
GePa Altern

von Karl B.

Gender Differences in Sleep

-> Circadian Alerting Signal

-> Preoptic Region

-> Growth Hormone

-> Testosterone

  • Gender-specific changes in the circadian alerting signal may account for greater sleep fragmentation, less consolidated sleep, and higher daytime nap propensity in older men

    • Post mortem: fewer VIP-expressing neurons in the SCN in men across the lifespan

  • The preoptic region of the hypothalamus is sexually dimorphic

    • Males: more galanin-expressing neurons within POA

    • But: in later life, this gender difference was diminished

    -> more rapid relative decline in male -> NREM differences

  • Age-related declines in LC (Locus Coeruleus) is greater in male than in femaleàpotentially weakens SWS homeostasis

    • Clewett et al (2016): „Consistent with the LC-reserve hypothesis, both verbal intelligence and a composite reserve score were positively associated with LC signal intensity in older adults“

  • Older adult men experience more accelerated gray matter atrophy, and more reduced metabolic activity, in the core NREM slow wave generating region of the medial PFC

  • Growth hormones

    • Relate to SWS intensity and decrease in galanin- expressing neurons in POA

    • Male: reduction correlated with SWS (but not in females)

  • Testosterone

    • Testosterone secretion increases with transitions into slow wave sleep in young men

    • This, and testosterone levels in general, decreases with age

    • Low testosterone levels in older men à decreased sleep efficiency and greater sleep fragmentation

    • Underlies the sex differences in atrophy associated with galanin-expressing neurons in POA

    • Rodents: galanin neuronal density is reduced by castration and restored with testosterone treatment

  • Extrinsic influences

    • Alcohol intake:

      • Higher in men

      • Effects sleep quantity and quality

      • Associated with greater medial PFC atrophy

    -> Direct relationships remain elusive

An exercise infusion benefits brain function (Pinto & Van Praag, 2022)

- Exercise's positive impact on brain function and neurodegeneration prevention is known.

- Research by de Miguel et al. indicates runner mouse plasma contains factors, especially clusterin, mirroring exercise effects on brain and memory.

- Past studies suggested observing activity doesn't induce brain changes; recent findings suggest exercise-derived blood infusion might work.

- Exercise's effects are evident in the hippocampus, critical for learning and memory, but underlying mechanisms are unclear.

- Peripheral factors in blood are being recognized for their role in brain function, possibly influencing neurogenesis and memory.

- De Miguel et al.'s study utilized runner plasma (RP) from mice with access to running wheels, showing infused RP into sedentary mice mimicked exercise's brain benefits.

- RP-treated mice displayed improved memory, increased neural progenitor cells and astrocytes in hippocampus.

- RP treatment led to differentially expressed genes related to inflammation, plasticity, and immunity in hippocampus.

- Mass spectrometry of RP revealed proteins like clusterin (CLU), involved in various functions including inflammation, cell survival, and complement inhibition.

- CLU derived from liver and heart, binds to brain endothelial cells, consistent with exercise's blood-brain barrier support.

- CLU, like other exercise-related molecules, is complex and linked to both benefits and potential risks.

- CLU's role in reducing neuroinflammation aligns with exercise's benefits, as evidenced by increased levels in elderly humans with cognitive impairment after exercise.

- Future research should further explore exercise molecules' complexities and therapeutic potential for brain health.

An in vivo correlate of exercise-induced neurogenesis in the adult dentate gyrus

  • MRI based cerebral blood volume (CBV): imaging correlate of neurogenesis

  • Expr. 1: mice (7 weeks), expr 2: humans (33 yrs)

Mice: 2 weeks running wheel

  • Exercise has a specific impact on dentate gyrus cerebral blood volume (CBV) in mice.

  • Bar graphs display relative CBV (rCBV) mean values for different hippocampal subregions in exercise and non-exercise groups over 6 weeks.

  • Only the dentate gyrus displayed a significant exercise effect, with CBV peaking at week 4.

  • Entorhinal cortex showed a nonsignificant CBV increase.

