What is theoretical computer science?
It is an exploration of the inherent properties of algorithms and computation, independent of current technology. This can extend from “what is the best way to multiply two numbers,” to “could we use the effects of quantum entanglement to factor numbers faster.”
What is the difference between Theorems, Lemmas, and Claims?
Theorems, Lemmas and Claims are “true” statements about concepts we are trying to define. The difference between them is basically their level of importance.
Theorem - Refers to a significant result that we would want to remember and highlight.
Lemma - A technical result that can be helpful in proving theorems but is not particularly important on its own.
Claims - A throwaway statement we may use in order to prove a bigger result, but in an of itself is not very important.
Definition of a Data Structure
A place-value system for representing numbers or a set of instructions for representing objects as symbols.
Definition of an Algorithm
A set of instructions for performing operations on data structures/data representations. Examples of algorithms are multiplying and adding numbers.
What are the three parts of an Algorithm?
Specification - What is the task that the algorithm performs? ie. Multiplication.
Implementation - How is the task accomplished, or what sequence of instructions are performed? , The implementation may be the differentiating factor between algorithms. So for example, Karatsuba’s Algorithm and Grade School Multiplication both achieve the same specification of multiplying numbers, but they differ in implementation which makes them separate algorithms.
Analysis - Why does this sequence of instructions achieve the desired task, and, optionally, how performant is this algorithm? This may be described via a proof.
Why is Karatsuba’s Algorithm important to this text?
It showcases how algorithms evolve and therefore impact our efficiency and understanding of the world.
What is a high level explanation of the Karatsuba Algorithm?
Performing an O(n^1.6) efficiency in comparison to grade school multiplication’s O(n^2), essentially what happens is that it takes older algorithm’s deconstructed + abstract form of multiplying two n-digit numbers and reduces it from 4 multiplied terms to 3 terms. This is trivial for small numbers, but becomes significantly better for bigger numbers. To program this algorithm, recursion is necessary.
What are impossibility results?
Basically things that could never happen due to our understanding of the world via laws (ex. the computation laws of nature or the law of conservation of energy.) Due to the supposed impossibility of these things happening or existing, we consider these important as “negative results,” which help us enforce that these laws are correct.
How does the RSA encryption scheme use impossibility results/theory limitations?
The RSA encryption scheme relies on the conjectured impossibility of efficiently factoring large intergers to ensure security.
What is a definition?
A definition is a description of a concept.
What is an assertion?
An assertion is a “true” statement about a concept we are trying to define. Some examples of assertions are theorems, lemmas and claims.
What are proofs?
Proofs are arguments we use to demonstrate that our statements are correct.
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