What can you do to control timlines and what are the disadvantages?
Hardware and OS.
Often not practicable.
May require industry support.
Instrument all software layers.
Graphics is not enough.
Avoid test interference.
Learn from Embedded World.
OS and HW often specialized.
What is the observation of frame counting 2?
Laborious method prone to error in the identification of the turning points in motion.
Temporal resolution: Multiples of video’s FPS.
Only few prerequisits
Quality increase using high-speed camera.
What are the results of sine fitting?
Superior results compared to manual frame counting with 500Hz camera.
What are the sine fitting 2 meassurement types?
Display moves with user, e.g., HMD.
Display fixed w.r.t. user, e.g., CAVE.
Fixed view and screen.
What are the properties of sine fitting 2?
No calibration requirements (as only the change in gradient expressed by each signal is considered) and the
High sampling rate (up to 44KHz) considerably higher than display refresh.
What is the idea of automated frame counting?
Derives from manual frame counting.
Identify a distinctive pattern of motion and then identify at which frame this began.
What is the observation of the automated frame counting?
Identifying a distinctive pattern becomes a problem of feature detection in the single dimension.
What are the goals of Usability VR Benchmark Suite?
Determine usability of input systems.
Provide standardized comparison.
How do we archieve the goals of Usability VR Benchmark Suite?
Play little VR Games.
Measure speed & accuracy.
What are the pros of user-centered timeliness benchmark?
Indication found that benchmarks provide an improvement over the analysis of technical specifications.
Measures what matters: effects on users.
Includes objective numbers.
Combines overall quality aspects.
Good for all I/O tests up to the application.
What are the cons of user-centered timeliness benchmark?
Excludes actual application.
Needs extensive runs.
No easy isolation of detrimental sources.
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