  • High-resolution MRI visualizes hippocampal formation's external morphology and internal architecture.

  • Parcellation of hippocampal subregions (entorhinal cortex, dentate gyrus, CA3, CA1) displayed.

  • Hippocampal CBV map demonstrates warmer colors reflecting higher CBV.

Human: 12 weeks, four times / week, 1h

5 min warm-up, 40 min aerob, 10 cool down

  • Exercise has a specific impact on dentate gyrus cerebral blood volume (CBV) in humans.

  • Bar graph shows mean relative CBV (rCBV) values for hippocampal subregions before (open bars) and after exercise (filled bars).

  • Similar to mice, only the dentate gyrus displayed a significant exercise effect, while the entorhinal cortex showed a nonsignificant CBV increase.

  • High-resolution MRI visualizes hippocampal formation's external morphology and internal architecture.

  • Parcellation of hippocampal subregions (entorhinal cortex, dentate gyrus, CA1, subiculum) displayed.

  • Hippocampal CBV map demonstrates warmer colors reflecting higher CBV.

Cognitive Trainings:

Video game training enhances cognitive control in older adults (Anguera et al., 2005)

- A custom-designed video game called NeuroRacer assesses multitasking performance.

- NeuroRacer-based study shows linear age-related decline in multitasking performance from 20 to 79 years.

- Older adults (60 to 85 years) improved multitasking through adaptive NeuroRacer training, surpassing even trained 20-year-olds.

- Multitasking training remediated age-related neural deficits in cognitive control as measured by EEG.

- Training extended performance benefits to untrained cognitive abilities (sustained attention, working memory).

- Increase in midline frontal theta power predicted sustained attention boost and retained multitasking improvement.

- The study highlights prefrontal cognitive control system's plasticity in aging and demonstrates a video game's role in assessing cognitive abilities, evaluating neural mechanisms, and enhancing cognition.

Expeirmental Set- Up:

  • 3 Conditions: Drive Only, Sign Only and Sign and Drive

  • Trainings for 1 Month, 3 Times a week (1h)

  • 3 Groups: Control Group, SingleTask (drive only and sign only) and Multitasking Condition

  • Testings of cognitive functions, EEG and NeuroRacer 3 times (initial, 1 Month and 6 Months after initial)


    - Costs: % change in d-prime from ‘sign only’ to ‘sign and drive’àgreater cost indicates increased interference when simultaneously engaging in the two tasks

  • Costs increase with age decade

  • Training effects were most pronounced in the multitasking condition, followed by the task only condition

Summary and conclusion

  • NeuroRacer in multitasking training mode reduced multitasking costs with gains persisting for 6 months

  • Age-related deficits in neural signatures of cognitive control (EEG) were remediated by multitasking trainingàenhanced midline frontal theta power and frontal–posterior theta coherence

  • Performance benefits extended to untrained cognitive control abilities (sustained attention and working memory), with an increase in midline frontal theta power predicting the training-induced boost

    -> robust plasticity of the prefrontal cognitive control system in the ageing brain

    -> first evidence of how a custom-designed video game can be used to assess cognitive abilities across the lifespan, evaluate underlying neural mechanisms, and serve as a powerful tool for cognitive enhancement

Cognitive Trainings: Meta- Analyses

Cognitive Training: A Field in Search of a Phenomenon (Gobet & Sala, 2022)

  • “The best way to evaluate the empirical evidence is to carry out meta-analyses, and we discuss the conclusions of several recent meta-analyses that covered WM training, video-game playing, chess playing, music, and exergame.”

  • Main objectives of Meta-Analyses

    • (a) to estimate the magnitude of an overall effect and its confidence intervals

    • (b) to quantify the consistency of the literature (i.e., whether there is variability in the findings across studies)

    • (c) to reveal the role of potential moderators

  • Details on methods: see e.g. Borenstein et al., 2009; Schmidt & Hunter, 2015

  • First- and second-order meta-analysis

  • Heterogeneity/variance is smallà“...the results are not inconsistent and thus do not depend on differences in methodologies between researchers. ... Far-transfer effects do not exist.”

