Three pillars of the German banking sector
Today’s main challenges in brief: 5 D’s
Digital disruption
Innovation is one of the answers (FIT & tasks of the FIT)
Innovation management within the DZ BANK Group
What is strategic leadership?
If you do something with not only today in mind, but also tomorrow. Not focussing on a short term gain but rather on the long term effects
What are personal examples of strategic leadership?
Language barrier preventing her from attending a higher school. Parents disagreeing with school (Strategic decision = Strategic leadership starts with your own mind.
(Wine example). Strategic decision: Continue being yourself & still having a career. Differentiate between changing yourself and being agile „Autobahn“ program in Deutsche Bank.
Strategic Leadership: Including and informing your team -> Getting them to stand behind you. Incentivize/Disincentivize certain actions
Turning your perceived weakness in your strength -> This starts in the head.
(Saudi Arabia example with women being disallowed from entering public building. Meeting CFO. Respecting their rules and staying outside. CFO embarassed -> Became an advantage -> Think about the team impact and not your ego -> Does it benefit the team
How to strategically implement change: Constellation of team doesn’t provide the languages to cover a certain sector -> barrier because of non-diversity. Implement change in a non-disruptive/long-lasting change. Get them behind you and support the change. Starting to hire from universities across the globe but not firing the existing members to meet a quota. This can take a long time but it doesn’t matter
What are DZ examples of strategic leadership?
Diversity problem: Soluting simultaneously having an older and younger person do a job. Older personal retires after 2-3y and younger person takes over.
Fine balance between respecting the culture you’re working in & leaving your own footprint (e.g. „Sie“ & „Du“, she offered to do it the more informal way and broke the hierarchy-barrier of offering it. Asses the situation if you’re imposing yourself too much of if it’s a desirable change for everybody)
Advice from Q&A
-Navigating cultural differences by finding common ground
-Bringing the best out of everyone
-Diversity quotas not in terms of female/male, but it rather brings diversity of thought
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