Why do we need vendor neutral data exchange? (3 reasons)
Fair competition => better prices
Purpose of data exchenge =>handover & coordination
Public authorities must not demand product of one specific vendor
Whatv are two geometry only exchange formats?
What is STEP?
Name a few IFCBuiltElement Subclasses?
What is the IFC relationship chain between a wall and a window?
For what are space boundaries important?
quantity take-off
energy analysis
What is a Model View Definition?
How does the Revit PSET COnfiguration FIle look like?
What are the 6 essentials about IFC?
How does IFC based collaboration look like?
What are 3 limitations of geometry only formats?
no semantics
no modification possible
limited use for downstream applications (quantity take-off, simulations, calculations, etc.)
What is BIM modelleing?
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