Adaptive Random Testing + process
General idea: failure-causing inputs can occur as point, strip or block patterns
Evenly spread out test cases in the input domain to more quickly find strip and block patterns
Generate set of candidate test cases (randomly selected from input domain)
Choose test case farthest away from already executed ones
Execute test case and repeat if no failure was found
Common implementation of black-box random testing
Check for software vulns through dynamic testing
Automated generation of fuzz test cases with slightly abnormal inputs
Approaches to generate inputs for fuzzing
Random input generation:
easy + fast to generate
ofter rejected; often executes same paths; does not reach deep
Model-based input generation (RFC, documentation, …):
can deal with complex dependencies + input checks
costly; only applicable to certain target programs
Mutation-based inut generation:
effectiveness depends strongly on selected seed inputs
White Box Fuzzing
Utilizes knowledge of code structure.
Computes path conditions to find specific values.
Adds constraints while traversing the control flow graph.
More effective for specific input-related bugs.
Grey Box Fuzzing
Balances effectiveness and scalability.
add interesting test inputs to seed corpus and also prioritize them (“evolutionary fuzing) using fitnes metrics
lightweight program instrumentation to trace runtime information for each input
More scalable than white box and more effective than black box fuzzing.
Quickcheck (Fuzzing tool)
A tool commonly used for fuzzing.
Defines logical properties as assertions.
Generates test cases violating these assertions.
Minimizes input data for failing test cases.
Advantages of Random Testing
Saves time and effort.
Generated tests are unbiased.
Knowledge about software is not necessary.
Disadvantages of Random Testing
Redundant or unrealistic test cases.
Does not solve the oracle problem.
Limited to finding basic bugs.
Fault localization is time-consuming.
Not very predictable in bug discovery.
Fuzzing rule of thumb
Protocol specific knowledge very helpful
More fuzzers is better
The longer you run, the more bugs you find
Use different seed inputs
Best results come from guiding the process
Basic Fuzzing structure
Model of Weyuker & Jeng
Criterion: detect at least on failure
Assumption: We work with fixed failure rates
-> Tester has to know these (impossible)
-> idea about failure rates with Gutjahr’s model
Gutjahr’s model
Deterministic assumption favors random testing
if we assume equal (independent) expected failure rates instead
-> favors partioning testing
-> P_r between P_p/k and P_p
Lower bound for many small blocks and few large blocks
Upper bound if failure rate in each block mimics overall failure rates
Measure for “better”:
At least one failure detected
# of faults detected
Weighted # of faults detected
Random Testing
Uniformly draw from input domain.
Improved with knowledge about the input domain.
Simple approach but can miss deep issues.
Requires an oracle to verify outcomes.
(Dis-)Advantage of Random Testing
Very simple approach
cost efficient
can miss deep issues
Requires an oracle to verify outcomes
(Dis-)Advantages of adaptive random testing
Needs more resources/effort than random testing
performs significantly better (only tested on small amount of programs)
Types of fuzzers
Black-box fuzzers: Checks if fuzz test crashes the program
White-box fuzzers: Use heavyweight program + runtime analysis to drive fuzzing process
Grey-box fuzzers: Employ lightweight analysis techniques (e.g. code coverage)
Adaptive Partition Testing
Split input domain into blocks -> random testing
iteratively execute tests and adjust probabilities depending on outcome of test case
Often implemented with markov-chain matrices
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