Annahme/ Assumption
Wodurch zeichnen sich umgrenzte Altersbereiche und wo liegt der Fokus?/ What characterizes defined age ranges and where is the focus?
Was sind die Entwicklungs_____ ?/What are the development_____ ?
Beispiel dieser Theorien/ Example of these theories
Anwendung/ Application
The classical (narrower) concept of development:
Development as a sequence of different phases or stages
Identification of defined age ranges
Characterized by one characteristic/task/typical developmental step
Focus on qualitative differences
Development phases (also: "development stages"):
Phases with special features that were not present earlier and later
Various theories about the number/function/meaning of different phases
E.g. Karl Bühler (1879-1963): Age typology of childhood: grasping, running, age of the why questions, the fairy tale age, school maturity
-> Sometimes used in everyday psychology, but obsolete in science.
Entwicklungs______: Zusätzlich zu Phasenkonzept auch Annahmen über… (3 Aspekte)
7 Eigenschaften:
Stages of development: In addition to phase concept, also assumptions about hierarchy, necessity of stage sequence, final/mature state.
1 series of changes with several steps
2 Purposefulness: Direction towards a final or mature state
3 Superiority of the target state
4 Irreversibility: sequence of steps irreversible
5 Qualitative transformations: more than just quantitative increase
6 Stages correlate with age
7 Universality: shared by all people
Kritik des klassischen Entwicklungsbegriffs
Criticism of the classical concept of development
(4 Kritische Punkte)
1. Assumption of a higher final level too restrictive (e.g. development of value orientations, interests; also decline in abilities with age)
2. Many changes cannot be described as a sequence of stages, but development nonetheless (e.g. influence of early experiences on later social behavior)
3. Assumption of universality problematic: only know a small part of the human population (especially historically), neglects non-universal changes (e.g. culture-specific practices, individual trajectories)
4. Difference between "only" quantitative change and "real" qualitative development is not as clear as expected (e.g. depending on the degree of resolution)
4. Often too descriptive, merely linked to age
5 Zentrale Elemente:
- Lifelong development (from birth to death)
Multidirectionality: extent and direction of changes are not fixed; include gain and loss (e.g. infancy: specialization/higher competence in mother tongue, poorer differentiation performance of foreign sounds)
Multidimensionality: developmental processes differ for various psychological characteristics (differential developments instead of one development)
Plasticity of development: is malleable, not determined, also change/reversal/compensation of losses
Focus on inter-individual differences ("differential developmental psychology") and (historical, cultural) contextuality
2 aktuelle Definition / 2 current definitions
Developmental psychology deals with intraindividual changes in behavior and experience over the human lifespan (from birth to death) as well as interindividual differences of intraindividual changes
Wilkening et al. (2009)
Development refers to relatively enduring intraindividual changes in experience and behavior over time.
Beschreiben Sie den klassischen und den (modernen) weiten Entwicklungsbegriffs und vergleichen Sie diese miteinander:
Describe the classical and the (modern) broad concept of development and compare them with each other:
Die grundlegende Modellvorstellungen von Entwicklung:
Wieso gibt es verschiedene Modellvorstellungen von Entwicklung?/ Why are there different models of development?
Worauf wirken sie?/ What do they affect?
Welche Bedeutung haben sie?/ What significance do they have?
Nennen Sie alle 4 und erwähnen sie die Rolle der Unwelt und Subjekt jeder/ Name all 4 and mention the role of the unworld and subject of each one.
Basic model concepts of development:
Understand / conceptualize phenomena differently-> think about them differently
Influence our questions-> different research
Practical significance: predictions are based on different information, interventions use different strategies
Transactional: environment active, subject active
Actional: environment not active, subject active
Exogenetic: environment active, subject not active
Endogenetic: environment not active, subject not active
Nennen und erklären Sie:
Früher dominierende Modelle (2)
Aktionale Modelle
Transaktionale Modelle
Previously dominant models:
Endogenistic model: development of an internal (possibly genetic) plan, timing and type of effect of external influences determined by internal plan (—> nativism)
Exogenistic model: development completely under the control of external influences (e.g. behaviorism)
Actional models
- Human being as (co-)designer of their development: does not react mechanically to the environment, perceives environment selectively, interprets and interprets
- Influence of biological (maturation) processes (e.g. puberty) does not have a determining effect, but is mediated by the self-image and the meaning attributed to the process
Transactional (dialectical, relational) models
- Person and development context (other people) have a formative influence on development, reciprocal influence
- Assumption of systemic relationships that go beyond linear effects:
* Symbolic interactionism (Mead, 1934): reciprocal influences in the negotiation of social roles, e.g. in family
* Reciprocal effects ("vicious circles")
-> Challenging in direct empirical implementation: in empirical studies we generally only test limited aspects of a
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Wie könnte man folgendes aus Sicht der Modelle erklären?
