Form of energy expressed as Watts W
Amount of thermal energy per unit area that a body or substance gives off or absorbs expressed in Kelvins K
law of thermodynamics
Heat travels in the direction of decreasing temperature
Thermal conductivity
Heat quantity that flows through a cube with 1m edge length in 1h by temp. difference of 1K (W/mK)
Higher density leads to higher conductivity
Conductivity is higher parallel than perpendicular to fiber grain
Thermal conductivity of air is the lowest —> water —> brick —> concrete —> wood
The higher the moisture content the higher the thermal conductivity
Influence of moisture content on thermal conductivity
Specific heat capacity
Heat quantity that is needed to increase the temperature of 1kg of a material by 1K
4x so viel für Wasser als für Holz
Higher MC —> Higher specific heat capacity; no influence of density
Thermal diffusivity
Rate at which heat spreads through a material from its hot end to its cold end
a=thermal conductivity/ (specific heat capacity * density)
Higher moisture content —> lower a
Higher density —> lower a
Thermal extension
a_w = length change / (original length * temp diff)
Materials increase or shrink with temperature
Length after increase:
Thermal expansion tangential > radial > parallel
Delignified Wood
Act as thermal insulator because it has higher density —> E modulus is higer
Tmperature and E-modulus
The higher the temperatrue the lower the E modulus
The higher the moisture content the steeper the curve down
Fluid transport in Trees
Adsoption —> Diffusion —> Desoption in pits + bound water diffusion
Water in cell wall
Between Hemicellulose and Lignin
Hygrothermal effect in wood
Temperature humidity regulaization in rooms
Wood releases heat if water is bound —> releases water if heated
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