Four types
Surface UHI: pattern decides by geometry, radiative and thermal properties of surface facets
greatest during clear daytime conditions (in parts of citiy with little vegetation)
Canopy layer UHI: difference between near surface below roof air temperature in city with that one over non-urban landscape
greatest after sunset (air above urban cools slower)
daytime is usually small or even negative
sky view factor is inversly related to rate of nocturnal cooling (-> if sky blocked, canopy layer UHI is stronger)
boundary layer UHI: maintained by enhanced sensible heat flux from city (promotes mixing in lower atmosphere during daytime and sustains overnight (-> urban boundary layer is warmer than rural one))
wind transports urban heat well beyond built-up area
Subsurface UHI: forms due to transfer sensible heat from urban surface and infrstructure into the ground (heat stored subsurface represents accumulation of long periods, even decadal timescales)
UHI magnitude
depends on sky view factor and canyon aspect ratio and more (materials, geometry, …)
sky view factor shows linear relationship to max UHI
canyon aspect ratio relationship to max UHI magnitude
Diurnal UHI
cities heat up slower because of canyon shading and thermal admittance of urban fabric (at some point in the afternoon, cities may even be cooler -> urban cool island (doest exist for less dense/low rise cities))
UHI effect is strongest in the night (heat stored in buuildings is released + low sky view factor)
temperature in cities varies greatly (park, schade, surface, …)
Seasonal UHI
mean winter temperature is higher -> prevents cold-deaths
Urban effect on climatic phenomena
during summer more clouds and precipitation in cities
increase frequency of thunderstorms and hailstorms
due to surface roughness, aerosols and UHI
BUT most weather affecting citites is forced by much larger scales than city -> influences are only subtle
-> more enhancing than initiating
cities are moister (especially in autumn and winter) -> from combustion sources
Dewfall is light or absent (warmer)
-> warm and moist atmosphere and high pollutant concentration results in more longwave radiation
Design tools to improve urban climate
Tree services
vegetation provides very versatile services -> can control radiation (intercept 70-90%in summer) exchange, airflow, ventilation of air pollutants, air qualtiy, evaporation, temperature, erosion, runoff and noise levels
emit specific air pollutants, but also promote deposition and adsorption of other pollutants
varies with plant architecture (canopy form, branch and root systems) and physiology (species, age, health)
seperating traffic
Deciduous vs. confierous trees
Decidious are ideal in high latitudes -> sunlight in winter and shade in summer:
summer: 70-90% interception of radiation
winter: 20-50% interception of radiation
Coniferous: intercept 70-90% the whole year (can clean the air all year around
Urban climate design
conflitcting demands!
value of H/W: sunshine (daytime warming), raduative heat loss at night (nocturnal cooling), shelter from the ambient wind and street ventilation (air quality and air flow)
-> values between 0.4 - 0.6 are good
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