Maxims of Equity
Equity acts in personam
He who comes in to Equity must come with clean hands
Equity will not allow a statute to be used as cloak for fraud
When equities are equal the law will prevail
Equity does not punish
UK Constitution
not one written document, but a set of rules called “conventions” and “Royal Prerogatives” along with variety of historical documents
1789 US Constitution entered into force (drafted in 1787)
1689 Bill of Rights in Egland which contains rights of Parliament against monarch
1791 US Bill of Rigths
constitutional conventions
ungeschriebenes Verfassungsgewohnheitsrecht (UK)
rules on the operation of government
rule of law
in etwa: Rechtsstaatsgrundsatz
to assert
geltend machen
to vest and to grant
vest -> Befugnisse verleihen (vested = wohlerworben (Recht))
grant -> Befuhnisse übertragen
sinnvoll, zweckdienlich
X v Z; X v. Z
in England v stands alone and is “and”
in US v. stand with dot and is “versus”
landmark decisisons establishing judicial review
Marbury v. Madison (1803)
Entick v Carrington (1765)
legislative process
reading, passage and adoption
Sources of Britihs Constitutional Law
Magna Charta (1215)
Petition of Rights (1628)
Bill o Rights (1689)
Act of Union (1707)
Royal Prerogatives
European Convention on Human Rights (HR Act 1998)
unwritten customary law
case laf of House of Lords and since 2009 UK Supreme Court
clauses US Consitution
Article I: War Powers, Commerce, Impeachment, Necessary & Proper
Art II: State of the Union
Art VI: Supremacy
Amend. 10: vertical seperation of powers
civil liberties
can be found in a broader sense as a synonym for fundemental rights, but it sometimes only refers to fundamental rights in a socio-political context, such as right to vote or right to unionize
civil rights
used in US
focuses on the right to be protected against unequal treatment and to a large degree goes bacl to Civl Rights Movement of the 60s
freedom of establishment, of association
est.: Niederlassungsfreiheit
assc: Vereinigungsfreiheit
indictment and presentment
indic.: Anklageschrift
present.: Antrag Grand Jury auf Anklageerhebung
to levy
erheben (Steuern, Abgaben)
to pass upon
urteilen über
to abridge
to emancipate
rechtlich gleichstellen
major decisions
Brown v. Board of Education (1954) -> segregation in school (abolsihing seperate but equal established in 1896 in Plessy v. Ferguson)
Miranda v. Arizona (1966) -> Miranda Rights (5th Amendment)
Lawrence v. Texas (2003) -> decriminalization of homosexuality
Engel v. Vitale (1962) -> voluntary school prayers violate 1st Amendment
habeas corpus
a writ requiring a person under arrest to be brought before a judge or into court, especially to secure the person's release unless lawful grounds are shown for their detention.
Rights and principles in Us Consitution
Gleichheit -> Amend. 14
Diskriminierungsverbot bei Ausübung Wahlrecht -> Amend. 15
vertikale Gewaltenteilung -> Amend. 10
ius soli-Grundsatz für US-Amerikanische Staatsbürgerschaft -> Amend. 14
Amendm 4 and Amendm 7
4: Search and Seizure
7: Trial by Jury (Civil)
Amend 13 and Amwend 8
13: Abolition of Slavery
8: Excessive Bail, Cruel and Unusual Punishment
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