Put the adjectives in the most natural sounding order:
red, Italian, leather, expensive
This is a picture of a(n) … sofa.
expensive, red, Italian, leather
Which one of these is incorrect?
Dieser vor 150 Jahren geschriebene Roman ist nicht einfach zu lesen.
This novel, which was written 150 years ago, is not easy to read.
Wir bedauern, dass das von Ihnen gebuchte Zimmer nicht ganz Ihren Vorstellungen entsprochen hat.
We regret that the room you booked did not meet your expectations.
This sentence is grammatically correct:
At the party last night, I met a very interesting French but ended up talking for ages with a boring English.
I’m pretty clever, but he’s even … than I am.
Both cleverer and more clever would fit, right?
Zuletzt geändertvor einem Jahr