What is the Organon Model by Bühler?
-> s = linguistic sign
-> Protruding corners: unimportant details
-> Dotted circle: "Supplement in the head"
-> Overlapping circle: things that do not need to be said (e.g. end of sentence); you can guess what the person means
The sender verbalizes his thoughts and expresses them.
Certain objects and circumstances are presented in the utterance.
The receiver receives an appeal.
3 main functions of language:
What is the model of the linguistic sign by Saussure? (Structuralism)
characteristics of the linguistic sign
bilateral (unites concept & sound image)
linear sound sequence of the signifier
psychological entity (Gegenseitigkeit: reciprocity)
arbitrary (relationship not logical)
What is the semiotic triangle by Ogden & Richards?
symbol “dog” evokes concept (e.g. four paws, pet, fur)
concept refers to “something” (e.g. a dog)
-> symbol stands for "something”
What is the paradigmatic and the syntagmatic axis?
paradigmatic axis
individual parts of a sentence can be replaced with another word
-> I eat a apple / a strawberry / a cake.
syntagmatic axis
sentence should make sense, have meaning
(grammar, articles etc.)
What are synchrony and diachrony?
-> certain point in time (snapshot)
-> through-time
What does langue and parole mean after Saussure?
langue = language system -> abstract concept
parole = actual use of language
What are descriptivism and prescriptivism?
prescriptivism: how language should be used (“correct” language)
descriptivism: how language actually is (describes usage of language)
What is formalism / generative linguistics (by Chomsky)?
-> distinguishes competence & performance
(one can have the competence to do sth, but might not be able to perform according to it -> e.g. grammar rules)
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