GDP per capita
Gross domestic product (GDP) per capita is an economic metric that breaks down a country's economic output per person. Economists use GDP per capita to determine how prosperous countries are based on their economic growth. GDP per capita is calculated by dividing the GDP of a nation by its population. Countries with a higher GDP per capita tend to be those that are industrial, developed countries.
GDP in EU context
- Czechia is below the European average
- GDP in general varies a lot between the EU countries (highest: Luxembourg, lowest: Bulgaria)
- Luxembourg result is due to a statistical issue (only a few people working in L are also living there, this influences the GDP)
Trade openess of CR in EU context
- Several indicators: adds exports and imports in terms of GDP
- Czechia has a very high openness in comparison with US/Japan (but also higher than Germany/France)
- Trade openness always connected to the environment/ worldwide movements
most important export partners of CR
germany (31%)
Slovakia (8%)
Poland 6,5%)
- Key export partners are countries of EU
- Direct exports to Germany and Slovakia (often though Germany also exports Czech goods to Asia/US etc)
- Around 80% exports to EU
import partners of CR
- Most important import countries in EU Germany (26%), Poland (9,6%), Slovakia (5.8%)
- Outside of the EU: China (10,5%)
inflation development
inflation i CR was a lot worse than european average
also in all item HICP and overall index excluding energy, doof, alcohol and tobacco
2022 and 2023 the worst
harmonized index of consumer price
01/2023 inflation rate ?
almost 20 %
inflation momentum
czech republic vs slovakia
o Slokavia vs Czechia
o Current inflation is around 6/7% (?)
o Almost no difference between the states atm, not sure who will reach the inflation target earlier, both ok
inflation forecast
????in 2025 it will be around 1,7 - 2,5 ??
interst rate of the CNB monetary policy
- Rising interest rate of CR in 7/21 (CNB) – Czech national bank
o Continuity in increase until 8/22, then plateau
- Rising interest rate of CR 7/22 (ECB) – European central bank
o Continuity in increase
o ECB 4,5 % in 10/2023
- Prognosis: interest rate will decrease in 24/25
cost push inflation
- Price of oil and other commodities, restriction agains russia
- Global supply chain problems (covid, Ukraine war)
- CR very industrial orientated, industry is energy intensive, energy prices are high
inflation expectations
- Expectations about the inflation development in the next years
- Helps understand why Czech central bank had a interest increasing
- Public has to belief in the inflation expections of the central bank à persuade the public
- If the public believes that the inflation will be lower, the behaviour of the public will accommodate to the inflation expectations (self fulfilling prophecy)
- How to get this information? Possibility to ask people what they believe how inflation will develop and then work with statistical forecasts
- Inflation perceptions at time of introducing euro banknotes
o The inflation after changeover was perceived as really high (people were convinced about high inflation through the euro, so they perceived the prices as a lot higher)
o The measured inflation was actually a lot less
o Sometimes bad timing (expl. Croatia had high inflation and people caused it to euro changeover)
interventions on forex markets
- If crown is “too strong” (higher value of it) one should sell crowns and buy euros (or alternative)
interventions by the government to control de/inflation
- Exchange rate commitment (09/2013-04/2017)
o Inflation was really low worldwide
o To prevent deflation the central bank used interventions
§ Avoiding deflation – a weaker exchange rate makes imports more expensive
o Interventions: purchases of euros
o Interventions capacity is unlimited
- Preventing excessive volatility (05/22-08/23)
o Avoiding excessive weakening of koruna ( a stronger exchange rate makes imports cheaper)
o Intervention: sales of euros
o Intervention capacity: limited by the volume of foreign exchange
exchange rate price spiral
wage price spiral
Unemployment in CR
- Unemployment in CR is the lowest In EU (and below the average EU)
beveridge curve (!!??)
- (measure of number of unemployed persons against number of vacancies)
o Demand for labor was huge
wage bill
- ( real = income adapted to inflation)
o Dramatically decline of real wages (bc of the huge inflation)
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