What is the goal of the camera calibration process?
Determine the
extrinsic parameters (R,T) of a camera
intrinsic parameters (K plus lens distortion) of a camers
In what relation is the extrinsic estimation in camera calibration?
w.r.t. the world frame
-> absolute position
What two methods were introduced for calibration?
Tsai’s method
Zhang’s method
What measurements are required for Tsai’s method?
measure n 3D points with n >= 6
these 3D points lie on a calibration target (e.g. cube with chessboard pattern)
the points are measured in the world frame
for the 3D points, we also need their 2D projections in the image plane
in general, we use a single image
What is the general approach of Tsai’s method?
use direct linear transfor (DLT)
-> we create the system of linear equations for each 3D points and their respective projection
-> We stack these equations in a large linear system
-> we solve it using least squares using SVD, as it is overdetermined
! solution is up to scale, but does not really matter for our purposes
How do we create our M matrix in Tsai’s method?
2D points = K[R|T] * 3D points
-> multiply K[R|T] to get single matrix -> M
How do we get the Q part (known) in Tsai’s method?
Rewrite homogenous coordinates to pixel coordinates
i.e. lambda u / lambda
substitute both parts of the fraction w.r.t. our M matrix and the 3D point
-> i.e. for u: m1*P / m3*P; i.e. for v -> m2*P / m3*P
bring both on same side to have homogenous equation (right hand side is 0…)
-> (m1 - ui m3) * P = 0
-> (m2 - vi m3) * P = 0
=> for each point…
-> when rearranging the terms so that on left side is matrix with all except m and right is only m we get
-> [[P1 0 -uP1][0 P1 -vP1]] [m1 m2 m3] = [0 0]
=> write P out with P = [X1w Y1w Z1w] -> and stack for all points yields our matrix Q…
What is the dimensionality of our Q matrix (known)?
2n * 12
-> where n is the number of points
-> as each point provides.2 independent equations
What is the dimensionality of our M matrix?
12 dimensions
Which rank should our Q matrix have?
11 to have unique (up to scale) solution
What is the least square solution for Tsais method?
we have overdetermined LGS
least squared minimizes the sum of squared residuals (i.e. QM = 0 -> residuals are ||QM|^2 -> as not prefectly 0…)
What constraint do we enforce when solving for least squares in tsais method?
||M||^2 = 1 -> to exclude the trivial solution of M = 0
What do we do to actually get the least squares solution for tsais method?
arg min M ||QM|||
subhect to ||M||_2.= 1
=> Q = UEV where optimal solution is column of V corresponding to the smallest singular value
What do we have to do after solving for the M matrix in tsais method?
decompose it into the intrinsic (K) and extrinsic (R,T) part
What is the idea of the decomposition in tsais method?
as our K is an upper triangular and RT is orthogonal
-> we can apply the (generalized -> non square matrix) QR decomposition
decomposing M into an orthogonal matrix R, T and an upper triangular matrix K
=> orthogonality inherently satisfied…
What is a constraint to the points we can use for tsais method?
must be non coplanar!!!
How many points do we in practice use for tsais method?
use many more than 6 points (ideally > 20)
With what accuracy does tsais method work?
corners can be detected with accuracy < 0.1 pixels
What are the requirements for Zhangs method?
multiple images
3D coplanar points
2D projected points
What is the main difference of tsais and zhangs method?
one image
more complex calibration target
more images
less complex caliration target
coplanar points
Why do we use coplanar points in zhangs method?
allows us to set Z_w to 0… (as lie on same plane…)
Do we consider radial distortion (zhang and tsai)?
no, initially neglect it
How do we create equations in zhangs method?
similar to tsais
-> but leave z-row simply out (as it is 0…)
=> combine K and R,T matrices just like in Tsais
-> but now H instead of M
-> H is called Homography
How do we create the Q matrix in zhangs method?
the same way as in tsais
What are the dimensions of the matrices in zhangs method?
Q -> 2nx9
H -> 9
What rank must the Q matrix have to have an unique (up to scale) solution? How much conditions does each point correspondance intrpoduce?
=> each point introduces 2 contstraints
-> 4 non-colinear points are required
How do we solve zhang?
similar to tsai
-> use SVD to calculate homography
but: decomposition of homography differs…
Why cant we decompose the homograpyh similar to tsais method?
as we removed the z-row
-> R,T not an orthogonal matrix anymore
-> QR is not applicable…
How do we sole the decomposition problem in zhangs method?
Idea: Intrinsic matrix always stays the same, regardless of camera perspective (considering we have same camera)
=> each homography is different but intrinsic part is the same
-> use multiple images to first estimate the intrinsic part
-> then simply solve for the extrinsic part…
=> thus zhangs method requires multiple views
How many views do we use in practice in zhangs method?
spanning entire field of view of the camera for best calibration results
How do we solve for the intrinsic part using multiple homographies?
use prior constraints of rotation to derive formulas w.r.t. only unknown intrinsic part
i.e. write homography as matrix multiplication of intrinsic and extrinsic (rotation) part
-> reformulate formulas based on
norm of rotation = 1
individual rotation parts are orthogonal to each other => r1Tr2 = 0
again use SVD to solve for the intrinsic part in the above creates LGS
What are the individual steps of zhangs method?
get multiple images with measured 3D poitns and 2D projections
For each, compute the Homography
Based on rotation constraints, use the homographies to formulate a LGS we can solve for the intrinsic part
as the intrinsic part is the same for each homography
After obtaining the intrinsic part, use the LGS to compute the extrinsic part
Project the result (extrinsic) from the matrix space to the SO(3) manifold to fulfill the rotation matrix constraints
What is the overarching process in zhangs method?
compute initial intrinsic parameters
initially: distortion set to 0
estimate initial extrinsic parameters as if the intrinsic have been already known
run gradient descent to minimize reprojection error
to jointly optimize/estimate intrinsic, extrinsic and distortion parameters
What is the reprojection error?
euclidean distance in pixels
between observed image point and corresponding 3D point reprojected onto camera frame
How does one minimize the reprojection error?
with the sum of squared distances
between the real imate point (measired initially) and the reprojected one with current parameters (rotation,translation, radial distortion, intrinsic) using pinhole model
=> using i.e. zhang for the initial guess for these parameters…
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