Arithmetic mean?
weighted arithmetic mean?
weights can be for example a sample size
Geometric mean?
Harmonic mean?
How do the means relate to eachother?
root mean square?
Define the mode
The mode is the value in a row of numbers that appears the most
define the median
the middle value of all values ordered by size
the arithmetic mean of the two middle values if even
In which steps do quartiles, deciles and percentiles work?
Quartiles 25%
Deciles 10%
Percentiles 1%
What is the semi-interquartile range?
What is the 10-90 percentile range?
The 10–90 percentile range of a set of data is defined by: P90 – P10
mean deviation?
standard deviation?
Coefficient of variation?
mean continous function
variance continous function?
mean discrete function?
Gaussian normal distribution?
standard form of gaussian normal distribution?
cumulative gaussian normal distribution?
error function?
Weibull distribution?
culmulative Weibull distribution?
Propability of brittle failure?
Students t distribution for small sample size?
µ= population mean
X= sample mean
s= standard Deviation
N= Sample size
v= degrees of freedom (=N-1)
Students t distribution for N>30 sample size?
Estimation of population mean from students distribution with given confidence level?
tp needs to be looked up in a table
Describe the Chi-Square test.
x^2 = 0 means all the exspected and observed values are the same
x^2 measures the discrepancy
State the notation form of the true value with measurement error.
true value x’
sample mean Xm
uncertainty ux
How do you calculate the total error acumulated?
How is the most propable estimation of the uncertainty calculated?
Second Power Law:
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