Why do we need research in PC?
1) Benefits, professionalization, advocation
2) Education, implementation
3) Better symptom-management
What is the benefit of implementing PC in nursing homes?
e.g. QoL, care satisfaction, well being, depressivity/anxiety
care staff (emotion regulation, coping mechanisms, competency increases, distress decrease, compassion fatigue
care has higher level of empathy
demanding and exhausting
tired, similar to burnout syndrome
Palliative care for nursing home patients with dementia (Chu et al)
outcome variables: number of days of hospitalization, number of drugs
cohort longitudinal study with follow up
from just one nursing home
most often used design methods in PC
cross sectional correlation sudy (no causality, just association between variables, cohort effect, generalizability limited)
phenomenological research (qualitative; unstructured interview, understand phenomenon which wasnt sufficiently researched alredy)
experimental study: CG and EG (random distributiion), varification of the effec of the intervention, blinding, causality, expensive, high quality study
quasi experment: researcher cannot influence the division into groups, patient receive a different intervention, problems: selection, measurement
cohort study/longitudinal: long term observation of the same group of people, disease development, observing the influences, expensive and timme consuming
ethnical aspects of PC
- Vulnerability of patients
- A personal moral dilemma
- Role conflict
- Unavailability
- Protective tendencies of staff and family
- The principle of justice
è All research must be approved by an ethics committee
- Our data showed that 49-53% of patients do not mind participation, for 41-48% it is even interesting or very interesting
motivation for participation
1) an opportunity to help others
2) contribute to society
research help
help yourself
Tools in PC
Assessing needs
assessing functioning
complicated grief
indidcation for PC (surprise question for physicians)
patient dignity inventory
How to deal with gatekeeping ?
inform about ongoing research
explain the general benefits as well as the specific benefits of this research
engage manangement
anable participation in an professional event
present research participation publicly
Center for palliative care - study aim & method
identify all possible ethical and methodological issues that researchers face
provide set of recommendations
method: systematic review, 17 includes studies
Center for palliative care
1) flexible recruitment (in person, flyer, different ressources, be personal)
2) context (cultural differences, also: youll work with vulnerable participants, built a study for those circumstances)
3) informed consent, optimal time (update consent if circumstances change, stable enough and find convenient “un busy” time in the day
4) sensibility (of the topic, prepare for emotions, prepare itll take longer with people that age and those topics)
5) boundaries (emotional borders, understand the role o researcher)
6)analysis : loss of data (missing data, drop outs think about when designing it)
take home message
Be flexible
Take time to explain study to staff and participants
Recognize participants´ contribution
Engage all stakeholdersin your research (already in phase of designing)
Be aware of emotions and boundaries
future directions of PC
• Findings might be empirically verified
• Challenges should be reflected in the training of researchers
• Researchersshould prepare for these challenges before starting the projects
specifics to keep in mind in pediatric PC
most common diseases in pediatric care
- Children development (interdisciplinary approach, share your knowledge)
- Conceptualization of death (according to death, adapt language and how you explain death etc)
- Different diseases (oncological and neuromuscular, genetical disease)
- The impact of family system (more support needed for siblings, out of the focus of the parents neglected)
Ethical dilemmas more difficult (parent decide for children)
- Care is longer in many cases
- Assessing symptoms is more complicated (atm developing IPOS for children)
- Multidisciplinary approach
- Community services have to be also involved (Bc normally care is longer)
perinatal PC
- Care for fetus before giving birth and recently after (till 7 days)
- The best interest of fetus
- Supportive care for parents
- Before giving birth: decisions up to the mother, afterwards up to the physicians
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