Self Concept Sources
Own behavior (Self-Percepion Theory, Actor observer Bias)
Remembering/Imagining Behavior
Responses (Attatchment Theory/ The looking Glass Self )
Comparisons (Social Comparison Theory)
Group Identity (depersonalisation)
Social Comparison Theory, Festinger
§ Preferably distinguishing information
§ Tendency/Focus towards Social comparisons even, when objective scales are available
§ Helps to motivate
reflected appraisal (The looking Glass Self , Cooley)
Interpreted reactions, imagined perceptions&judgement
Self-Perception Theory, Bem
§ Self observation ->Self infereces
§Only/Primarily works without prior knowledge or when ambigiuous (?)
§ Intrinsically motivated behavior ->higher diagnostic value
§ extrinsic ->not so much, can reduce (future) intrinsic motivation
· rewards only effective if unexpected or seen as a bonus because they can prevent or even diminish existing intrinsic motivation (overjustification effect)
Multiple selves(Markus u Wurf)
o -> Selves get triggered by social situations/ relationships/ roles
§ Self- construction is on the spot and always biased (working Self concept) <- only the currently relevant subsets are activated (Limited accessibility)
· Especially subsets that distinct the self from others (distinctiveness theory)
Function of Self concept
o Provides Identity
o Organizes (self-relevant) Info
o Directs attention
o Partner choice
o Self expression
o Self Regulation
- Coctail-Party Effect
o Selective attention filters all irrelevant information and focuses on current
o Attention always towards selfrelevant info – even if initially ignored
self schema, Markus
a mental structure of the self concept, (Point in network, eg. Independence)
Self- Reference effect (idk who Higgings, Markus ?)
o Self- related Information is processed more thoroughly , the self as “home-base and comparison standard”
§ People react faster (processing advantage) to keys that align with a schema in their self concept and reject non conforming keys quicker
§ They can recall past behaviors that align with their schema quicker
§ Ascematics take longer
self verification motive
helps to confirm /validate stable self
Selfassessment motive
o -> helps to understand self as accuratly as possible (self assessment motive)
§ Studies wether we are equally motivated to learn about our strengths and weaknesses vary
- Symbolic Self Completion Theory (Gollwitzer u Wicklund)
o If unachieved/ threatened (accomplishments are not enough to make me a cycler) to get reassurance; compensate ( the Bottle )
§ Titles/Lables
§ Talking about
§ Demonstrating behavior
§ Status objects
Relatively Stabel
Situational and based on experiences concerning selfworth contingencies (domains we feel are important and ueauseas measurement for self worth)
Internal domains more stable & healthy than external
requirenment for self-compassion
genuine high selfesteem
Cultural Differences self esteem
Interdependent Selves ( selfconcept/esteem highly linked with connectedness and social roles -> more context related but still consistent over ime
§ East Asia, (females, less strong) , collectivist cultures
§ Score lower on self- esteem (even when anonymous)
§ Equally positive self feelings and competence
Independent Selves (Selfconcept/esteem less linked to social roles and focused on distinctiveness
§ Western world
§ Score higher on selfesteem tests
People with connection to multiple cultures can switch self concepts when cued (cultural frame switching)
Sociometer Theory (leary, 2012)
o Selfesteem as indicator for social inclusion , helps to navigate social situation
o Social inclusion-> regulates selfesteem -> therefore behavior modification to get included
Hierometer Theory (Mahadevan, 2016)
o Social status (hierarchy) -> selfesteem -> ggf modification
Dunning- Kruger Effect)
Accuracy of self judgement
o Below average tend to overestimate, 3rd Quartile correct, top Quartiles tend to underestimate
- Self-enhancement motive)
General desire to enhance positive View and negate negative wiew of self
Ways to selfenhance
Actor-Observer bias
self serving informationprocessing
Attention & higher weight-> positive
bigger part in joint success
situation selection
attribution stiles by Weiner
stable, controllable, locus
o Self evaluation maintenance theory (Tesser)
§ Upward or downward social comparison
· Determined by closeness of compared person
· Importance of topic to self (wanna be good in things we like)
Self- Presentation
o Ingratiation; likable
o Self-promotion ; competent ( others sould feel respect)
o Exemplification; as worthy(er than others), dedicaded (others should feel ashamed/guilty)
o Intimidation; dangerous
o Supplication; helpless
o Self-Handycapping; disturb own performance as justification for failure or in case of success higher valuation ( I managed despite the handicap)
§ -> Women less less likely to use effort withdrawal as handicap
o Self transformation; testing different selves
Cultural Differences selfenhancement
o Collectivists show less self- enhancement (critical bias)
§ Not on IAT (implicit self esteem) -> may because of modesty Norm
o -> selfenhance less on individualistic traits, more on social traits (loyal, compliant)
Self-Awareness Theory (Duval u Wicklund)
o Subjective selfawareness ; acting as subject
o Objective selfawareness; thinking about oneself
§ Triggered by situations; eg. Mirror, public attention
§ Can reveal discrepancys -> inclines to self regulate (change) or withdraw from self awareness (escape)
Ego depletion
- self-regulation as an exhaustible muscle
o May simply be decreasing motivation or attention
o Even opposite affects ->initial self-regulation helps following self-regulation
o Self-determination theory (Deci u Ryan), how draining self-regulation is depends on whether reasons are external or internal
- Self Guides (Higgins)
o Actual Self
o Ideal Self: internal expectation of self
o Ought Self: external expectation of self
§ Different Dircrepancys ;
· Actual-Ideal -> Focus on reaching gains(Promotion Focus) -> happiness/ Sadness
· Actual-Ought -> Focus on avoiding failure (Prevention Focus) -> relief/ anxious
- Effects of too much self-awareness/regulation;
o Obsessing over Step by Step can disrupt proceduralized skills
o May lead to negative emotions if Goal is not reached
§ Can be fixed with self- distancing (not stop lookin at self just take a step back)
Identity negotiation (Swann u Johnson u B
- process to form self through give- and take interactions with others, start each time there is a new social context or person
selfworth contingencies
o domains we feel are important and use as measurement for self worth)
Three requirements for Self Change;
§ Change of behavior
§ Different response from others
§ Personal belief in new self views
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