What is the mission of the “Handicap International - humanity & inclusion”?
working in situations of poverty and exclusion, conflict and disaster
working alongside people with disabilites and vulnerable populations
taking actions and bearing witness in order to respond to their essential needs, improve living conditions and promote respect for their dignity and fundamental rights
what are the activity sectors of handicap international?
emergency livelihood
provision of water, sanitation and hygiene
common logistics services for other humanitarian actors
physical and functional rehabilitation
mental health and psychosocial support
protection against violence and abuse
inclusive humanitarian action
armed violence reduction
disaster risk reduction
what does impairment mean
a long term physical psychosocial intellectual or sensory impairments
what does barriers mean?
obstacles in our environment, laws, policies, physical spaces, communications and / or attitudes
what does functional impact mean?
loss of/ different functional capacity due to the individuals impairment
what is meant by physical/ mobility impairment?
may limit a person’s physical functioning or mobility when barriers to accessibility are present in our infrastructure ( steps, height standards)
what is meant by sensory impairment?
may affect the way sensory imformation is taken in and stored when it is presented in inaccessible ways (e.g. speaking, hearing, seeing)
what is meant by psychosocial impairment?
may affect the way a person thinks, feels, behaves and interacts with mainstream ´norms´which may not align
what is meant by intellectual impairment?
may limit a person´s ability to problem solve, process or retain information, learn or interact within particular contexts such as education and employment ( for example) when the pace, standards and style of participation is prescribed and benchmarked
what impairment are there?
physical/ mobility
what is meant by insitutional barriers?
discriminative policies/ legal frameworks
institutional practices
prioritization, targeting, human and financial resources
what is meant by attitudinal barriers?
misperceptions about requirements, capacities and rights
stigma, prejudices, pity
cultural and social habits, charity
what is meant by environmental barriers?
distance to services, lack of mobile services and accessible transportation
lack of ramps, handrails, tactile strips, lightening, assistive devices or support
obstacles and flexibility in use
what is meant by communication barriers?
absence of braille easy language, sign language, interpreters
absence of multiple formats ( audio + visual)
lack of inclusive communication techniques
what ist GBV?
Gender-based violence (GBV) is violence committed against a person because of his or her sex or gender.
what do GBV caseworkers do
GBV caseworkers listen to survivors, validate their experiences and provide compassionate care. They help survivors access healthcare, justice and other services. They work with survivors of intimate-partner violence to develop safety plans, and establish support systems and meet personal goals.
is this sentence true?
barriers disable people
Heterogeneity vs. Homogeneity
what factors affect experiences and opportunities of disabled people
social status
place of living ( rural, city, developed or developing country)
poverty and wealth
religion and ethnicity
what does able bodied mean?
used to refer to someone who is healthy and has no illness, injury, or condition that makes it difficult to do the things that other people do:
what does ableism mean?
discrimination in favour of able-bodied people.
—> "a person with a disability can struggle with ableism"
—> using disabled toilets as a able bodied person
—> asking a disabled person “whats wrong”
an individual is considered to be at risk if,…
they have diminished capacity to resist, cope with, or recover from violence, exploitation, abuse, and/ or violation(s) of their rights
what does LEGS mean?
Livestock emergency Guidelines and standards
what does CPMS mean?
Minimum standards for child protection in humanitarian action
what does MERS mean?
Minimum economic recovery standards
what does MISMA mean?
Minimum standard for market analysis
what does HIS mean?
humanitarian inclusion standards for older people and people with disabilities
what are the inimum standards that have been developed by the humanitarian standard initiatives?
The Sphere Handbook
Minimum standards for child protection in humanitarian action / CPMS
Livestock emergency guidelines and standards /LEGS
Minimum Economic revovery standards/MERS
minimum standard for market analysis / MISMA
Humanitarian inclusion standards for older people and people with disabilities /HIS
what does CHS mean?
Core humanitarian standards
what are the four objectives of the IASC Guidelines?
what does the twin track approach combine?
a: inclusive mainstream programmes:
-> humanitarian programmes and interventions are designes and implemented inclusive of persons with disabilites
b: targeted interventions for persons with disabilites:
-> humanitarian programmes address differential neesd of persons with disabilities
What are the 4 Must Do actions (MDA) ?
-> from IASC Guidelines of inclusion of persons with disabilities in humanitarian action
Promote meaningful participation of persons with disabilites
remove barriers
empower persons with disabilites and support capacity development
collect and disaggregate data on disability, age and gender for monitoring inclusion
what is the R.E.C.U. approach?
-> ensure that information, services and facilities are accessible: RECU approach
how to remove barriers?
implement strategies to reduce stigma about disability
-> make community and team aware of rights-based understanding of disability and the needs/ capacities of persons with disabilites
-> peer support groups that include persons with psychosocial and intellectual disabilities
-> encourage people with disabilities and front- line staff to dialogue, exchange ideas and share their knowledge
address socioeconomic barriers: e.g. lack of education, low income
how would you plan differently?
Rampe bei der Plattform bauen
Griffstange/ Geländer an Treppe bei Plattform bauen
Säcke nicht von oben herab zu den Leuten direkt geben. Hier im besten Fall eine Schlange machen und einen weiteren Helfer beauftragen die Säcke anzunehmen und einzeln zu verteilen
Toiletten/ Sanitäre Anlagen zugänglicher machen, nicht auf Plattform sondern ebenerdig
HelferInnen die alles schriftlich erfassen und Daten sammeln sodass jeder gleich viel bekommt und es gerecht aufgeteilt wird und schriftlich festgehalten wird
how do we achieve meaningful participation ( of people with disabilities)?
identify people with disabilities and representative organisations among affected communities
consult and engange in decision-making processes with affected population with disabilities
recruit men and women with different types of disabilities in your intervention
partner and collaborate with organisations of people with disabilities
what are the washington group questionnaire about?
