What is the problem formulation in 2D-2D geometry?
Estimate the Rotation and Translation from 2D potin correspondances (between two images -> relative rotation, translation)
reconstruct the 3D points
Can we directly estimate R,T from 3D points?
-> need 2D point correspondances
What steps are there to solve our problem formulation?
estimate the R,T from 2D point correspondances
Use this estimation to triangulate the 3D points for reconstruction (i.e. least square plus reprojection error minimization)
What do we have given for our problem?
n point correspondances (2D)
calibration matrix
How do we handle that we do not use the global frame in our problem?
we have two cameras
usually emply left-camera frame as reference coordinate frame
=> i.e. 3D points are assumed to be provided in left camera frame coordinates
-> R,T for this is [I|0]
What is scale ambiguity?
We cannot tell the difference between rescaled scenes
based on the image coordinates
=> pinhole: size inverse proportional to distance
-> ambiguity when we both scale size and distance in the same way…
What is the effect of scale ambiguity to the monocular case?
not possible to recover absolute scale of scnee
-> can only solve up to scale
=> thus have only 5 degrees of freedom
three for rotation
two for translation (up to scale)
direction but not norm(distance)
How many points do we need to solve our problem given the scale ambiguity?
each correspondance yields 4 knowns
-> u,v for left, u,v, for right camera
we have 5+3n unknowns
5 for motion up to scale (i.e. 3 rotation, 2 translation)
3 for each point (3D coordinates)
4n >= 5n+3
=> n >= 5
=> we need at least 5 point correspondances
What is the epipolar plane?
we have two camera centers and the respective corresponding poitns
projection ray through camera center and their respective points determine the epipolar plane
What are epipilar lines?
intersection of epipolar plane with image planes
How can we “create” the epipolar line?
back projected ray of p onto the other camera image
-> line from camera center through point
each point on that line projected onto the other image plane
-> dots form a line…
What are the epipoles?
projection of the camera center of the other camera onto the image plane
What is the difference between projection and backprojection?
from 3D poitn onto image plane
from camera center through point on image frame back into 3D space
How do we get our essential matrix to derive the rotation and translation between two cameras?
assume we have normalized image coordinate points p2 right camera and p1 for left camera
they are orthogonal to the normal of the epipolar plane
-> can derive set of equations
normal of epipolar plane is the same as the crossproduct between translation and the left camera point p1
As we want to use our left camera frame, we have to rotate the left camera point p1
We can then refomulate it using skew symmetric matrix to get
=> where R and T can be computed from E…
What is the difference between the essential and fundamental matrixß
makes use of normalized image coordinates
makes use of unnormalized image coordinates
What is an advantage of using the fundamental matrix?
can directly work on ordinary image plane instead of normalized image plane
How do we get the fundamental matrix?
What two methods do we differentiate to solve our problem?
eight point method
essential and fundamental matrix
five-point mehtod
essential matrix
How do we solve the 8-point mehtod?
each pair of correspondances provides linear equation
we can rewrite this to:
-> i.e. simply write out above formula…
=> rewrite this to Q*E (where left hand side are stacked uv parts, and E is the e-vector
solve minimal solution or over-determined solution
decompose E into R and T
What does the 8-ppint mehtod assume? Is this true?
all entries of E are independent
-> not true as for calibrated case, depend on only 5 parameters (R, T up to scale)
=> 5-point algo takes this into consideration…
What is the minimal solution of our 8-point mehtod?
Our Q matrix should have rank 8 (up to scale to solve 9dim Q matrix)
differently scaled E matrices lead to same result up to scale
-> i.e. 8 points as each provides 1 equation
What is our over-determined solution?
n> 8 points
minimize ||QE||^2 subject to constraint ||E||^2 = 1
=> solution is eigenvector correspoinding to smallest eigenvalue of matrix QTQ
How do we sovel our fundamental matrix?
same as essential matrix…
What is a problem in our eight-point method when using our fundamental matrix?
orders of magnitude difference between column of data matrix (as we wor directly on image coords…)
-> least squares method yields poor results
=> poor numerical conditioning makes results very sensitive to noise
How can we overcome the problem of different orders of magnitude in our fundamnetal matrix?
use normalized 8-point method
=> i.e. rescaling the data
How do we rescale in the normalized 8-point mehtod?
rescale so that
centroid is 0
standard deviation is sqrt(2)
How do we integrate the rescaling in the 8-point method?
calculate mean and variance
rescale each point with
as matrix:
What are the steps in the normalized 8-point mehtod?
normalize the correspondances
estimate normalized fundamental matrix with 8-point mehtod and normalized correspnodances
unnormalize the fundamental matrix to get the regular fundamental matrix
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