
Pathogenität of Mikroorganismen

von Michael S.

3. What are mobile genetic elements (MGEs) and in which processes are these involved?

3. Was sind mobile genetische Elemente und an welchen Prozessen sind diese beteiligt?

MGEs = segments of DNA that have the ability to move or transpose within a genome. They can move from one location in the genome to another, and in some cases, they can even move between different individuals of the same species or between different species. Types:

  • Transposons = DNA sequences that can "jump" or transpose to new locations within the genome -> carry genes encoding enzymes necessary for their transposition

  • Insertion Sequences (IS Elements) = specific type of transposon that consists of a minimal transposable unit

  • Plasmids: Circular pieces of DNA that can replicate independently of the host genome and can be transferred horizontally between bacteria

  • Integrons: Genetic elements that can capture and incorporate gene cassettes, including antibiotic resistance genes, through site-specific recombination

  • Bacteriophages = Viruses that infect bacteria and can transfer bacterial DNA from one host to another during the process of infection. This is known as transduction.

Processes in which mobile genetic elements are involved:

  1. Genomic Rearrangement by inserting themselves into new locations within the host genome -> changes in gene order, gene disruption, creation of new gene arrangements

  2. Mutagenesis: introduce mutations into the host genome, potentially affecting the function of nearby genes. These mutations can be either deleterious or beneficial, depending on their impact on the host organism.

  3. Horizontal Gene Transfer (HGT) genes between different organisms -> facilitate the spread of advantageous traits, such as antibiotic resistance genes, among bacteria or between different species

  4. Antibiotic Resistance: MGEs frequently carry antibiotic resistance genes, allowing bacteria to rapidly acquire resistance to antibiotics through HGT

  5. Virulence: Some pathogenic bacteria can acquire virulence factors, such as toxins or adhesins, through MGEs

  6. Regulation of Gene Expression: MGEs can carry regulatory elements that affect the expression of nearby genes -> changes in gene expression patterns and phenotypic traits

9. Why is the determination of the complete genome sequence of a pathogen important? What can be learned from the genome sequence?

  1. Identification and Characterization: Genome sequencing allows researchers to definitively identify the pathogen and its species. It provides a complete genetic blueprint of the organism, aiding in accurate classification

  2. Virulence Factors: The genome sequence reveals the presence of virulence factors, which are genes or proteins that contribute to the pathogen's ability to cause disease -> Understanding how the pathogen interacts with its host and causes infection

  3. Drug Targets & Vaccine Development: Knowledge of the genome can help identify potential drug targets and potential vaccine candidates. Researchers can identify essential genes and proteins that are unique to the pathogen, which may serve as targets for the development of antibiotics or antiviral drugs

  4. Antibiotic Resistance: Genome sequencing can identify genes associated with antibiotic resistance, helping in the surveillance and management of drug-resistant strains

  5. Epidemiology: Genome sequencing allows for the tracking of outbreaks and the study of transmission patterns. By comparing the genomes of different isolates, researchers can determine the relatedness of strains and trace the source of infections.

  6. Evolutionary Insights: The comparison of genomes from different strains or closely related species can provide insights into the evolutionary history of the pathogen. This includes information about its origins, diversification, and adaptation to different environments

3. Which enzyme facilitates survival of H. pylori in the acidic environment of the human stomach and what is it underlying molecular mechanism?

—> Urease catalyzes the hydrolysis of urea into ammonia (NH3) and CO2

—> NH3 helps neutralize the acidic environment of the stomach by raising the pH around H. pyroli —> creates a more hospitable environment for H. pylori to survive and colonize the gastric mucosa

Molecular Mechanism: (NH2)2CO + H2O → CO2 + 2NH3

a. Periplasmic buffering

-> Urea crosses the outer membrane (OM) and then the inner membrane (IM) through the acid-activated urea channel (UreI)

-> Cytoplasmic urease forms 2NH3 + H2CO3, and the latter is converted to CO2 by cytoplasmic β-carbonic anhydrase (β-CA)

-> These gases cross the IM, and the CO2 is converted to HCO3− by the membrane-bound α-carbonic anhydrase (α-CA), thereby maintaining periplasmic pH at ∼6.1 (effective pKa)

-> Exiting NH3 neutralizes the H+ that is produced by carbonic anhydrase, as well as the entering H+, and can also exit the OM to alkalize the medium —> allows maintenance of a periplasmic pH that is much higher than the pH of the medium

b. FlgS TCS-mediated recruitment of urease to Urel

-> Activation of this TCS results in recruitment of the urease proteins to UreI

-> the resultant immediate access of urea to urease and the outward transport of CO2, NH3 and NH4+ through UreI increase the rates of periplasmic buffering and disposal of cytoplasmic NH4+

c. ArsRS TCE-mediated regulation of UreAB expression

-> At acidic pH: ArsS is activated and so ArsR is phosphorylated -> phosphorylated ArsR binds to the ureAB promoter to positively regulate the transcription of ureAB -> upregulation of the ureAB mRNA —> increase in urease activity

-> At neutral pH: ArsS not activated, unphosphorylated ArsR binds to the promoter of the gene encoding a small RNA that targets the ureB part of the ureAB mRNA (ureB-sRNA), leading to transcription of ureB-sRNA and consequent truncation of the ureAB mRNA —> decline in urease activity

Which drugs are used to treat fungal infections and what is their mechanism of action?

  1. Azoles (e.g., fluconazole)

    • inhibit the ergosterol synthesis (key component of fungal cell membranes) -> target sterol 14-α demethylase (involved in ergosterol biosynthesis) -> ergosterol depletion & production of toxic sterols from the accumulated lanostero -> fungal cell membranes become more permeable and unstable -> inhibits growth

  2. Echinocandins (e.g. caspofungin, micafungin)

    • target the fungal cell wall by inhibiting the synthesis of ß-(1,3)-D-glucan (which synthesizes the major cell wall component β-1,3-glucan from UDP-glucose) -> cell lysis and death

  3. Polyenes (e.g. amphotericin B)

    • bind to ergosterol in the fungal cell membrane, forming pores or channels that disrupt membrane integrity —> increased permeability and leakage of cellular components -> cell death

  4. Flucytosine DNA & RNA synthesis —> inhibition of fungal growth

    • is converted inside fungal cells into 5-fluorouracil (5-FU), then to 5FUMP, which is phosphorylated to 5FUTP and incorporated into cellular RNAs —> aberrant RNAs production is toxic to the cells

    • 5FUMP is also converted to 5dUMP —> irreversibly inhibits thymidylate synthas, therby DNA synthesis

  5. Antisense Oligonucleotide (e.g. Ancozan, Nikkomycin Z)

    • target specific fungal genes involved in cell wall synthesis or other essential processes —> binding to the fungal mRNA, interfere with protein production and disrupt fungal growth

  6. Allylamines (e.g. terbinafine)

    • inhibit squalene epoxidase (involved in ergosterol biosynthesis) -> disrupting ergosterol production -> affect fungal cell membrane integrity and function

  7. Thiabendazole and Benzimidazoles (e.g. albendazole)

    • disrupt microtubule formation and function in fungal cells, interfering with various cellular processes, including mitosis -> inhibit fungal growth and replication


Michael S.


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