What is a CPS?
a system combining computational and physical capabilities
computaitonal e.g.
path planing
computer vision
physical e.g.
object manipulation
energy distribution
chemical reactions
What are some advantages of automated driving?
collision avoidance
reduciton of traffic jams
releases human operators from control tasks
insurance policies become cheaper or uneccesarry
What are some advantages of human-robot collarboation?
flexibility in manufacturing
safety cages no longer required
programming by teaching
robot can learn from human behavior
Whar are some advanatage of smart grids?
effifiency ba demand-side management
fault detection and self-healing
flexibility in network topology
What are some advantages for automated farmign?
reduction of labor cost
more precision
less compaction due to use of repetitive tractor paths
more hours of operation
What are advantages fo surgical robots?
significantyl less pain
less blood loss
less scarring
shorter recovery time
What are advantages of automated air traffic control?
less distraction for air traffic controllers
more safety
higher traffic density
more economic routes
no langugage barriers
What are some areas of experties required in CPS?
i.e. sensors, actuators, computers,ect.
architzecture, real time OS,
control desing
mathematical modeling
human machine ingteraction
design of information panels
data representaiton
What are current trends in CPS?
increasing grade of autonomy
more flexibility especially in unknown environments
increasing complexity (i.e.LoC, physical set-up)
model-based development
increased use of automated code generation
frowing number of safety critical applciations
networking via internet, bus systems, wireless connections
What is the basic operation principle of CPS?
pyhsical quantities are measured by
they send signals to
controller decides on action and sends signal to
actuators do sth. physical affecting
technical / non-technical process in real-world
affecting physical quantities measured by
Name some typical sensors
acceleration sensor
light sensor
force sensor
temperature sensor
video camera
pressure sensor
angle sensor
Name some typical acutators
electric motor
hydraulic / pneumatic cylinder
magnetic valve
piezo actuator
How does model-based design work?
mathematical descr. of system dynamics
selection of parameters of physical process
selection of computer hardware
and the control
does performance comply with specification
does the design work in reality?
What are advantages of a model-based design?
improvement of product quality
allows testing system in each development cycle
handling complesity
models help to structure complex systems
shorter development times
model-based makes automatic code generation, common understanting of problem and reusing of solutions possible
What is a system?
set of interacting or independent components
that is distinguished from its environemnt
by system boundary
What is a sytem boundary?
describes exchagne of system with its environemtns
via in- and outputs
What is a sub-system?
system can be composed of them
-> system in a system…
What is an exemplary modeling task for a train?
goal: design controller so that train drives at desired velocity vd
sum of all forces (in optimal state) have to be 0
=> i.e. stays constant
(use mathematical formula…)
What is an exemplary design task for a train?
design a controller
that increases engine force when velocity is less than desired
and decrease otherwise
=> again using math formulation
What is an exemplary analysis task for a train?
i.e. simulate in matlab/simulink
train should be able to i.e. change from 30m/s to 40m/s in 10s…
What is the difference between continuous-state and discrete-state systems?
have discrete-value staes, inputs and outputs
i.e. warehouse
input: packets
output: packets
state: number of packets
=> is discrete…
i.e. water tank
input: water inflow (continuous)
output: water outflow
state: water volume in tank
What is an exemplary hybrid(state) system?
water tank with discrete input
-> pumpin, pumpout
continuous output
water level
continuous state
watetr volume in tank
Why are hybrid systems relevant?
CPS combine computer (discrete) and real (analog/continuous) world
How to define a state?
(smallest) number of variables that need to be specified at the initial time t0
so that future behavior is uniquely defined for given input signal
-> i.e. for water tank, state only with infromation about outside temparature not good
What is the difference between dynamic and static systems?
no state required
-> output only depends on input
output depends on previous state and input
state depends on initial state and input
=> also speak of system with memory
What is the difference between time vairant and time invariant systems?
time invariant
-> shift of time does not change output
time variant:
-> shift of time alters the outcome
i.e. train has varying mass at different points in time…
What is the difference between deterministic and non-deterministic systems?
for initial state and given input signal
=> there exists unique solution of the state and output
=> for given state and input an exact next state and output is specified
evolutoin of system state and output is not uniquely determined by initial state and input signal
i.e. throwing a dice
What is the difference between causal, acausal and anticausal systems?
output only depends on past and curretn inputs but not on future ones
system also depeneds on inputs from the future
i.e. y(t) = u(t-tau) + u(t+tau)
system solely depends on inputs from the future
-> depends always means output…
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