Eligible for something
Nadawać się do czegoś
it means that you are the right kind of person to have something, for example, because you are the right age or you have enough money
the amount of money that you have got in your bank account
Bank statement
Wyciąg bankowy
a document that your bank sends to you. It tells you when you deposited money, when you withdrew money and how much you have in the account at the moment
Bank charges
Opłaty bankowe
payments that you have to make to the bank for using your bank account
a payment that you have to make to a professional person to do something for you
Transfer cash
Przelać gotówkę
cash you move it electronically from one bank account to another
Withdraw money
Wypłacić pieniądze
to take money out of a bank account
Current account
Rachunek bieżący
a bank account that you can use at any time. It is called a checking account in the USA
a demand for payment for goods or services you have received
Deposit money
Wpłać pieniądze
to put money into a bank account
Issue a cheque
Wystawić czek
you give a cheque to someone and you validate it by signing it
Przekroczenie konta bankowego
the amount of money you can take out of the bank even though your account does not have that much money in it
An applicant
a person who wants to ask for something like a job or a bank account
An ATM machine/the ATM network
Bankomat/sieć bankomatów
the machines that give money to bank customers (Automated Telling Machines). In the UK an ATM is called a cashpoint
An automated payment
Płatność automatyczna
a payment that your bank will make every week or every month without needing your permission to do it each time
simple and easy to understand
Subject to status
Zależnie od statusu
depending on your age or how much money you have, for example
Chip and PIN
Chip i PIN
the system of security for using cards which contain a microchip. You have to put your card into a machine and then enter your secret Personal Identification Number (PIN)
To validate something
Aby coś potwierdzić
to make something legally acceptable
an amount of money paid into a bank account
an amount of money that goes out of a bank account
a word for all the money that you recive from your salary or from other things. It could be every month or every year
a word for all of the money you spend. It could be every month or every year
a verb which means that you give something (often money) to someone else for a period of time. They must give it back to you
a verb which means that you take something (often money) from someone else for a period of time. You must give it back to them
Być winnym
to have to pay some money to someone else
A general word for money which you owe to someone else
Być w czerwonym
the colour we say your bank account is in if you spend more money from your account than you have in it
Być w czarnym
the colour we say your bank account is in if it has some money in it
Recive something within some time
Otrzymaj coś w ciągu pewnego czasu
Change PIN number at any ATM machine
Zmień numer PIN w dowolnym bankomacie
Eligible for a wide range of services
Kwalifikuje się do szerokiego zakresu usług
Check balance at any ATM machine
Sprawdź saldo w dowolnym bankomacie
Order foreing currency from any branch
Zamów walutę obcą w dowolnym oddziale
Happy with your account
Jestem zadowolony ze swojego konta
What is an account number?
Co to jest numer konta?
It is a personal number that identifies your bank account. No one else has the same number
What is a branch of a bank?
Co to jest oddział banku?
It is a local office or bureau of your bank
What is foreign currency?
Co to jest waluta obca?
Each country has its own currency. It is the money in coins and notes that people use in that country
What is an ATM machine?
Co to jest bankomat?
It is a machine that is often outside a bank. It will give you money from your current account if you put in your debit card and then enter your PIN number
What is a debit card?
Co to jest karta debetowa?
It is a card that allows you to withdraw cash from your current account or pay for goods or services electronically by taking money out of your current account
What is an overdraft?
Co to jest debet?
It is an amount of money that you owe to the bank because you withdraw more from your current account than you have in it
What is a loan?
Co to jest pożyczka?
It is an amount of money that you borrow from the bank for an agreed period of time
What does 'print off your balance' mean?
Co oznacza „wydrukuj saldo”?
It means to look at how much money you have in your bank account and receive a piece of paper showing that amount. You can do this at the bank's ATM machines
What does 'make bank transfers' mean?
Co oznacza „wykonywanie przelewów bankowych”?
It means to move money electronically from one bank account into another bank account
What is interest?
Czym są odsetki?
It is the amount of money that a bank charges you for a loan or overdraft. We also pay interest to you on any money you save at our bank
What is a PIN number?
Co to jest numer PIN?
It is your personal identification number. This allows you to use your debit card at any ATM, or to pay for things with your debit card. You must never tell anyone else this number
Account manager
Menadżer konta
Savings account
Konto oszczędnościowe
Interest rates
Stopy procentowe
Credit card
Karta kredytowa
Credit history
Historia kredytowa
Defaulted on loans
Zaleganie z pożyczkami
Identify theft
Kradzież tożsamości
Wpływy kasowe
Marital status
Stan cywilny
Arrears means money that someone owes to someone and they promised to pay it back by a certain date but didn't. For example, in January, Harry took out a loan and agreed to pay it back in monthly instalments. Each instalment must be paid on the first day of every month. Each instal- ment is £100. If Harry doesn't pay on 1 February he has arrears of £100. If he doesn't pay again on 1 March, he has arrears of £200.
How are arrears different from debt?
Debt is not necessarily a bad thing. Most people have debt. Arrears are always a bad thing. It means you are not paying back your debt on the agreed date
To accrue
Accrue means to grow or accumulate. We use the word accrue to talk about accumulating interest. In our example, if Harry did not pay his monthly instalments in February or March he now has arrears of £200. Interest is accruing on the arrears at a rate of 15%
Zuletzt geändertvor einem Jahr