6 questions about the ability to:
-> see
-> hear
-> walk
-> rememberance/ memory
-> selfcare/ washing and so on
-> language, communication, understanding
—> should help to identify disabilities or people in need of help or support
what is the twin track approach?
what is meant by universal design?
The design of products, environments, programmes and services to be usable by all people, to the greatest extent possible, without the need for adaptation or specialised design. Universal design shall not exclude assistive devices for particular groups of persons with disabilities where this is needed
what are the principles of universal design?
Equitable use
-> design is useful and marketable to all
flexibility in use
-> accommodates a wide range of abilities
simple and intuitive use
-> easy to understand
perceptible information
-> communicates necessary information effectively
Tolerance for errors
-> minimises hazards and adverse consequences
what is meant by “Reasonable Accomodation”?
Reasonable accommodation refers to the necessary and appropriate modification and adjustments not imposing a disproportionate or undue burden, where needed in a particular case, to ensure to persons with disabilities the enjoyment or exercise on an equal basis with others of all human rights and fundamental freedoms
"Reasonable accommodation" (angemessene Anpassung) bezieht sich auf Maßnahmen, Veränderungen oder Anpassungen in der Umgebung, am Arbeitsplatz oder in der Gesellschaft, die getroffen werden, um Menschen mit Behinderungen die volle und gleichberechtigte Teilhabe zu ermöglichen. Diese Anpassungen sollen sicherstellen, dass Menschen mit Behinderungen die gleichen Chancen haben wie Menschen ohne Behinderungen und ihre Rechte auf Inklusion und Gleichberechtigung gewahrt werden.
what is meant by “accessibility”?
The access of persons with disabilities, on an equal basis with others, to the physical environment, to transportation, to information and communications, including information and communications technologies and systems, and to other facilities and services open or provided to the public, both in urban and in rural areas
Was versteht man unter Enablers im Bezug auf Barrieren?
"Enablers" (Ermöglicher) im Zusammenhang mit Barrieren bezieht sich auf Faktoren, Ressourcen oder Maßnahmen, die dazu beitragen, Barrieren abzubauen oder zu überwinden und die Teilhabe von Menschen mit Behinderungen zu fördern. Enablers sind positiv wirkende Elemente, die dazu beitragen, eine inklusive Umgebung zu schaffen und sicherzustellen, dass Menschen mit Behinderungen gleichberechtigt an allen Aspekten des Lebens teilnehmen können.
Enablers können in verschiedenen Formen auftreten:
1. **Gesetzliche und Politische Maßnahmen:** Gesetze, die die Rechte von Menschen mit Behinderungen schützen und fördern, können als Enabler wirken. Dies können beispielsweise Antidiskriminierungsgesetze, Barrierefreiheitsvorschriften oder inklusive Bildungspolitiken sein.
2. **Bildung und Bewusstseinsbildung:** Programme, Workshops und Kampagnen, die das Bewusstsein für die Bedürfnisse und Fähigkeiten von Menschen mit Behinderungen schärfen, können Enablers sein, indem sie Vorurteile abbauen und eine inklusive Denkweise fördern.
3. **Barrierefreiheit:** Die Schaffung barrierefreier Umgebungen und Einrichtungen, die für alle zugänglich sind, wirkt als Enabler, indem sie Menschen mit Behinderungen ermöglicht, sich frei und ohne Hindernisse zu bewegen.
4. **Unterstützungsdienste:** Dienste wie Gebärdensprachdolmetscher, Assistenzhunde oder persönliche Unterstützer können als Enabler dienen, indem sie Menschen mit Behinderungen bei der Teilnahme an verschiedenen Aktivitäten unterstützen.
5. **Technologische Innovationen:** Technologische Lösungen, die die Kommunikation, Mobilität und den Zugang zu Informationen für Menschen mit Behinderungen verbessern, können als Enabler wirken.
6. **Inklusive Politiken und Praktiken:** Institutionen und Organisationen, die inklusive Einstellungen und Praktiken fördern, tragen als Enabler zur Schaffung eines inklusiven Umfelds bei.
Enablers tragen dazu bei, Barrieren abzubauen und die volle Teilhabe von Menschen mit Behinderungen zu fördern, indem sie die nötigen Voraussetzungen schaffen, damit diese Menschen ihre Fähigkeiten entfalten und ihre Rechte wahrnehmen können.
how to remove barriers:
RECU approach ( Reach, enter, circle, use)
all information about location/ use / content of services and so on should be in multiple formats ( audio, video, braille, written…)
short distances, signage, ensure physical accessibility
resting points, fast track lines, mobile outreach
ensure feedback and complain mechanisms are accessible to all
spread awareness, educate society
establish peer groups and front line staff to dialogue and exchange ideas
what are the sic questions on short set of the washington group questionnaire ?
Do you have difficulty seeing even if wearing glasses?
Do you habe difficulty hearing, even if using a hearing aid?
Do you have difficulty walking or climbing steps?
Do you have difficulty remembering or concentrating ?
Do you have difficulty ( with selfcare such as ) washing all over or dressing?
Using your usual language, do you have difficultiy communicating, for example understanding or being understood?
Answers vary from:
a. No - no difficulty
b. yes - some difficulty
c. yes - a lot of difficulty
d. cannot do at all
broad level, mainstream thinking
the design / outcome of a design that is as functional as possible for all
covers a broad range of needs
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