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Groups of people who work interdependently towards some purpose.
Organisational effectiveness + 3 key elements
Organisational effectiveness: Organisational performance, success, goodness, health, competitiveness, excellence.
1. Open systems perspective
- Maintain a close fit with changing conditions (inputs + processes + outputs are aligned with resources available and needs of the external env.) → political, economic, social, technological, legal, environmental
- Transform input to outputs efficiently (coordination amongst various subsystems like technological, marketing, etc.)
2. Human capital perspective
- Employees bring knowledge, skills, abilities, creative thinking, and other valued resources → competitive advantage
- Enhance human capital by: (1) Developing employee skills and knowledge, (2) offer job autonomy, (3) provide appropriate rewards → improve employee productivity → improve OE (market/ financial/ corporate outcomes).
3. Stakeholder perspective
- Organisations endeavour to understand, manage and satisfy stakeholder needs and expectations.
- Challenges: Conflicting interests (profit vs ethics/ sustainability), organisational limited resources vs competing stakeholder needs
- Triple bottom line: Internal, external, owner
Organisational behaviour:
Studies what people think, feel and do in and around organisations, so that: (1) Better comprehend and predict workplace events, (2) adopt more personal theories at the workplace, (3) influence organisational events ⇒ contribute to personal success and organisational effectiveness
5 anchors of OB knowledge
1. Systematic research anchor
2. Practical orientation anchor → OB theories inform practice through evidence-based management
3. Multidisciplinary anchor → many OB concepts adopted from other disciplines
4. Contingency anchor → need to diagnose complicated situation to choose best action
5. Multiple levels of analysis anchor → individual, team, organisational levels
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