Task: Assign a label to each pixel/voxel L(x) = S(f(x))
Info at each pixel: intersity around and in different modalities
useful and easy foreground-background substractin, preprocessing method for region of intrest
Determine the peaks of histogram to get usful threshold
Otsus threholding method using p: num of pixels in for- and background and intensity variances in groups:
Global thresholding vs. local
Multiple objects would require multiple thresholds
Pixels are clustered by features: intensity, color etc.
Idea: Automatically assign each pixel to one of N clusters
+ easy to implement
choice of number of clusters has a main influence
Methods exist to choose it automatically
Expectation Maximization
Same as k-means but probabilistic view
Model intensities as Gaussian mixture model
E-step: Assume likelihood parameters —> Soft assign labels
Compute p(c / I, params)
M-step: Find thebest mean/std to fit the assigned points:
Robust, outputs already useful
- initialization important, num of components important
Atlas-based segmentation
Template at a reference frame; provides information
Deterministic (world atlas); Probabilitic p(c(x)) brain atlas
Step 1: Align atlas to image using registration
Step 2: Start with a mixture model —> add atlas information
Posterior takes into account the atlas and the image intensities
Step 3: Optimize mean and standard deviation (no need to optimize for class probabilities anymore)
Much better segmentation, no randomness in components, used commonly, easily generalized to other body parts, can be generalized for other modalities, outlier class added to detect outliers
- lneeds an atlas for each body part, altlas is very important (diff. age, race, gender,…), image registration accuracy important
Multi-atlas segmentation
Use many different atlases and aggregate over them —> during aggregate weight atlases based on quality of registration
Many atlases reduces the importance of a single
Less likely to have bas registration
Slves some problems, highly accurate ,state-of-the-art
Often rquires non-linear registration computationally very expensive
Patch matching
Perform local searches in a sliding window manner
Spatial constraints - Morphological operations
Dilation: fill gaps
Erosion : remove islands
Opening: Erosion followed by Dilation
Closing: DIlation followed by Erosion
Spartial constraints - Markov Random fields
Formulate neighborhood consistenc in a probabilitic model
Punish inconsitency in labeling of neighboring voxels
Joint distribution of labels and intensities:
MRF: set up prior distribution based on Markovian property
Defined through energy; d is distance between labels
Probability distibution given the energy:
Z is normalization constant —> lower —> enforces consistency
Hammersley-Clifford Therore: Any probability distribution that satisfoes Markovian probertiy is a Gibbs distribution for an appropriate locally defined energy and vice versa
Segmentation via posterior maximization:
Simple implementation, effective
Solution deends on paams, conitions, could convert slow, complicated optimization
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