  • The second-order meta-analysis (Sala et al., 2019) included

    – 14 statistically independent first-order meta-analyses (332 samples, 1,555 effect sizes, and 21,968 participants) of near- and far-transfer effects in different populations (e.g., children, adults, and older adults)

    – Results

    • Evidence for near transfer -> moderated by the age

    • Far transfer is negligible (uncorrected overall effect) or null (when placebo effects and publication bias are ruled out)

    • Within-studies and between-studies true variance are small to null with far transfer

  •  Near transfer is real and moderated by the population examined

  • Far transfer is due to factors that are unspecific

  • “Resources should be devoted to other scientific questions—> it is not rational to invest considerable sums of money on a scientific question that has been essentially answered by the negative.”

  • Green et al. (2019) recommend the opposite

How does age related degeneration of the SN/VTA effect declarative memory? Bunzeck et al., 2007

- Studied age-related structural degeneration in mesolimbic system using magnetization transfer ratio (MTR).

- Correlated MTR with mesolimbic hemodynamic responses (HRs) to stimulus novelty.

- 21 healthy older adults (55-77 years) performed visual oddball paradigm during fMRI.

- HRs to novelty in right SN/VTA and right hippocampus positively correlated with SN/VTA MTR and hippocampus MTR, not amygdala MTR.

- Amygdala HR to negative emotional valence correlated with amygdala MTR, not SN/VTA or hippocampus MTR.

- Supports hippocampal-SN/VTA loop for mesolimbic novelty processing.

- Age-related degeneration of SN/VTA and hippocampus selectively affects hemodynamic activation for novelty.

- Establishes structure-function relationship in mesolimbic novelty processing.

Novelty responses in SN/VTA and HC correlate with their structural integrity (in older adults)

  • Correlations between novelty-related HRs and MTRs. Novelty HR in SN/VTA (A) correlated positively with SN/VTA MTR (B) and hippocampus MTR (C) but not age (D) or amygdala MTR (E). In the hippocampus (F), novelty HR correlated positively with SN/VTA MTR (G), hippocampus MTR (H) and negatively with age (I) but not with amygdala MTR (J). Activation maps were superimposed on the group MT template (A) or the T1-weighted standard MNI brain (F) and thresholded at P 5 0.005 (uncorrected). Asterisks indicate a significant correlation at *P 5 0.05 or **P 5 0.01—n.s. abbreviates ‘‘not significant’’ (P [ 0.05)

Disease progression: NbM -> Enthorinal Cortex

Basal forebrain volume reliably predicts the cortical spread of Alzheimer’s degeneration

  • Alzheimer's disease (AD) involves the spreading of neurodegeneration through connected brain regions, but the exact sequence is unclear.

  • The conventional model suggests AD starts in the entorhinal cortex before spreading to the temporoparietal cortex.

  • Previous research challenged this by showing that neurodegeneration in the nucleus basalis of Meynert (NbM), a basal forebrain area with cholinergic neurons, precedes entorhinal degeneration.

  • This study compares staging models using two independent samples from the Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative with CSF biomarkers and longitudinal MRI data.

  • The study's predictive modeling strategy indicates that degeneration starts in NbM and spreads to the entorhinal cortex, contrary to the prevailing model.

  • This finding holds across both independent samples and is influenced by CSF concentrations of pTau/amyloid-b.

  • Whole-brain analysis suggests smaller baseline NbM volumes predict localized entorhinal and perirhinal cortex degeneration.

  • In contrast, smaller entorhinal volumes predict degeneration in the medial temporal cortex, supporting a different staging model.

  • The study suggests that degeneration of the basal forebrain cholinergic system precedes and influences broader AD-related degeneration, challenging established views of AD pathogenesis.

„normal“ vs. „abnormal“ based on ratio of pTau/amyloid-beta (CSF)

  • NbM baseline volume predicted longitudinal EC degenerations,

    implying a trans-synaptic spread

    of amyloid-à & pTau starting in the


  • Compatible with work in animals and adds a crucial upstream link to the subsequent spread from EC to

    other MTL structures

Slopes of the NbMàEC and ECàNbM robust regression models were different in (A) the pooled abnormal CSF group (aCSF), but

(B) not in the pooled normal CSF group

Personality and Alzheimers Disease (Segerstrom, 2020)

WHY does personality correlate with AD?

