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Bǎochí jūnhéng de yǐnshí, nénggòu yùfáng yíngyǎng bùliáng hé féipàng, bìng ràng shēntǐ jiànkāng zhuàngkuàng chǔyú zuì jiā zhuàngtài
Maintaining a balanced diet can prevent malnutrition and obesity and maintain optimal physical health
Héxié de jiātíng yīdìng yǒu hěn hǎo de jiāoliú gōutōng
A harmonious family must have good communication
Jiāzhǎng yǔ hái zǐ zhī jiān de jiāoliú zhìliàng jiù huì tígāo, jiātíng, qìfēn yě huì biàn dé gèngjiā héxié
The quality of communication between parents and children will improve, and the family and atmosphere will become more harmonious
Héxié de jiātíng huì zǔzhī fēngfù duōcǎi de jiātíng huódòng. Huì jiànlì qīnmì héxié de qīnzǐ guānxì, yě tígāo quánjiā rén de shēnghuó mǎnyì dù. Értóng de xìngfú gǎn, ānquán gǎn hé guīshǔ gǎn yě yuè qiáng.
A harmonious family will organize a variety of family activities. It will establish a close and harmonious parent-child relationship, and also improve the life satisfaction of the whole family. Children's sense of happiness, security and belonging is also stronger.
Chuàngzào liánghǎo de jiātíng qínggǎn duì měi gè jiātíng chéngyuán de xīnlǐ zhuàngkuàng yǒu zhíjiē yǐngxiǎng. Jiātíng qínggǎn qìfēn néng shǐ értóng gǎndào zìjǐ shòudào biérén de jiēnà, lǐjiě, zūnzhòng hé guānzhù. Ér jiātíng zhōng yǒu jījí xíngwéi de háizi, shèjiāo nénglì qiáng, tóngbàn jiēshòu dù gāo.
Creating good family emotions has a direct impact on the psychological state of each family member. The family emotional atmosphere enables children to feel accepted, understood, respected and cared for by others. On the other hand, children with positive behaviors in the family have strong social skills and high peer acceptance.
Zhōngguó jiātíng gèng qiángdiào jiātíng chéngyuán héxié xiāngchǔ, xīfāng jiātíng zé qiángdiào jiātíng chéngyuán gèrén quánlì de bǎohù.
Chinese families emphasize the harmonious coexistence of family members, while Western families emphasize the protection of individual rights of family members.
Jiātíng duì lǎorén er tóng de guān'ài shì wúwēibùzhì de. Suǒyǐ wǔdài tóng táng yě bù xīqí. Shèhuì duì lǎorén er tóng yě hěn hǎo. Zhèngfǔ yě gǔlì niánqīng jiātíng zhù zài fùmǔ jiā fùjìn. Yě ràng fùmǔ nénggòu zhàogù xiǎohái.
The family's care for the elderly and children is meticulous. So it is not uncommon for five generations to live under the same roof.
The society is also very kind to the elderly and children. The government also encourages young families to live close to their parents' home. It also allows parents to take care of their children.
Zuletzt geändertvor 2 Jahren