What is a prominent combination of 2D-2D and 3D-2D?
alternatively estimate camera pose
and (triangulate/reconstruct) 3D points
in monocular or stereo camera mode
What are the steps we perform in the monocular case?
pose initialization based on 2D-2D correspondance (-> find relative pose); left camera frame trated as global world frame
use the estimated camera pose and 2D-2D correspondances to triangulate initial 3D points
use 3D-2D correspondances to estimate camera pose of current frame (absolute -> i.e. w.r.t world)
use this absolute pose and new 2D-2D correspondances to triangulate new 3D points -> directly in world frame…
use new 3D-2D correspondances to further estimate pose of new frame
How do we perform the initial step in the monocular case?
goal: estimate relative pose between first camera (world frame) and second camera
-> use 5-Point or 8-Point RANSAC
then triangulate 3D point based on estimated pose
What is a probelm in the first step and how do we fix it?
scale ambiguity
-> simply determine initial scale and continue on with it… (-> i.e. normalize translation vector)
What is a result of normalizing the translation vector?
the larger the norm
-> the larger the point cloud
How do we perform the second step in the monocular case?
given a 3D point cloud and already associated 2D points (i.e. we have 3D-2D correspondances or already searched for them…)
determine the absolute pose of the new view
scale of extrinsic parameters aligned to pre-defined scale of reconstructed 3D points…
How do we perform the third step in monocular case?
use the estimated absolute camera pose to triangulate new 3D points in the world frame
use 3D-2D correspondences to estimate the absolute pose of the fourth frame
What are the “headlines” of the individual steps in the monocular pipeline?
absolute pose estimation from 3D-2D point correspondences
incremental 3D reconstruction an and absolute pose estimation
third step for next one…
What is the idea of alternately reconstructing 3D points and estimating new camera pose with a stereo camera?
as we know depth -> need no triangulation
use two images to create local map (-> based on disparity of dense 2D-2D correspondances)
align this local map to the points in the world frame (i.e. an incomplete global map) -> based on 3D-3D correspondaences to estimate absolute camera pose (ICP)
transform the reconstructed global map to the world frame -> to increment the global 3D map
=> by this, we gradually extend our (point cloud) global 3D map
So what is the general advantage of stereo cameras compared to monoculars?
stereo: can directly apply 3D-3D
monocular: need pipeline of 2D-2D; 3D-2D; 3D-3D…
How can we combine single-view and 2D-2D in the monocular case?
=> used in man-made environments (where we can apply our city models e.g. manhattan)
-> perform camera pose estimation
-> perform camera pose optimization
How can we exploit our man made environment constraints in single view 2D-2D monocular?
same dominant directions should be observable in different images without any overlap (i.e. dominant directions do not suddenly change at some other place…)
=> this is a global constraint compared to feature correspondences
-> as feature correspondences are only provide local constraints!
How can we actually perform camera pose estimation in 2D-2D single view monocular?
use geometric contraints
-> compute dominant directions from camera frame
-> align these with a relative rotation between the camera frames
!!!! we do not consider estimating the rotation here!!!
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