Hohe Korrelation (circa r = .70) zwischen Feindseligkeit/Strafneigung von Müttern und der Aggressivität der Kinder gegen ihre Mütter (Kagan & Moss, 1962)
How could the following be explained from the perspective of the models?
High correlation (approx. r = .70) between mothers' hostility /punitiveness and children's aggression towards their mothers (Kagan & Moss, 1962)
- Endogenistic: Genetic predisposition? Neurotransmitter imbalance?
- Exogenistic: Lack of learning experience / control by external environment?
Systemic/transactional view: developmental problems as adaptation problems
adaptation problem: expected developmental standards not achieved, typical 'developmental tasks' of an age period not performed.
—> Discrepancy/lack of fit between:
- Goals of the individual
- Potentials of the individual (competencies, dispositions)
- Requirements from the environment (standards)
- Offers (offers of help, resources) in the person's environment
-> discrepancies between goals-potentials, requirements-potentials, potentials-offers etc.
-> manifests itself (among other things): self-esteem problems, marital problems, parent-child problems
Diskutieren und vergleichen Sie die 4 grundlegende Modellvorstellungen der Entwicklung und nennen Sie die jeweilige Anwendung
Discuss and compare 4 basic models of development and name their respective application
Klassische Kontroverse/ Classic controversy
Ist die Frage sinnig? Wieso?/ Makes sense the question? Why?
Anlage und Umwelt: Was leisten die Gene?
Klassische Kontroverse über den relativen Einfluss von Erbanlagen und Umwelt
—> Was hat mehr Gewicht bei der Entwicklung von Fähigkeiten, Dispositionen etc.?
Die Frage ist unsinnig!
• Das eine kann nicht ohne das andere existieren, stetige Wechselwirkung.
• Gene beeinflussen Verhalten und Erleben nicht direkt; vermittelt über eine lange Kette von dazwischenliegenden probabilistischen Prozessen
Populationsgenetik/Population genetics
Was ist Populationsgenetik?/ What is Population genetics?
Klassische Erfassung/Classical recording
Annahmen über/ Assumptions about
Z.B. Annahme/ E.g. assumption
Heritability indices & More complex models
Population genetics (behavioral genetics): Estimation of the relative proportion of genetic influences on differences in behavior between individuals in a population (heritability).
Classical recording
- Twin studies (MZ-DZ twins), adoption studies (adoptees vs biological siblings).
- Assumptions (!) about (not) shared environment and (not) shared genes.
- E.g. assumption: MZ share 100% genes and 100% environment, DZ only 50% genes and 100% environment. Differences in Zshg. between MZ and DZ would therefore have to be of a genetic nature
-> Attempt to estimate the influence of genes
Heritability indices (estimated values), e.g. E2=(rMZ-rDZ):(1-rDZ)
Falconer formula: h2=2*(rMZ-rDZ)
- More complex models: Estimation of the contribution of the shared vs. unshared environment.
Populationsgenetik: Anlage-Umwelt-Kovariation
Nennen & erklären Sie 3 Klassische Modelle über Anlage-Umwelt-Kovariation aus der Populationsgenetik/ Mention and explain 3 Classical models of predisposition-environment covariation from population genetics
Kritik der Anlage-Umwelt-Kovariationsmodelle/ Criticism of the predisposition-environment covariation models
Classical models of predisposition-environment covariation from population genetics
Passive genotype-environment fit: Biological parents create an environment that corresponds more closely to their genome and thus also to their genetically similar children.
Reactive genotype-environment fit: The child evokes actions and offerings in the environment that correspond to its genotype.
Active genotype-environment fit: Children select those offers from the environment that correspond to their genotype.
Assumption: The extent of the three processes changes in the course of development.
Passive GOP is dominant in young children, the older the more active. Explains the reported increase in the H coefficient.
Criticism of the predisposition-environment covariation models:
- Genes influence psyche highly indirectly, mediated through many interaction processes with different environments: Idea of "fit" between environment and genes (as if they were two independently detectable factors) is suspect, outdated picture of development
3 Probleme der Populationsgenetik / 3 Problems of population genetics (n.2 Klausurfrage)
1) Danger of misinterpretation
- Results say...
a) nothing about individual persons and
b) nothing about the absolute expression of a characteristic (e.g. the statement "50% of my intelligence is inherited" is incorrect), but attempt to explain variance within a population
2) Lack of relevance for psychological explanatory models
- Values are not fixed, but change depending on the population or environment.
- E.g. if the variance of the environment is reduced (e.g. through a different sample), increased variance elucidation through gene factor-> without anything having changed in the underlying psychological development process.
