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Definiton: Oncogenes are parts of a cell's genome that, when excessively activated, promote the transition from normal cell growth behavior to unrestrained tumor growth
Cause stop of proliferation in wild type cells ( if on contact)
Proto-oncogenes and viral oncogenes
Proto-oncogenes are genes that normally help cells grow and divide to make new cells, or to help cells stay alive. When a proto-oncogene mutates (changes) or there are too many copies of it, it can become turned on (activated) when it is not supposed to be, at which point it's now called an oncogene. When this happens, the cell can start to grow out of control, which might lead to cancer.
A proto-oncogene normally functions in a way much like the gas pedal on a car. It helps the cell grow and divide. An oncogene is like a gas pedal that is stuck down, which causes the cell to divide out of control.
Viral oncogenes transform normal cells by retro viruses into cancer cells
the viruses contain small pieces of human DNA
can be caused by shortenings or point mutations
Combination of oncogenes
Influences transformation rate
The massive overexpression of an oncogenes can cause a transformation of cells.
The combinatorial expression of several oncogenes often has a synergistic (working together) effect.
Often oncogenes controlling proliferation and affecting cell fate work together.
Proto-oncogene and Signal transduction
Proto-oncogenes encode factors of signal transduction pathways
Signal transduction
Signal transduction controls almost all cellular responses => key mechanism
Signal transduction can induce:
determination of tissue/expression domains
differentiation of different tissue types
selection of individual cells from
precursor tissues
Proliferation control
Targeted cell death
Cell migration
Altered metabolism
Intercellular signaling
Induction /Determination
Induction/determination depends on the competence of the target cell
All mechanisms of signal transmission depend on the
competence of the target cell
Thus, the same signal may have different "responses“ in
different cells
A gene can be activated by different signals. Some use the same pathways, others use overlapping pathways
Due to different additional factors (co-factors), the expression of the same gene has different consequences
Examples: notch signaling (lateral inhibition, lineage, boundary), dpp signaling (gradient: target cells have different competencies -> react different)
Principle: Cellular responses
Slow and rapid cellular responses to an extracellular signal
Principle: cellular response (fast and reversible)
Signal peak followed by revision (fast turn on/off)
Protein phosphorylation by a kinase followed by dephosphorylation by a phosphatase
Activation by binding of a co-factor: G-proteins with an exchange GDP (inactive) into GTP (active).
Protein complex formation: association at the plasma membrane
Protein activation by protein cleavage (Active for quite some time)
Change of subcellular localization: movement into nucleus (fast and easy reversible)
Release of second messengers: release of Ca2+ from the ER
Destruction of protein of the signal transduction pathway
Signal Integration
Signal integration and/or positive feedback loops cause an cellular response
Y makes sure that it doesn’t react on accident/ wrong signal -> needs combination of two signals (strong signal)
positive Feedback Loop
Sigmoids graphic
Positive feedback loops can induce an all or nothing response
Positive feedback can translate a transient signal into a persistent change
An allosteric binding requirement can result in a sigmoidal activation thereby inducing a threshold (example: parallel binding of 4 proteins required)
Negative feedback loops
can cause a requirement for strong stimuli
Make sure that signal is turned down after the peak
Negative feedback loops counteracts the effect of the stimulus (To create requirement for higher dose or to show an adaptation to a signal: the effect needs a higher dose for each additional activation)
Cell-surface receptors
Ion-channel coupled receptors
Heart pacemaker cell
Salivary gland cell (-> secretion)
Skeletal muscle cell (-> contraction)
G-Protein coupled receptors
G-Protein coupled receptors (GPCRs) form the largest group of receptors
• More than 800 in human genome
GPCRs are involved hormone, neurotransmitters, smell, taste and sight
All GPCRs have a similar structure: many (often seven) transmembrane domains
• An extracellular ligand binding domain
• An cytoplasmic interaction domain for the G-protein interaction
Trimeric G-Protein coupled receptors
All GPCRs bind to a trimeric G-protein
Trimeric G-proteins bind specifically a group of GPCRs
The trimeric G-protein couple the GPCR with a channel or enzymes
Activation after binding to the GPCR is based on the exchange of GDP with GTP -> exchange causes dramatic resolving and separation of subunits.
