

von 12DayFIsh

How did the Christianisation of Britain happen after the migration of the Germanic tribes?

  • Romans

    • 597: Mission of St. Augustine

      • Converted kings of

        • Kent

        • Essex

        • East Anglia

        • Northubria

          -> Essential to first convert aristocrats to have a chance at converting wider society

      • Foundation of Archbishopric of Canterbury and York

      • Country was almost pagan at this point

      • Wanted to make London the center of Christianity but failed, so it became Kent

      • Members of first mission (Augustine) directly involved in conversion of English (mainly kentish) people

        • Preaching at the courts of kings and aristocracy

        • Setting up dioceses

        • Founding monasteries, building churches

        • Estabilishing schools -> vernacular writing

    • 669: Consecration of Theodore as archbishop of Canterbury

      • Brought a lot of books and scholars with him -> Latin was spoken fluently for a few decades after his arrival in Kent

      • Wanted to strengthen school in Kent

  • Irish

    • 563: Irishman Columba founded Scottish School of Iona

    • King Oswals of Northumbria converted while in exile among Scots

    • Late 6th-7th century: Mission of the Scottish church of Iona

    • Christianization of Northumbrians

    • 635: Foundation of Lindisfarne monastery by Aidan

    • Aidan and Irish followers and their pupils re-estabilished Christianity in

      • Essex

      • Introduced it ino Mercia

  • Gallic

    • Mission from paris basin, Burgundy & northern Italy

  • Locals

  • Important Monasteries in Northumbria

    • Lindisfarne

    • Jarrow

  • 663 Synod of Whitby

    • Romans and Irish had different ideas about Christianity

    • Romans won -> Irish church becomes part of Roman church




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