 6
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Soft: 17 | Dealer: 7
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Soft: 17 | Dealer: 8
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Soft: 17 | Dealer: 9
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Soft: 17 | Dealer: 10
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Soft: 17 | Dealer: A
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Soft: 18 | Dealer: 9
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Soft: 18 | Dealer: 10
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Soft: 18 | Dealer: A
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Soft: 19 | Dealer: 2
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Soft: 19 | Dealer: 3
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Soft: 19 | Dealer: 4
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Soft: 19 | Dealer: 5
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Soft: 19 | Dealer: 6
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Soft: 19 | Dealer: 7
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Soft: 19 | Dealer: 8
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Soft: 19 | Dealer: 9
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Soft: 19 | Dealer: 10
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Soft: 19 | Dealer: A
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Soft: 20 | Dealer: 2
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Soft: 20 | Dealer: 3
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Soft: 20 | Dealer: 4
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Soft: 20 | Dealer: 5
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Soft: 20 | Dealer: 6
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Soft: 20 | Dealer: 7
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Soft: 20 | Dealer: 8
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Soft: 20 | Dealer: 9
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Soft: 20 | Dealer: 10
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Soft: 20 | Dealer: A
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Soft: 21 | Dealer: 2
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Soft: 21 | Dealer: 3
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Soft: 21 | Dealer: 4
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Soft: 21 | Dealer: 5
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Soft: 21 | Dealer: 6
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Soft: 21 | Dealer: 7
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Soft: 21 | Dealer: 8
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Soft: 21 | Dealer: 9
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Soft: 21 | Dealer: 10
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Soft: 21 | Dealer: A
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Soft: 18 | Dealer: 5
Stand (Double) | Player Soft 18 vs Dealer 5,6: Stand (Double) (Stand on Dealer 7,8)
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Soft: 18 | Dealer: 6
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Soft: 18 | Dealer: 7
Stand | Player Soft 18 vs Dealer 6,8: Stand on Dealer 7,8 (Stand (Double) on Dealer 5,6)
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Soft: 18 | Dealer: 8
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Soft: 15 | Dealer: 2
Hit | Player Soft 15,16 vs Dealer 2: Hit
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Soft: 16 | Dealer: 2
Decks(4,1),Stand Soft 17 | Player Soft: 14 | Dealer: 2
Hit | Player Soft 14 vs Dealer 2: Hit in Multiple & Single Decks (Stand-Double in Double Deck & Hit on Soft 17)
Decks(2),Hit Soft 17 | Player Soft: 14 | Dealer: 2
Stand (Double) | Player Soft 14 vs Dealer 2: Stand-Double in Double Deck & Hit on Soft 17 (Hit in Multiple & Single Decks)
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Soft: 14 | Dealer: 3
Hit | Player Soft 14,15,16 vs Dealer 3: Hit
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Soft: 15 | Dealer: 3
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Soft: 16 | Dealer: 3
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Soft: 17 | Dealer: 3
Hit (Double) | Player Soft 17 vs Dealer 3: Hit (Double)
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Soft: 18 | Dealer: 3
Stand (Double) | Player Soft 18 vs Dealer 3: Stand (Double)
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Soft: 15 | Dealer: 4
Hit (Double) | Player Soft 15, 16, 17 vs Dealer 4: Hit (Double)
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Soft: 16 | Dealer: 4
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Soft: 17 | Dealer: 4
All,Hit Soft 17 | Player Soft: 18 | Dealer: 2
Stand (Double) | Player Soft 18 vs Dealer 2 & Hit on Soft 17 : Stand (Double) (Stand on Soft 17)
All,Hit Soft 17 | Player Soft: 18 | Dealer: 4
Hit (Double)
All,Stand Soft 17 | Player Soft: 18 | Dealer: 2
Stand | Player Soft 18 vs Dealer 2 & Stand on Soft 17: Stand (Stand-Double when Hit on Soft 17)
Decks(4,2),Stand Soft 17 | Player Soft: 14 | Dealer: 4
Hit | Player Soft 14 vs Dealer 4: Hit on Multiple and Double Decks (else Hit-Double on Single Deck)
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