Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM)
Analyze surface of materials in molecular scale
Use cantilever to measure surface roughness and mechanic
Feedback mechanism: interaction forces between probe/sample
Tip sample interactions: van der waal kräfte
Raman and Infrared Spectrocopy
Raman scattering: ineleastic scattering —> transfer of energy
Frequency of Raman scattered photons dependent on bonds of the molecule
Substance identification
Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM)
Bundeled electrones with laser to probe —> hit out some electones —> Diode measures them
High vacuum mode, low vacuum mode, Wet model
Measure elastic modulus, hardness etc.
Capabilities: Absoption, scattering/diffraction
Detect material structure
Small angle scattering and wide angle diffraction
Zuletzt geändertvor einem Jahr