==> psychological relevance of the statistical results questionable, say nothing about psychological processes
Probleme der Populationsgenetik: 2 weitere Probreme (n3= Klausurfrage)
3) Methodologically questionable assumptions, e.g.
- Assumption that stronger correlation in MZ compared to DZ can be traced back to genes alone, problematic: MZ are more similar to each other than DZ, therefore also cause more similar environmental reactions-> stronger Zshg can also be environmentally caused
- Assumption: adopted siblings share 50% of genes, but no environment, problematic: carried by the same mother, similar environmental influences (e.g. stress of the mother)
- Environments are not measured, only "estimated", can be very dynamic; "environment" is not a clear term at all, is always relative
-> Methodical misjudgement of environmental influences
4) Theoretical question is psychologically questionable
- Question about relative proportion not a meaningful question if process is to be explained/understood: variance-analytical results do not represent causal processes
- Genes act as one link in a long chain of processes (genes - protein biosynthesis - cell structures/cell processes - biochemical processes - metabolism - ...), each of which has conditional interactions with other processes (environments)
Sucht nach…
(1) In individual… individual ___ can have
(2) Search for individual… to explain the…
Repeatedly published…
Important distinction:
Molecular genetics: search for the influence of specific genes
- (1) In individual cases (clinical phenomena), individual genes can have massive effects (e.g. metabolic disease phenylketonuria: recessive anomaly on gene 12 -> missing enzyme to break down phenylalanine, leads to brain damage)
- (2) Search for individual candidate genes or a small group of common alleles (QTL) to explain the variance in typical development -> once the great hope of early genetics
- Repeatedly published individual findings, which are often greatly exaggerated
- However: findings inconsistent, individual findings hardly replicable==> to be viewed critically!
- Important distinction: What type of variance is to be explained? In (1) variance between neurotypical and atypical development, in (2) variance within typical development.
—> No support for historical candidat gene or candidate gene by interaction Hypotheses for major Depression across Multiple Large Samples
Erste Befunde/Initial findings
Problem: (5)
Aussage/affirmation (Rauthmann, 2017, S. 388):
Genome-wide association studies (GWAS)
- Approach: Differences in single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP; variation of a base pair in the DNA) should explain differences in traits and abilities
- Initial findings on correlations with basal cognitive abilities, weak/unclear correlations with personality
- Problem: several million base pairs in the genome
- Largely exploratory research, risk of false positive findings
- Extremely large samples and statistical corrections necessary
- Interactions cannot be mapped
- Provide no explanation of developmental processes (have understood nothing)
"Their contribution to the explanation of personality traits is still rather modest." (Rauthmann, 2017, p. 388)
diskutieren Sie kritisch den Ansatz der Populationsgenetik und ordnen Sie die Anlage-Umwelt-Debatte kritisch ein
Bild nur zur Konsultation.
Antwort erzeugen
Sensible Perioden/Sensitive periods:
Mögliche Erklärung/Possible explanation
Zugleich/At the same time (problem)
Benennen Sie die Prozesse, die der Konstruktion zugrunde liegen./Name the processes on which the construction is based
Maturation: Biologically (genetically) triggered, age-related developmental processes
- Classic explanatory concept of (early) developmental psychology, when universal new functions >apparently< cannot be traced back to learning
- Problematic concept: nothing develops without interaction with the environment (cf. transactional model); concept provides no explanation for development
Sensitive periods: P. in which specific experiences have maximum effect
- E.g. second language acquisition: high grammatical. Competences only in the first years of life
- Possible explanation: stabilization of dispositions and expectations
New things become less likely (= end of s.p.)
- At the same time: purely descriptive term; more precise explanations needed
Construction: Development as a process of building up functions that enable goal-oriented action. Ordered sequence of construction steps.
- Fundamental idea that further development builds on previously developed prerequisites
- E.g. in the acquisition of conceptual knowledge, sensorimotor skills
- Open task: Naming the processes on which the construction is based.
Beschreiben und ordnen Sie die Konzepte „Reifung“, „Sensible Perioden“ und „Konstruktion“ ein.
In einer fiktiven Untersuchung wird berichtet: „Ein Vergleich der Ähnlichkeit monozygoter und dizygoter Zwillinge legt nahe, dass das Persönlichkeitsmerkmal ‚Extraversion‘ zu 60% angeboren sei.“ Nehmen Sie kritische Stellung zu dieser Aussage. Führen Sie dazu drei unterschiedliche Gesichtspunkte/Überlegungen an.
Exam question:
A fictitious study reports: "A comparison of the similarity of monozygotic and dizygotic twins suggests that the personality trait 'extraversion' is 60% innate."
Take a critical stance on this statement. Cite three different points of view/considerations.
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