Introduction in Assembly line Balancing
What is a Assembly Line balancing (Introduction) and name the advantages.
What are the objektives in an Assembly Line Balancing Problem (Introduction)?
What are the classifications of ALB problems?
What types of Line controls exist in ASB? (Introduction)
What types of processing times exist in ALB?
Give the six Line Layouts from the lecture? In which one quality controll can start at the beginning and the end?
Neues Model: Single Model Assembly Line
Welche SALB (Single Assembly Line Balancing) types exists and which ones ar NP-Hard and NP-complete? Which type aif Layout does SALB have?
What are the Assumptions of Single Model Assembly Lines bzw. Simple assembly line balancing (SALB)
What are the variables in single model Assembly Lines (SALB)?
Give the formulas für Earliest station and latest station. What are they for ? Compute this for two from the give graph.
They say when a job can be ealiest assign and latest assign. This helps reducing the search space
Neus Model: Feasibility Problem (SALB-F)
Was we want to find in a in (SALB-F) and what does it not have?
We want to find a feasible task assignment for the give number K of stations and cycle time c.
What is the decision variable and the decision formulation of SALB-F. Give the constraints for. Which constraints has to be done for ?
Occurence constraints
Cycle time constraints
Precendence constraint
Compute with the following table the feasibility problem for task 6, station 3 and the precendence 2 —> 5
Occurence constraints (has to be done for every task)
Cycle time constraints (has to be done for every station)
Precendence constraint (has to be done for every arc —> Bogen oder Vorrangsbeziehung im Graphen)
Neues Model:: Optimization Problems: SALB-1, SALB-2, SALB-E (Single Model Assembly Lines)
Give the Objective and the application for:
And now give the mathematical formulation vor:
Neues Model: Ranked Positional Weight heuristic
Explain the ranked positional weight heuristic and name the heuristic which is quite similiar to this one. Do the example for that problem:
it is similiar to the most work heuristic in job shops
Neues Model: U-Shaped Assembly Lines (Single Model Assembly Lines-Salb-1). Unterscheide zwischen UALB vs SALB.
Neus Model: Mixed Model Assembly Lines
Which type of products are produced on mixed assembly lines and what tpe of problems Exists in mixed model assembly lines?
beim medium term geht es darum die Zeit für die verschiedenen Sachen
NEUES Model: Line Balancing (Mixed Model Assembly Lines)
What are the additional assumptions to SALB? (Line Balancing, Mixed Model Assembly Lines)
Give the variables of Line Balancing (Mixed Model Assembly Lines) and give the variables in tasks perspective and stations perspectives?
Give the time of each station from the Joint Model
How the different Models (in Line Balancing ist hier nicht mathematisches Model gemeint, sondern wirklich die unterschieldlichen Modelle/Produkte) can be combined?
Give for that example the explanation how t (tau), is computed? How the models are connected
Is the Cycle time exceeded?
Gib the Obectives of
(its same like SALB)
Which ones are NP-Hard or NP-Complete?
When inefficiencies occur ? And what types are there and how? (Schritt: Wann treten inefficiencies auf und wie decken wir die Inefficiency auf bzw. wie zeigen wir sie? How we gonna handle variations of station utilization?
Occur to variations in the station times (work load variation)
Hier cycle time violation
we optimize for the average but we write down for the peaks
Slacktime ist noch übrig gebliebene Cycle time
How we gonna handle when inefficiencies occur (wie gehen wir jetzt gegen die violation vor)
We Smoothed Stations Loads (Wir haben die Lasten der Stationen geglättet)
Give the 3 objectives for Smoothed station loads. Give also the advantages and disadvanteges of objective 1-3
Aus Vorlesung:
As flat as possible
Minimizing a maximum: means makes everything as equal as possible —> how close can you be at the average —> try to be in stations where the averagy time as close as possible to the single peak times
try to assign it in a way that you minimize that
NEUES Model: Line sequencing/ MSP (Mixed Assembly Lines).
Give the characteristics and the Assumptions of MSP (Line sequencing (Mixed Model Assembly Lines). What are the Objectices and which one is the most important objective
give the formulation of the problem
Give the connection between the planning horizons
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