What is the best way to achieve wellness
Keeping the three parts of your triangle in balance is the best way to achieve wellness
Pysical health check is
i get a least ( 7, 6, 8) hour sleep each night
ieat………………. diet including a………………………. each day
ikeep my body,……… and hair clean
I do at least ( 30, 45, 60) minutes of moderate physical activity each day
I ( must, shouldnt, avoid). using or being around drugs, alcohol, other drugs
I see……………… and…………. regulary
Well balanced, healthful breakfast
Doctor, dentist
Mental / Emotional health
I genrally fell good about ( myself, yourself, themself) and i………….. who i am
I………. My feeling……….,……….. even i when angry or sad
I acccept…….. ………….
I have atcleast ( three, two, one) activity i enjoy doing
I feel that people………… and………… me
I like to learn new……… and develops new…….informa
express clearly, clamly… angry or sad
helpful criticism
Like and acccept
information, skills
Soical healh
1.Ihave at least ( one, two) close friend
2.I………….and………. for my family and friends
3.Iknow how to…….. with someone without getting………….
4.Iam a good………………..
5.Iget………………. from others when i need it
6.I say (yes, no) if people as me to do something…………. or………….
2.respect and care
3.disagree, angry
5.no, harmful or wrong
What is a wellness is a
is a stste of well being or balanced health
How to achieve a high level of wellness bu
By making good decision and practicting healthful decision each day
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