Composition of blood + functions of the individual componenets
(Altfrage: list the 4 elements of blood and explain their main functions)
Physical + chemical properties of blood
Haemostasis + its ain parameters and why it is important to maintain homeostasis for the functions of the body
(Altfrage: define what hemostasis is)
Hematocrit - definition, normal values in both genders and newborns
Hematocrit - abdnormal values + causes // changes in normal + abnormal situations
Sedimentation rate of erythrocytes - definition, normal values, measurement, factors that influence sedimentation rate
abnormalities of sedimentaton rate + their main causes
Blood Plasma - its components + main functions + difference between plasma and serum
(Altfrage: What is the difference between blood plasma and serum? What is the % of blood plasma of the blood volume?)
Osmosis, osmotic pressure of body fluids, iso-hypo and hypertonic solutions, osmotic resistance of erythrocytes
Erythrocytes - structure, size, function, normal count in genders + newborns, causes of difference in normal values
Polyglobulia - causes + consequences
Anemia - causes + consequences
Erythrocyte hemolysis - definition, types, causes, conyequences
Hemoglobin - composition, types, main derivatives concentration in blood of genders/newborns
(Altfrage: Describe composition of hemoglobin. List and characterize the normal hb types in human body)
Hemoglobin - causes of difference in normal values
AB0 system
(Altfrage: list the blood types of AB0 system. Specify what determines individual blood groups in this system)
Rh system
(Altfrage: does RH+ blood match for RH- of a person?)
Blood groups - compatibility, cross-matching test, blood transfusion
Leukocytes - characteristics + general functions
Leukocytes - % of individual types
Leukocytosis - abnormal and normal values and their causes
(Altfrage: Explain what leukocytosis is and what are its main causes? /// What is normal amount of leukocytes? What is leukocytosis and leukocytopenia?)
The role of leukocytes in immunity - inborn vs. aquired immunity
active vs. passive immunization
Lymphocytes - humoral + cellular immunity
Hemostasis - 3 main components
Hemocoagulation - extrinsic vs. intrinsic pathway
Hemocoagulation - factors + vitamin K functions
Hemocoagulation - tests
Thrombocytes - normal count, activity in hemostasis
Hemopoiesis - main processes, main nutritional factors
stimuli for erythropoieses
(Altfrage: Which hormone is the main regulator of erythropoiesis? Where is it produced and what is the main stmulus for its release?)
Explain the terms megakaryocytes + macrophage
Female Patient:
HTC: 0,33
HB Count: 110g/L
Lymphocytes: 35%
Platelet Count: 200 x 10^9/L
Explain what plasma clotting factors are and the principle of their function
Male Patient
RBC: 3,2 x 10^12/L
Hb: 110g/L
ESR: 3/5
Leukocyte count: 7 x 10^9/L
Explain phagocytosis. What types of leukocytes are capable of phagocytosus and are reffered to as professional phagocytes?
Explain the differnce between hemostasis and hemocoagulation
What is fibrinogen and whats its function? Explain the differce between the platelet plug and blood clot?
differnce between blood coagulation and erythrocytes agglutination?
Capillary exchange (Filtration/absorption)
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