What are Services?
Intangible products
Often purchased with physical goods
Delivered in form/ acts/ deeds
performed for/ with customer
How does marketing services differ?
MKT Intangibility
Convey benefits of service
Set consumer expectations
Whether roof is done in 5 or 8 days
Characteristics of service
Intangibility (Unantastbarkeit)
Not difficult to copy
Displaying services & communication about them is difficult
Consumers perceive greater risk in services
Many services are difficult to evaluate
Perishability (Verderblichkeit)
Businesses cannot hold services in inventory (Bestand)
Balancing supply & demand is diffult
Consumers can’t return services
Mass producing services that humans must deliver isn’t possible
Managing customer satisfaction is harder
Archieving consistent service performance is difficult
Customers impact other cutstomers
Employees impact the outcome
Customer involvement is a must
Marketing for 1
Services have no physical presence, which complicates pricing & communication
Consumers often have trouble evaluating them
Marketing for 2
Companies should invest in resources & personal to deliver services at appointed time
Impossible to store/ transport services
Once a time of opportunity passes, the chaance to sell selvice instantly vanishes
Marketing for 3
Train staff well
Have precise performance standards
Measure service outcomes to determine customer satisfaction
Custhomers will rarely want exact same service
Marketing for 4
Service, service provider, customer are intertwined
—> Opportunity to create unique & memoreable experience for customers
Not possible to divorce production & deliver of a service from its consumption
What is “customer experience”?
The satisfaction a customer has with every aspect of a brand
through every service encounter across entire life of relationship
Pre- & post-purchase in services?
Rarely available with services
Tangible characteristics
Comparisons to expectations & alternatives
Most common with services
Customer Journey Map?
And when effective?
Visual representation of every encounter & experience a typical customer can have
Effective when …
Built from customer’s perspective
Include all points of contact (touchpoints) - digital & physical
Span full customer relationship lifecycle
What is Customer Lifetime Value?
Total profit associated with a customer for duration of their relationship with brand
Benefits of Loyal Customers?
Far less likely to consider competing service alternatives
Less price sentive
Open to purchasing other services form brand
Advocates for service brands —> lower marketing costs
Source of new ideas, suggestions for growing business
More forgivign of service failure
More profitable (good customer lifetime value)
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