Both the a subunit and the b y subunit activate independent downstream signaling ways
The a subunit hydrolyzes GTP to GDP by itself, but this inactivation can be fastened by the interaction with a regulator of G protein signaling (RGS) the functions as a GAP (GTPase activating enzyme)
GPCRs and cAMP
Some G-proteins regulate the production of
cyclic AMP (cAMP)
The synthesis of cAMP is regulated by adenylyl
cAMP is essential for a diverse set of cellular responses
Adenylyl cyclase is also multitransmembrane protein in the plasmamembrane
cAMP functions as a diffusible co-factor of the cyclic AMP dependent protein kinase A (PKA)
cAMP is inactivated by the phosphodiesterases, thereby inhibiting the activation of PKA in the cell
cAMP activates protein kinase A (PKA)
cAMP effects mainly via protein kinase A (PKA)
The inhibitory subunit of PKA restricts the the localization of PKA
cAMP bind to the inhibitory subunit of PKA
The cAMP binding allows the release of the catalytic active kinase subunit
Activation of PKA = allosteric activation
Signalling through G-Protein coupled receptors via PKA
Activated a subunit of G-protein activates adenylyl cyclase
cAMP bind to inhibitory subunit of PKA
Activated PKA is released: It phosphorylates many cytoplasmic proteins -> cytoplasmatic response
Among those are phosphodieseterases that function as a negative feedback loop by inactivating cAMP
Signalling through GPCRs via PKA and the transcription factor CREB
Activated PKA moves in some cells also into the nucleus
It activates the cyclic AMP response element binding protein (CREB) by phosphorylation
Resulting in altered gene expression
GPCRs signaling: phospholipids
Some activated G-protein can stimulate the activity of phospholipase C (PLC)
PLC release the head group (IP3) of certain membrane lipids and the remaining Di-acylglycerol (DAG) in the membrane
=> both are second messenger signaling molecules
IP3 stimulates the release of Ca2+ ions from the ER which functions as a co-factor of Protein kinase C (PKC)
DAG activates Protein kinase C (PKC)
GPCRs signaling: Protein kinase C (PKC)
GPCRs signaling: calcium ions
IP3 stimulates the release of Ca2+ ions from the ER that can move fast within the cell
GPCRs signaling: calmodulin dependent kinase (CaM)
Ca2+ bind to calmodulin
Ca2+ calmodulin bind to the inactive CaM kinase
The autophosphorylation of CaM results in the fully active version of CaM
Release of Ca2+ calmodulin and de- phosphorylation inactivates CaM
Ca2+ ions bound to calmodulin bind to Ca2+ pumps that pump the Ca2+ ion backwards into the ER with a delay (negative feedback loop)
Enzyme coupled receptors
Receptor tyrosine kinases (RTK)
growth, proliferation, development…
kinases phosphorylate amino acids: serine, threonine and tyrosine
Mechanism of RTK
RTKs activate independent signaling pathways
Ligand binding cause dimerization and auto-phosphorylation of RTK
Adaptor proteins bind to tyrosine phosphorylated receptors
RTK Signaling causes many effects (examples: proliferation, growth, survival, metabolism, differentiation)
RTK: Regulation of gene expression
GTP bound Ras activates Raf kinase starting a phosphorylation cascade
MAPK/ERK stimulates gene expression via Ets and SRF transcription factors
Erk phosphorylates Ets
Erk phosphorylatesRSK
RSK phosphorylates SRF (serum response factor)
Ets activates together with SRF gene expression
Many regulated enhancers contain ETS and SRF Binding sites
EGF (epidermal growth factor) signaling
Loss of EGF Signaling cause apoptosis in Drosophila
Torso RTK signaling during Drosophila embryogenesis
RTK Torso is ubiquitous expressed
The ligand Trunk is only present in perivitelline space at the anterior and posterior end of the embryo
So Torso is only activated at both poles
Overlapping signal cascade: RTK and PKC
Signaling through RTKs activates PKC
RTK and PI3 kinase
Signaling through RTKs activates PI3 kinase
Phosphoinositol kinase (PI)
PI3,4,5 triphosphate (PI(3,4,5)P3) membrane lipids enable Akt activation
Activated PI 3 kinase synthesizes PI3,4,5 triphosphate (PI(3,4,5)P3) membrane lipids
PI(3,4,5)P3 functions as a binding site of protein with a pleckstrin homology domain (PH)
PH domain proteins protein kinase B (Akt) and phosphoinositide-dependent kinase (PDK1) bind
Resulting in the activation of Akt by phosphorylation
Akt has many targets among them proteins controlling cell death (apoptosis)
GPCRs and RTKs activate overlapping signaling pathways
Cascade: Rho GTPase couple RTKs with cytoskeleton
example of signalling cascade (exception)
Ephrin receptors autophosphorylate after ligand binding
Phosphorylated tyr of the receptor enable Rho GEF interaction
Rho GEF catalyzes the GDP to GTP exchange of Rho, which becomes active
Local activation of Rho cause a breakdown of the local cytoskeleton, resulting in the repulsion of filopodia of growing axons
beside Rho, also Rac and Cdc42 function as regulatory proteins of the cystoskeleton
FGF Receptor signal transduction
Fibroblast growth factor
3 signal transduction pathways are stimulated: Ras/Raf/MAPK path
Activation induces activity of various transcription factors
Gene expression of target genes
Cellular responses: Morphology, survival, proliferation
Signal transduction in tracheal System
FGF example (not detail)
Filopodium (highly dynamic) with FGF receptor
activation of Btl in the tip cell(s) leads to the formation of filopodia and laminopodia in these cells
The activated cells stretch themselves and with them the following cells of the stalk
Btl activation in the tip cell induces activation of Delta (Notch ligand)
The binding of the Delta ligand to its Notch receptor in stalk cells blocks change in fate.
The branching outgrowth stretches further by cellular intercalation, the cells change their position relative to each other.
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