What does leadership mean?
Leading people in a direction where it is better than before
Leadership comes in different styles
Undeniable recognizable
Thought leaders often live rituals and love routine (Steve Jobs)
Never change a winning system
Changing rituals causes irritation
From Boss to Leaders
Management styles changed over the years. Boss gives orders / Leader is involved and carries the business with the team
What are the differences between a Boss and a Leader?
The evolution of the employee
From past to future employees
Who are the employees of the future?
Generation Y aka the Millennials
Problem with Millennials -> You need to apply a different leadership style
And they are not as lazy as many people think
You need to respect their intrinsic motivation and their values. It Is important to adapt to Milleannials and their style of working and thinking
Leadership should help you/guide you in the direction you are designed for
They can be truly loyal when they are led the right way
Gen-Z & Others will need a lot of communication to work. It is important as a leader to communicate why you are leading the way you are
How to become a Leader?
You get a degree and a lot of training that tells you how to do you job. But once you get good at your job you get promoted to be a leader. Problem: There is no training to become a leader -> Leads to micro-management and toxicity.
That’s why it’s important to challenge yourself and look for training and development
Executive summary - You can’t lead without knowing the direction
Assess and evaluate the current situation
Create a meaningful and clear vision (Don’t start small, start big. Then do reverse engineering to see what it takes to reach this goal)
Explain the vision through story-telling and get your stakeholders on-board
Enable and empower colleagues to do the job right (You/Companies need to accept mistakes to grow - Company culture)
Motivate the team and be open-minded
Gather and give feedback so you can reflect on decisions
Install a devil’s advocate - challenge the project
Implement and execute
Listen. Learn. Improve. Repeat (It’s not only business or work-life balance. You need to feel like you’re going in the right direction with your life. You need a good company culture)
Reserve a little time without an agenda
No need for fear & Successful leaders empower people to grow
Don’t be shy to ask the questions that matter to you
Active listening
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