  • Personality, especially the dimensions of neuroticism and conscientiousness, has prospectively predicted the risk of incident Alzheimer’s disease (AD).

  • Such a relationship could be explained by

    • personality and AD risk having a common cause such as a gene;

    • personality creating a predisposition for AD through health behavior or inflammation

    • personality exerting a pathoplastic effect on the cognitive consequences of neuropathology

    • AD and personality change existing on a disease spectrum that begins up to decades before diagnosis

  • Evidence is sparse but suggests predisposition and/or pathoplastic relationships

  • The pathogenic process of AD is still a matter of some debate

  • Focus on plaques as causal has been called into question

  • Phase III pharmacological clinical trials: clinical progression of mild-to-moderate AD was not affected even when the drug reduced Aà and tau relative to controls

  • The primary risk factors for AD are age, genetic polymorphisms, and family history

  • ...clarify the nature of the personality–AD relationship and exploit advances in neuroimaging and biomarkers

WHY does personality correlate with AD?

Common cause

  • Personality and AD have a common cause (shared etiology) but are not causally

    related to each other

  • Genetic polymorphisms provide a “common core liability”

  • APOE is the most common genetic predictors of AD risk

    • Carriers of 2 vs no APOE !4 alleles: 8–12 times the risk for AD

    • BUT: there was no relationship with any dimension in the FFM , and

      statistical control did not affect the relationship between personality and AD risk

  • Polymorphisms affecting proneness to inflammation have been implicated in AD and may also be associated with personality

  • Genes account for ca 1/3 to personality – environment/experience the rest

    • if life experiences modify personality and AD risk independently, a common cause model would be supported


  • Personality is a risk or protective factor for the development of AD

  • HOW? Mediation via health behaviour:

  • AD attributable to risk factors related to health behaviour

    • diabetes, hypertension, obesity, smoking, depression, cognitive inactivity, and physical inactivity (Barnes & Yaffe, 2011)

    • Personality, especially conscientiousness, is correlated with all of them

  • Conscientiousness, associated with

    • healthier behaviour: alcohol and drug use, diet, physical activity, and tobacco use (Bogg & Roberts, 2004)

    • higher educational attainment

  • Neuroticism

    • higher risk for depression (Klein et al., 1993), smoking (Lahey, 2009)

  • Openness to experience

    • Correlates with cognitive activityàhigher education in kids


  • Personality influences the presentation, course, or outcome of AD

  • AD neuropathology not perfectly related to neuropsychology

  • Suggests: resilience to neuropathology is associated with personality


  •  Older adults with AD neuropathology but cognitively intact were less neurotic and more conscientious than control group (AD and cogn. impaired)

  • Older adults lower in neuroticism appeared to be protected from the effects of A -> deposition on memory complaints, but no such relationship for conscientiousness

  • Interaction between APOE and personality may also represent a form of pathoplastic relationship

    • APOE !4 carriers high in neuroticism had a hazard ratio for AD of 8.68 vs low in neuroticism had a hazard ratio of 1.80 (no effect of neuroticism in people without the APOE !4 gene)

    • - Cognitive reserve can have protective effects

      • Conscientiousness and openness/intellect likely contribute to higher cognitive reserve through their effects on educational attainment (Hampson et al., 2007)

      • Other personality dimensions may also build reserve through physical and social activity


  • Personality is a prodrome or other subclinical manifestation of AD


– Personality change is common in AD

  • Marked decreases in conscientiousness

  • Moderate increases in neuroticism

  • Decreases in extraversion, agreeableness, and openness

  • And detectable even in the earliest stages by self-report or informant report

    – But

  • AD neuropathology may begin decades before the onset of disease

  • Personality during preclinical phase and longer follow-up periods suggest that baseline personality reflected more than prodromal personality change


Karl B.


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